满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I went to India for a 2-week vacation to...

I went to India for a 2-week vacation to visit my relatives. We stopped on a red light, and as always, there were a lot of activities outside the cars near the      . People walked in, between the cars       newspaper, water and a number of kids looked for a bit of charity from the car owners. It’s a familiar     in most poor developing countries.

While we were     for the red light to turn green, I noticed a man outside a couple of     in front of ours trying to sell bottles of water. It’s     unusual at first. He was a man in his 40s with relatively   clothes. But he walked around in a strange way. He kind of     his way around the spaces. He was blind.

Carrying a couple of water bottles on one hand, he     got to the outside of our car. Out of       , my mum decided to buy one water bottle. As she gave the man the money, the light turned green. The car behind sounded loudly and     , trying to get ahead of traffic. Seeing this, my mum kindly told the man to      the change. However, with his      sense of touch, he quickly went through his shirt pocket and threw the money at my mum’s      . It was the exact change. The cars behind us were really getting out of control,      we decided to go on our way.

I broke down and even     when I got home. Here’s a blind man, born in       , trying to sell water bottles on the streets to make ends meet. He       our sympathy. Life hasn’t been      to him, yet he’s giving it his best shot. I think that is what       is all about facing life bravely.

1. A. signs            B. crossroads       C. stations          D. theatre    

2. A. giving           B. buying          C. selling            D. throwing

3.A. scene           B. play             C. activity           D. street

4.A. watching        B. asking           C. waiting           D. changing   

5.A. blocks          B. crossings         C. turns             D. cars

6.A. everything      B. something        C. anything           D. nothing

7.A. expensive      B. fashionable        C. ragged            D. splendid

8.A. pushed        B. drove             C. cleared            D. felt

9.A. eventually      B. quickly           C. frequently          D. happily

10.A. curiosity       B. sympathy          C. thirsty             D. politeness

11.A. impatiently     B. casually           C. naturally           D. carefully

12.A. keep          B. return             C. borrow            D. count

13.A. searched for    B. went through       C. turned over         D. looked for 

14.A. hand          B. arm               C. face              D. lap

15.A. still           B. yet                C. so               D. but 

16.A. gave up     B:  set off            C. held on            D. broke down

17.A. pain          B. poverty            C. sadness            D. loneliness

18.A. refused       B. enjoyed             C. doubted           D. cheated

19.A. rich          B. unfair               C. kind             D. bad

20.A. kindness      B. courage             C experience         D. challenge


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.D 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:在街头等交通灯时,我看到一个40多岁的衣衫褴褛的盲人在车流中卖水,我妈妈出于同情买了他的一瓶水,这时绿灯亮了,妈妈主动提出不用找钱了,但他还是及时地把钱找给了妈妈。我很感慨于他对生活的勇气。 1.考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。A. signs标志;B. crossroads十字路口;C. stations车站;D. theatres剧院。在红绿灯处我们停车,所以应该是在十字路口附近有很多的活动。故选B。 2.2】考查动名词辨析及对语境的理解。A. giving给;B. buying买;C. selling卖;D. throwing扔。人们走在车中间,卖报纸、水,还有一些孩子向车主寻求一点施舍。结合语境,应该是卖报纸、卖水。故选C。 3.3】考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。A. scene场景;B. play剧本;游戏;C. activity活动;D. street街道。这在很多贫穷的国家是很熟悉的情景。以上描述的是街头的画面,用场景更合适。故选A。 4.4】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。A. watching观看;B. asking问;C. waiting等待;D. changing变化。和for搭配,符合语境的只有waiting等待,故选C。 5.5】考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。A. blocks街区;B. crossings交叉口;C. turns转弯;D. cars车。前面提到很多人在车流停下时,卖水、卖报,所以这里应该是一个男子在我们前面的几辆车前卖水。故选D。 6.6】考查代词辨析及对语境的理解。A. everything一切;B. something某事、某物;C. anything任何事;D. nothing无事。根据后面的but可知,一开始没有什么异常。