满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

You’d better put away the magazines you ...

You’d better put away the magazines you have read, for they _______ be of great use later.

A. shall      B. need     C. can        D. must


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查情态动词。A将;B需要;C能够,可能;D必须。根据语境判断把书收起来的目的是为了以后会用到,表示一种可能性,所以答案选C。句意:你最好把读过的杂志们都收起来,因为它们以后还可能有用。 考点:考查情态动词。

According to the American law, parents must keep their kids _______ except when they are in school.

A. safety   B. company       C. friend   D. partner



Everything was placed _______ where he wanted it for the party, with which he was very satisfied.

A. gradually       B. entirely          C. officially         D. exactly



The better _______ you have of words, the better chance you have of saying exactly what you mean.

A. contribution B. command      C. master  D. power



---Why do you suggest Hangzhou?

   ---I believe _______ beauty of _______ nature there will make an excellent impression upon the tourists.

A. a, the    B. the, the         C. the, a            D. the, /



The teacher requested that we _______ detailed notes in class because they are more ______ than our memory.

A. would take; active    B. could take; honest       C. take; reliable    D. should take; stubborn



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