满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When you get tense(紧张的) about something ...

When you get tense(紧张的) about something that happens in your life, you are experiencing stress. Too much stress can cause anger, depression and other related symptoms, which you need to seriously look into.

The following are simple ways that can be used to deal with stress.

Be Gentle with Yourself

There are times when you are not fair to yourself. Often you are harder on yourself than you are of other people. If you can learn to accept yourself just the way you are, especially unconditionally, this would reduce the pressure you apply to yourself.


Go for a walk. Go to the shops. You can join a local walk, swim or jog team. If you are tired out from doing housework and haven`t left your workstation, have a stretch. Change your environment for an hour or so.

Stop Comparing Yourself with Others

Often you don`t realize that a great deal of unhappiness is caused by constant comparisons you make. You says, “if only I had a big house like she was…”, “if only my husband were as rich as hers…” The comparison is endless. The only comparison that counts is the comparison between where you were and where you are now . By all means, admire others, congratulate them and be proud of their achievements, but remind yourself that only you can decide the standard(标准) you want to set for yourself.

Talk the Stress Out

Sometimes it helps to share or talk about your stress to close friends or family members. The other person`s active listening can help.

1.The passage is mainly about________. 

A. doing exercise is good for you health

B. how to deal with stress in life

C. comparing yourself with others is wrong

D. how to lead a happy life in daily life

2.According to the fifth paragraph, we should________. 

A. make comparisons with others constantly

B. remind yourself that you`re unhappy

C. compare with yourself instead of others

D.set the standard of happiness

3.What can we learn from the passage?  

A. Comparing with others makes us happy.

B. Too much stress is bad for our health

C. Others put much pressure on us.

D. Talking out our stress might dangerous


1.B 2.C 3.B 【解析】 试题分析: 在生活中,人们或多或少地会感受到生活中来自方方面面的压力。过多的压力会让人容易发怒,会造成抑郁,影响人们的健康。在本文中作者介绍了一些缓解 的方法。比如多参加锻炼,不要总是拿自己和别人去比较,多和别人交流等等。 1.主旨大意题。在文章开头段作者指出生活中压力会对人健康有影响,然后提出The following are simple ways ,that can be used to deal with stress.然后从几方面分别介绍了缓解压力的方法,故文章中心内容是如何处理压力,选B。 2.细节理解题。根据第五段标题Stop Comparing Yourself with Others和本段首句Often you don`t realize that a great deal of unhappiness is caused by constant comparisons you make.可知答案选A。 3.细节理解题。根据文章首段中Too much stress can cause anger, depression and other related symptoms,可知压力会给人带来很多健康问题,选B。 考点:考查社会生活类短文阅读

I am ex-navy officer(前海军官员) and now working as a primary school volunteer teacher in Chiang Rai. Our school is located in the most northern part of Thailand.

I used to teach according to my plan and in addition I had to take care of students` safety. Early this month(November) we all needed to put on our light jacket to prevent cool weather. One morning during the first break I saw a group of primary level boys were playing police and thief game. They were a playing with a plastic pistol(手枪), which can shoot with plastic balls. It seemed to me very dangerous for their eyes. Immediately I called them and ask to hand over their toy gun. I placed it between my back bone and waist belt. No one can see it because it is under my light jacket.

In the afternoon I needed to pay my house electric bill and I had to withdraw some money from Kung Thai Bank. I walked into the bank and sat in waiting chair with other customers. I relaxed my back to the seat and then I realized that toy gun in my body. Oh, God! I made a big mistake because it is gun forbidden area. I looked around and my eyes met with the guards eyes.

I became sweating and couldn`t move from my seat until my turn announced from public addresser. As soon as I received my money and I shouted without voice “ I will never make the same mistake again”. The following period before I taught my lesson to class I told them what happened to me today. All my students enjoyed laughing without end.

1.Why did the author take away their toy gun?

A.Because the children are too young to play with toy gun. 

B.Because the teacher wanted to play himself.

C.Because the teacher must take care of the students` safety.

D.It is against the school rules to play with toy guns.

2.What does the underlined word mean? 

A.move awayB.pull back

C.draw backD.take out

3.Why did the writer say he made a big mistake when in bank? 

A.Because he forgot the password of his bank account.