故选D。 7.7】考查形容词辨析及对语境的理解。 A. expensive昂贵的;B. fashionable时尚的;C. ragged破烂的;D. fastened固定。这样的环境下的人,应该是穿着相对破破烂烂的衣服。故选C。 8.8】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。A. pushed推;B. drove开车;C. cleared清除;D. felt感觉。才后面的blind一词分析,他是在摸索前行。故选 D。 9.9】考查副词辨析及对语境的理解。A. eventually最后;B. quickly很快;C. frequently经常;D. happily高兴地。手里拿着几瓶水,他最后来到我们的车外。因为后面说交通灯变绿了。可知选最后。故选 A。 10.0】考查形容词辨析及对语境的理解。A. curiosity好奇;B. sympathy同情;C. thirsty渴;D. politeness礼貌。应该是出于同情,我妈妈决定买一瓶水。故选 B。 11.1】考查副词辨析及对语境的理解。A. impatiently不耐烦;B. casually随便地;C. naturally自然地;D. carefully细心地。后面的车声音很大,应该是不耐烦。想要开到前面去。故选A 。 12.2】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。A. keep保持;B. return归还;C. borrow借;D. count数数。看到这种情况,我妈妈就很善意地告诉那个人不要找钱了。故选A。 13.3】考查形容词辨析及对语境的理解。A. poor穷的、可怜的;B. superior出众的;C. limited有限的;D. enlarged扩大的。这里说明那个盲人的触觉很厉害。因为他很快摸索他的衬衣口袋,把钱扔给了妈妈。故选B。 14.14】考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。A. hand手;B. arm胳膊;C. face脸;D. lap膝盖。开车坐着,应该是扔到膝盖位置最恰当。钱数正好。故选 D。 15.5】考查副词辨析及对语境的理解。A. still仍然;B. yet但是;C. so因此;D. but但是。我们后面的车快要失控了,所以我们就决定上路了。故选 C。 16.6】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。A. smiled微笑;B. shouted喊叫;C. complained抱怨;D. cried哭。我情绪很激动,甚至到家时都哭了。故选 D。 17.7】考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。A. pain痛苦;B. poverty贫穷;C. sadness悲伤;D. loneliness孤独。他是一个盲人,因为很穷,所以才会努力在街上卖水谋生。故选B 。 18.8】考查动词辨析及对语境的理解。A. refused拒绝;B. enjoyed欣赏;C. doubted怀疑;D. cheated欺骗。他拒绝了我们的同情。故选A。 19.9】考查形容词辨析及对语境的理解。A. rich富有的;B. unfair不公平;C. kind宽容;D. bad坏的;结合语境可知,生活对他不仁慈,让他失明又很穷,但是他依然很努力地做到最好。故选C。 20.20】考查名词辨析及对语境的理解。A. kindness善良;B. courage勇气;C. experience经验;D. challenge挑战。结合语境可知:我想这就是勇敢地面对生活的勇气。故选B。 考点:故事类阅读。

Every year, it costs British students more and more to attend university.   1.  So is a university degree really worth it?

In 2006, the UK government started to allow universities in England and Wales to charge British students tuition fees. As a result, more than 80% of students in England and Wales now take out a student loan in order to go to university.   2.   The average student in England and Wales now graduates from university with debts of around £12,000. Students of medicine, who study for longer, usually have debts of more than £20,000. That is a lot of money.   3.   They even struggle to pay rent on a house, because they have to start paying back the student loan after graduating.

You might think that a British person with a degree will find it easy to get a well-paid job. However, most people in “white-collar jobs” seem to have a degree these days, so there is a lot of competition.    4.  Like everyone else, graduates usually have to start at the bottom and work their way up. That can be very frustrating for them, since they are often over-qualified for the work they are doing. While at university, they had dreams of getting an exciting, challenging job. Therefore, life after university ends up being quite disappointing for a lot of graduates.

5.   Students have always been seen as not having a lot of money, but “student poverty” is now considered a real problem in the UK. Most British students expect to get a loan, part-time job or summer job. Worse still, however, an increasing number of students turn to crime to support themselves.

A. They are graduating with larger and larger debts.

B. All these lead to the reevaluation of a university degree.

C. It means graduates cannot afford to buy a house for many years.

D. Sometimes they have to borrow money from relatives and friends.

E. If solved improperly, the debts might cause serious social problems.

F. They use the loan to pay for tuition fees, books and living expenses.

G. Also, British companies tend to value work experience over a piece of paper.



People in several American states may be surprised to see cars on city streets without a driver. Experimental driverless vehicles now are legal in Florida, Nevada and California. They are pointing the way to a future that is not far down the road. The high-tech company Google has a number of self-driving cars, which had covered 480,000 kilometers by August. Volvo is among the companies doing road tests and says it plans to sell driverless cars by 2020.

