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The word advertising refers to any kind ...

The word advertising refers to any kind of public announcement that brings products and services to the attention of people.Throughout history, advertising has been an effective way to promote(促进)the trading and selling of goods.In the Middle Ages,merchants employed “town criers” to read public messages aloud to promote their goods.When printing was invented in the fifteenth century, pages of advertisements (ads) could be printed easily and were either hung in public places or put in books.

By the end of the seventeenth century, when newspapers were beginning to be read by more people, printed materials became an important way to promote products and services.The London Gazette was the first newspaper to set aside a place just for advertising. This was so successful that by the end of the century several companies started businesses for the purpose of making newspaper ads for merchants.

Advertising spread quickly throughout the eighteenth century.Ad writers were starting to pay more attention to the design of the ad text.Everything,from clothes to drinks,was promoted with clever methods such as repetition of the firm’s name or product, words organized in eye-catching patterns,the use of pretty pictures and expressions easy to remember.

Near the end of the nineteenth century, companies that were devoted to the production of ads came to be known as “advertising agencies (广告商)” . The agencies developed new ways to get people to think of themselves as members of a group.Throughout the twentieth century, advertising agencies promoted consumerism(消费主义)as a way of life,spreading the belief that people could be happy only if they bought the “right” products.

1.What was advertising like in the Middle Ages?

A.Merchants were employed to promote products.

B.Ad messages were shouted out in public places.

C.Product information was included in books.

D.Ad signs were put up in towns.

2.What does the word “This” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Advertising in newspapers. B.Including pictures in ads.

C.Selling goods in markets. D.Working with ad agencies.

3.The l8th century advertising was special in its______.

A. growing spending       B.printing materials

C.advertising companies D.attractive designs

4.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

A.The Story of Advertising

B.The Value of Advertising Designs

C.The Role of Newspaper Advertising

D.The Development of Printing for Advertising


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 【解析】 试题分析: 本文主要讲了广告的历史。从中世纪的广告一直讲到20世纪的广告的情况。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段In the Middle Ages,merchants employed “town criers” to read public messages aloud to promote their goods可知,在中世纪商人让人把广告大声读出来。由此可知选B。 2.词义猜测题。根据第二估提到The London Gazette was the first newspaper to set aside a place just for advertising.可知,此处This指在报纸上给广告留出地方这件事。故选A。 3.推理判断题。根据第三段Ad writers were starting to pay more attention to the design of the ad text.可知,在18世纪,广告撰写人开始注意广告的内容,为各种产品设计出丰富多彩的广告。故选D。 4.主旨大意题。本文根据第一句话提到The word advertising refers to any kind of public announcement that brings products and services to the attention of people讲了广告的历史。所以选A 考点:文化类阅读。



Lipitor is a prescription (处方) medicine. Along with diet and exercise, it lowers “bad” cholesterol (胆固醇) in your blood. It can also raise “good” cholesterol.

Lipitor can lower the risk of heart attack in patients with several common risk factors, including family history of early heart disease, high blood pressure, age and smoking .


Who can take LIPITOR:

•People who cannot lower their cholesterol enough with diet and exercise

•Adults and children over l0

Who should NOT take LIPITOR:

•Women who are pregnant, may be pregnant, or may become pregnant. Lipitor may harm your unborn baby.

•women who are breast-feeding. Lipitor can pass into your breast milk and may harm your baby.

•People with liver (肝脏) problems


Serious side effects in a small number of people:

•Muscle (肌肉) problems that can lead to kidney (肾脏) problems, including kidney failure

•Liver problems. Your doctor may do blood tests to check your liver before you start Lipitor and while you are taking it.

Call your doctor right away if you have:

•Unexplained muscle pain or weakness, especially if you have a fever or feel very fired

•Swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and/or throat that may cause difficulty in breathing or swallowing

•Stomach pain

Some common side effects of LIPITOR are:

•Muscle pain

•Upset stomach

•Changes in some blood tests



•Take Lipitor as prescribed by your doctor.

•Try to eat heart-healthy foods while you take Lipitor.

•Take Lipitor at any time of day, with or without food.

•If you miss a dose (一剂), take it as soon as you remember. But if it has been more than 12 hours since your missed dose, wait. Take the next dose at your regular time.


•Do not change or stop your dose before talking to your doctor.

•Do not start new medicines before talking to your doctor.

1.What is a major function of Lipitor?

A. To help quit smoking.      B. To control blood pressure.

C. To improve unhealthy diet.  D. To lower “bad” cholesterol.

2.Taking Lipitor is helpful for  _________.

A. breast-feeding women

B. women who are pregnant

C. adults having heart disease

D. teenagers with liver problems

3.If it has been over 12 hours since you missed a dose, you should _________.