B.Because he took the gun into the gun forbidden area.

C.Because his eyes met with the guards eyes.

D.Because he forgot to return the toy gun to the children

4. From the end of the story, we can infer that____________. 

A.The teacher is getting on well with his students.

B.The students hate their teacher because he took away their toy gun.

C.The students laugh at their teacher because he is very silly.

D.The teacher is careless because he often makes mistakes.  




1. 在校外租房子的利与弊。(至少各写两点)

2. 你同意还是反对这种做法,并陈述你的理由。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 开头语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。


Time seems to speed up as soon as the students step into their final and vital year. The college entrance examination is approaching day by day.













删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。





It’s very kind for you to let me know about your beautiful city. Now I’d like to tell you something about your beautiful hometown. It located on the bank of a river and it is a beautiful place to live in. Its economy has been developing rapid in the past 2 decades. More schools and hospitals are available to people. Besides, there are some problems, such as water and air pollution and heavy traffics in rush hours. In my opinion, my hometown should develop its economy scientifically. Something must be doing to prevent water and air pollution or the growth of its population should be brought under the control so that we’ll have a better hometown.



In recent years , learning Chinese___ (become)popular among people around the world .Last month , I ____(receive) an emial from my cousin Jack in Canada .He said he was enthusiastic about Chinas , and asked me to find me to find him some books___ (intend) for Chinese beginners. I was very pleased to do      a favor. So I went from one bookstore to      , hoping to find something suitable for him.      I selected a set of Chinese textbooks among a variety of similar ones. Then I went to a post office to have them      (deliver) by air without delay. Several days later, I received Jack’s email,      (say) that he really appreciated the books I     (send). I’m very glad that Jack is beginning to learn Chinese just like many other foreigners abroad,      I know it may be an enjoyable challenge for him.



Everyday on the way to work I drive down a street lined with pine trees. One tree in particular ______ my attention. It must have suffered some ______. Part of its trunk grew nearly parallel to the ground, and then in an effort to _____ its own course of life. The trunk took a 90-degree turn ______ to stand tall and stretch toward the sun.

This tree became a ______ for me. Each day as I drove by, I saw this bent but determined tree and I would be ______. It was a reminder to me that ______ I may not have had the best start in life, I could change ______ in the parts of my life at any time.

I was planning to stop one day to get a perfect ______ of my kindred-spirit (志趣相同) tree. But that week I was ______. After that busy week, I still didn’t take any action. Every time I drove by the tree I would ______ myself, “Tomorrow, I’ll stop tomorrow to take one.” Then one day, as I ______ by “my” tree, I glanced over, and much to my ______, I found a sawed-off stump (树桩) where that symbolic tree had stood. Gone. I had ______ my plan until “tomorrow” and tomorrow proved to be too ______.

A picture of a tree is not of great ______. But my lesson rang through clearly ______ I found out one of my colleagues had been ______ with stage-four cancer. He may no longer have many ________.

What have you been putting off? What would you do today if you knew you would _______ have the opportunity to do it again? Why not do those things that you have been putting off until tomorrow?

1.A. paid       B. caught        C. fixed    D .escaped

2.A. damage     B .influence      C. experience  D. defeat

3.A.continue    B. design        C. change  D. imagine

4.A.applying    B. attempting     C .happening   D. learning

5.A.shelter      B. Signal        C. sign   D. symbol

6.A.interested  B. satisfied     C. encouraged  D. educated

7.A.even though B. as if          C .in case  D. if only

8.A.purpose    B .plan          C. habit    D. direction

9.A. glance     B. view         C. picture    D. knowledge

10.A.busy     B. free          C. worried     D. bored

11.A. call     B. help          C. tell     D. see

12.A.wandered B. drove         C. rode       D .ran

13.A.surprise   B. pleasure    C .regret      D. happiness

14.A.taken off   B. cut off        C. put off    D. called off

15.A.coldB. farC .sunnyD .late

16.A.valueB. achievementC. funD. disappointment

17.A. whenB .beforeC. becauseD. unless

18.A.linkedB .combinedC. providedD. diagnosed

19.A.livesB .tomorrows C. lessonsD .opportunities

20.A.surely      B. almostC. everD. never



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