In September, California Governor Jerry Brown signed an act to allow autonomous vehicles on the roads of his state. “Today we’re looking at science fiction becoming tomorrow’s reality—the driverless car.” The technology for these cars includes cameras, radar and motion sensors. The systems have been improved through competitions sponsored by the US government agency DARPA. Engineer Richard Mason of the Rand Corporation helped design driverless vehicles for DARPA challenge races.

“Cars have become much more fuel-efficient, and new electronic features are making Hondas safer,” said Angie Nucci of Honda America. “A camera on the passenger-side mirror actually engaged on your guiding screen so you can safely change lanes.” Other safety features include warning systems on the front and the sides of the cars. These systems help drivers, but don’t replace them. Curator Leslie Kendall of the Petersen Automotive Museum said autonomous cars will make the high ways safer.

“By taking out drivers, you also remove most risks of an accident,” Kendall said. He said consumers, however, may be unwilling to lose control. “It may take them time to come to realize that the technology is indeed reliable, but it will have to prove itself first.”

Mason said the technology already works and the biggest challenge now is getting down the cost for driverless vehicles from hundreds of thousands of dollars to something more affordable. He said this will happen as the technology is improved.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph l?

A. Volvo will be the first to sell driverless cars.      

B. Driverless cars are pointing us a faraway future.

C. Driverless vehicles are now legal in the whole USA.

D. Google’s self-driving cars have covered a long distance.

2.We learn that Governor of California Jerry Brown_________.

A. helped design self-driving cars             

B. supports self-driving cars on roads

C. considers self-driving cars science fiction      

D. improved the self-driving car systems

3.According to Richard Mason, what is the biggest challenge for driverless cars?

A. They are not allowed to run on the road.       

B. Their technical problems remain to be solved.

C. They are now too expensive for consumers.    

D. They are more dangerous for people on the street.

4.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. The Benefits of the Self-driving Cars       

B. The Biggest Challenge of the Self-driving Cars

C. Safer or More Dangerous Self-driving Cars   

D. Self-driving Cars—Science Fiction Future Is Near



A Southampton University team found that people who were vegetarians by 30 had recorded five IQ points higher on average at the age of 10. Researchers said it could explain why people with a higher IQ were healthier as a vegetarian diet was linked to lower heart disease and obesity rates. The study of 8,179 people was reported in the British Medical Journal.

Twenty years after the IQ tests were carried out in 1970, 366 of the participants said they were vegetarians — although more than 100 reported eating either fish or chicken.

Men who were vegetarians had an IQ score of 106, compared with 101 for non-vegetarians; while female vegetarians averaged 104, compared with 99 for non-vegetarians. There was no difference in the IQ scores, between strict vegetarians and those who said they were vegetarians but reported eating fish or chicken.

Researchers said the findings were partly related to better education and higher class, but it remained statistically significant after adjusting for these factors.

Vegetarians were more likely to be female, to be of higher social class and to have higher academic or vocational qualifications than non-vegetarians. However, these differences were not reflected in their annual income, which was similar to that of non-vegetarians.

Lead researcher Catharine Gale said, “The findings that children with greater intelligence are more likely to report being vegetarians as adults, together with the evidence on the potential benefits of a vegetarian diet on heart health, may help to explain why a higher IQ in childhood or adolescence is linked with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease in adult life.

But Dr Frankie Phillips of the British Dietetic Association said,“It is like the chicken and egg. Do people become vegetarians because they have a very high IQ or is it just that they are clever enough to be more aware of health issues?”

1.What’ s the result of the research mentioned in the text?

A. Children with a higher IQ are less likely to have heart disease later in life.

B. Intelligent children are more likely to become vegetarians later in life.

C. Intelligent children tend to belong to higher social class later in life.

D. Children with a healthier heart tend to have a higher IQ later in life.

2.It was found in the research that________.

A. most of the participants became vegetarians 20 years after the IQ tests were carried out

B. female vegetarians were more likely to have higher annual income than non-vegetarians

C. vegetarians who ate fish or chicken were of similar intelligence with strict vegetarians

D. vegetarians were more likely to have higher annual income than non-vegetarians

3.Catharine Gale talked about “being vegetarians” in a(n)________way.

A. doubtful  B. favorable    

C. negative  D. objective

4.What’ s the best title for the text?