A. change the amount of your next dose

B. eat more when taking your next dose

C. have a dose as soon as you remember

D. take the next dose at your regular time

4.Which of the following is a common side effect of taking Lipitor?

A. Face swelling.      B. Upset stomach.

C. Kidney failure.D. Muscle weakness.



Along the river banks of the Amazon and the Orinoco there lives a bird that swims before it can fly, flies like a fat chicken, eats green leaves, has the stomach of a cow and has claws (爪) on its wings when young. They build their homes about 4.6m above the river, an important feature  for the safety of the young. It is called the hoatzin.

In appearance, the birds of both sexes look very much alike with brown on the back and cream and red on the underside. The head is small, with a large set of feathers on the top, bright red eyes, and blue skin. Its nearest relatives are the common birds, cuckoos. Its most striking (显著的) feature, though, is only found in the young.

Baby hoatzins have a claw on the leading edge of each wing and another at the end of each wing tip. Using these four claws, together with the beak (喙), they can climb about in the bushes, looking very much like primitive(原始的) birds must have done. When the young hoatzins have learned to fly, they lose their claws.

During the drier months between December and March hoatzins fly about the forest in groups of 20 to 30 birds, but in April, when the rainy season begins, they collect together in smaller living units of two to seven birds for producing purposes.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.Hoatzins in dry and rainy seasons.

B.The relatives and enemies of hoatzins.

C.Primitive birds and hoatzins of the Amazon.

D.The appearance and living habits of hoatzins.

2.Young hoatzins are different from their parents in that_________ .

A.they look like young cuckoos

B.they have claws on the wings

C.they eat a lot like a cow

D.they live on river banks

3.What can we infer about primitive birds from the text?

A.They had claws to help them climb.

B.They could fly long distances.

C.They had four wings like hoatzins.

D.They had a head with long feathers on the top.

4.Why do hoatzins collect together in smaller groups when the rainy season comes?

A.To find more food.           B.To protect themselves better.

C.To keep themselves warm.     D.To produce their young.



Learning to save money when you're young is an important lesson. All good lessons and habits begin early, and saving is a skill that everyone ____. Many people—adults included—do not have a good ____ of saving for the long run.

I have been ___ to learn this lesson early because I have had a grass cutting business since I was 10 years old. __   the money I make I spend about 10 percent and save the other 90.

Making sure you save and don't spend too much is a good way to ____ wealth. I have put my earnings in a bank. Many teens I know spend all the money they earn so it never has a chance to ___. Young people should ___ that their teenage years are a great time to begin saving.

If you have a job at high school, you ___ have fun with some of the money. But you should also save some ____ it will grow. Then you can begin planning for your future. When you spend money, you not only lose that money, ____ lose the interest you could have earned by saving it.

After high school, college is ____, with expenses such as food and rent. If you can  ____ a good percentage of the money you earn as a teen, going to college and buying a house will be much easier. If you are in your thirties without any savings, you will always have to ____.

Later in life it can be hard to start saving ___ general  cost of living is more expensive and you may only have enough to pay your ___. If you want to buy a house and have a family, you need money to start with, which ____ saving.

Many say money cannot make you happy, and this is true. But money can help you to lead a ____ life.

Saving early will mean you will have to work for fewer years when you are older. It will also _____ you to spend time doing the things that you want to do.____, it will mean you can live the way you want to without __.

1.A. needsB. likesC. arrangesD. expects

2.A. knowledgeB. experienceC. formD. sense

3.A. foolishB. fundamental C. luckyD. grateful

4.A. WithB. OfC. InD. From

5.A. divide upB. build upC. keep upD. make up

6.A. breakB. runC. makeD. grow

7.A. recognizeB. realizeC. researchD. doubt

8.A. mustB. dareC. shouldD. may

9.A. so thatB. in caseC. in thatD. but for

10.A. butB. andC. alsoD. or

11.A. expensiveB. cheapC. boringD. bitter

12.A. hold outB. hold upC. hold ontoD. hold back

13.A. surviveB. struggleC. tolerateD. die

14.A. ifB. as long asC. whileD. since

15.A. billsB. taxesC. attentionD. consequences

16.A. results fromB. gets fromC. comes fromD. escapes from

17.A. happyB. simpleC. miserableD. secure

18.A. forbidB. allowC. adviseD. request

19.A. In addition   B. Above allC. On the contraryD. Believe it or not

20.A. consulting   B. worryingC. restingD. thinking



—What do you want to do ? We have an hour before the movie.

----_______. Anything is OK with me.

A. It just depends    B. It’s up to you.

C. All right          D. Glad to hear that



He was very rude to the Customs officer, _____ of course made things even worse.

A. who       B. whom    C. that       D. which



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