满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

— I watched the film you mentioned. Isn’...

— I watched the film you mentioned. Isn’t it cool?

— ______. It can’t be ______.

A. Exactly; worse B. Frankly; better     C. Definitely; worse   D. Absolutely; better


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查情景交际和比较级的用法。句意:--我看了你说的那部电影。很好看不是吗?--当然。好的不能再好了。absolutely常用于情景交际,意为“当然,确实”;比较级与can’t连用,可表示最高级含义,常见的有I can’t agree more“非常同意”。It can’t be better意为“不能再好了”,言外之意就是“它是最好的”。故选D。 考点:考查情景交际和比较级的用法  

— Why is the chemical plant closed?

— Because large quantities of waste water ______ into the Yangtze River.

A. has been released  B. is being released   C. was released    D. have been released



It is reported that the United States consumes ______ energy as the whole of Africa.

A. as four times   B. four times much C. four times much as D. four times as much



Nelson Mandela, who was elected ______ president of South Africa in 1994, is generally regarded as______ father of the country.

A. the; theB. /; theC. /; /D. the; /




Recently many advisers have called for reforms of the English language testing system to make it more effective in developing actual language ability.

"Currently, the English testing system in China puts too much pressure on students to get high marks and ignores the development of their comprehensive(综合的)language abilities," they said.

"Some changes in the evaluation procedures of English examinations are necessary for the sound development of the national English education system," others added.



1. 以约30个词概括和分析上述话题的主要内容;

2. 以约120个词就这一话题发表自己的看法,并包括如下要点:

(1) 你是否赞成通讯稿中人们的观点。

(2) 至少呈现三条理由来支撑自己的观点。

(3) 对于“How to develop comprehensive language ability”,提出你认为最重要的一条途径。




Dear classmates,



Personally, ____________________________________________________________________________________________



As to the development of comprehensive language abilities, __________________________



That’s all. I appreciate your attention.




Chang'e 3 is a lunar(月球的) exploration mission operated by the China National Space Administration (CNSA), incorporating a robotic lander and China's first lunar rover.

The spacecraft was named after Chang'e, the goddess of the Moon, and is a follow-up to the Chang'e 1 and Chang'e 2 lunar orbiters. The rover was named Yutu following an online poll, after the mythological rabbit that lives on the Moon as a pet of the Moon goddess.

Chang'e 3 achieved lunar orbit on 6 December 2013 and landed on 14 December 2013, becoming the first probe to soft-land on the Moon since Luna 24 in 1976.

In January 2004, the People's Republic of China's lunar orbiter project was formally established. The first Chinese lunar orbiter, Chang'e 1, was launched from Xichang Satellite Launch Center on 24 October 2007 and entered lunar orbit on 5 November. The spacecraft operated until 1 March 2009, when it was intentionally impacted into the surface of the Moon. Data gathered by Chang'e 1 were used to create an accurate 3-D map of the entire lunar surface, assisting site selection for the Chang'e 3 lander.

Chang'e 1's successor, Chang'e 2, was approved on October 2008 and was launched on 1 October 2010 to conduct research from a 100-km-high lunar orbit, in preparation for Chang'e 3's 2013 soft landing. Chang'e 2, though similar in design to Chang'e 1, was equipped with improved instruments and provided higher-resolution imagery of the lunar surface to assist in the planning of the Chang'e 3 mission. 

In March 2012, China began manufacturing the body and payload of the Chang'e 3 lander, which will attempt to perform lunar surface and space studies independently of the mission's mobile rover.

Like its orbiting predecessors, the Chang'e 3 mission is planned as a precursor(先驱)to further robotic lunar exploration missions, including Chang'e 5, a sample return mission planned for 2017. Following these automated missions, a manned landing may be conducted around 2025.

Chang'e 3 will attempt to perform the first direct measurement of the structure and depth of the lunar soil down to a depth of 30 m (98 ft), and investigate the lunar crust() structure down to several hundred meters deep.

The development of the six-wheeled rover began in 2002 and was completed in May 2010. It has a total mass of approximately 120 kg, with a payload capacity of approximately 20 kg. It can perform simple analysis of soil samples and may transmit video in real time. It can navigate inclines(斜坡) and has automatic sensors to prevent it from colliding(碰撞) with other objects.

The rover was successfully deployed from the lander, and it made contact with the lunar surface on 14 December. After taking pictures of each other the lander and rover will start their respective science missions. The rover is designed to explore an area of 3 square kilometres during its 3-month mission, with a maximum travelling distance of 10 km.

Title: Chang’e 3


It is a lunar exploration mission operated by CNSA, incorporating a robotic lander and China's first lunar rover.

Name Source

It was named after the goddess of the Moon, __2.__ up the names of Chang'e 1 and Chang'e 2.









China’s Lunar Exploration Program

The program

In January 2004it was formally established.

Chang'e 1

On 24 October 2007, it was launched and entered lunar orbit on 5 November.

On 1 March 2009, it was impacted into the surface of the Moon on purpose.

To help select a proper __3.__for Chang’e 3 lander, data about the entire lunar surface were gathered.


Chang’e 2

On October 2008, it was approved and launched __4.__ years later.

Its mission was to conduct research for Chang’e 3 soft landing.

Although __5.__designed, it was better equipped than Chang’e 1.



Chang’e 3

Started in March 2012, it achieved lunar orbit on 6 December 2013 and landed 8 days later, becoming the __6.__ probe to soft-land on the Moon since Luna 24 in 1976.

The objectives are to measure the structure and depth of lunar soil and investigate the lunar crust to a great __7.__.

Chang’e 5

A sample return mission planned for 2017.

Around 2025

A manned landing may be conducted.


Information about

the rover

It was began in 2002 and completed in 2010, __8.__ about 120 kg with a payload capacity of 20 kg or so.

It has many __9.__, from analyzing soil samples to protecting itself.

After the first __10.__ with the moon on 14 December, it will stay on the moon for 3 months, exploring an area of 3 square km and travelling a maximum distance of 10 km.



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