A. Get more IQ points!                 

B. Be a vegetarian, please!

C. A high IQ is linked to being a vegetarian

D. Vegetarian diet cuts heart risk




Baymont Inn Ft.Lauderdale

3800 W.Commercial, Ft. Lauderdale.FL 33309

Lowest Prices 110% Guaranteed (保证)

Room Information

Rooms are equipped with Double, Queen , or King bed (s) , smoking or non-smoking based on location and availability. Provided in each spacious guest room is a hair dryer, coffee maker, iron, ironing board, 25’TV and guest voice mail.

Check-in Time:7:00 P. M.

Hotel Amenities:Air Conditioned, Free Parking, 24 Hour Front Desk, Pool, Television with Cable, Coffee Maker in Room, Hairdryers Available.

Beach Plaza Hotel

625 N.Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd, Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33304

Room Information

The oceanfront accommodations at Beach Plaza Hotel are some of the most affordable on Fort Lauderdale Beach.Each room features direct-dial telephone, cable television and daily maid service.The very affordable efficiency studios even include full kitchens! All rooms surround the private poolside garden courtyard.

Check-in Time:7:05 P. M.

Hotel Amenities:Air Conditioned, Coffee Maker in Room, 24 Hour Front Desk, Parking, Hairdryers Available, Pool, Television with Cable.

Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel

3711 N.Ocean Blvd, Ft.Lauderdale, FL 33308

Room Information

Guest rooms feature TVs, in-room movies, Internet access, in-room safes, alarm clock radios, hairdryers, refrigerators, microwaves, and balconies.

Check-in Time:7:00 A.M.

Hotel Amenities:Parking,Heated Pool, Television with Cable, and Coffee Maker in Room.

1.Which hotel gives a promise?

A.Beach Plaza Hotel.                B.Baymont Inn Ft . Lauderdale.

C.Baymont Inn Hotel.               D.Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel.

2.In which hotel parking is the cheapest?

A.Beach Plaza Hotel.               B.Baymont Inn Ft . Lauderdale.

C.Baymont Inn Hotel.              D.Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel.

3.If you ______ , you will probably go to Beach Plaza Hotel.

A.enjoy seeing films without leaving your hotel room 

B.want to eat food cooked by yourself in the hotel

C.are fond of swimming in heated water           

D.are a cigarette smoker

4.Which of the following is NOT true to the ads?

A.In Beach Plaza Hotel a 24-hour maid is available.

B.All of the three hotels provide television with cable.

C.You can keep your money in the room safe in Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel.

D.While staying in Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel, you can surf the Internet.



There has been an outpouring of love for a 23-year-old disabled woman whose dog was killed in front of her while a groomer(美容师) tried to trim(修剪) its claws.

Calls and e-mails came from as far away as the Upper Peninsula and Arizona as well as Oakland and Macomb counties, offering Laurie Crouch, who uses a wheelchair because of multiple sclerosis(硬化症), everything from dogs to money, such as that from Jason Daly of Roseville who said, “ I would like to buy her a new dog.”

A story about the death of Crouch’s pet, Gooch, was printed on the front page of Macomb Daily. Crouch said a man sat on the dog to trim its nails. Gooch died after one claw was trimmed.

Crouch yelled at the groomer to stop when she saw Gooch was struggling to breathe, but she said she was ignored. “If I could have walked, I would have put my hands on her and pulled her off my dog and physically stopped her, but I can’t do that.” Gooch was not a trained service animal, but naturally helped Crouch by picking up things for her.

“This case is absolute animal abuse(虐待),” Larry Obrecht, division manager of the Oakland County Animal Shelter in Auburn Hills, said.

People who read the story contacted Oakland Press to offer help. A message, from Rebecca Amett of Giggles N Wiggles Puppy Rescue, in Roseville, said, “We have puppies to donate … and want to help the young woman who lost her service dog.”

“When Gooch was with me, I was happy,” Crouch said, “I think I can be happy again but no animal can replace Gooch. There’s never going to be another Gooch out there but I think I will find a dog that can bring me joy again.”

1.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. A disabled woman’s service dog.                  

B. A cruel groomer killed a disabled woman’s dog.

C. People’s love for a disabled woman who lost her dog.

D. Disabled woman loves to have the dog as company.

2. People called and emailed to            .

A. offer help and care to Laurie Crouch.            

B. give their angry voice to the groomer.

C. offer a cure for Crouch’s disease.              

D. tell Crouch how to punish the groomer.

3.We can infer from the passage that          .

A. Crouch refused to take another dog.             

B. Crouch must be sad after losing her dog.

C. Crouch has accepted another dog from a stranger.  

D. Crouch can live well without a dog’s company.



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