满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

---Why do you suggest Hangzhou? ---I bel...

---Why do you suggest Hangzhou?

   ---I believe _______ beauty of _______ nature there will make an excellent impression upon the tourists.

A. a, the    B. the, the         C. the, a            D. the, /


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查冠词用法。大自然nature前面不用冠词,而beauty后面有后置定语,所以此处是特指杭州的美景,故用定冠词the,所以答案选D。句意:--你为什么要建议杭州呢?---我相信那里大自然的美景将会给游客留下美好的印象。 考点:考查冠词用法。

The teacher requested that we _______ detailed notes in class because they are more ______ than our memory.

A. would take; active    B. could take; honest       C. take; reliable    D. should take; stubborn



The press conference was concerned _______ the Diaoyu Islands issue and every journalist present was concerned _______ China’s final decision.

A. with, for     B. about, with    C. with, with             D. about, about



His writing is so neat that it’s easy for the teacher to make out ______ he is trying to express.

A. what is it that        B. that it is what           C. that is it what         D. what it is that



--- You’ve left the water running.

   --- Oh, I have. _______ and turn it off.

A.I go      B. I’ve gone             C. I’ll go         D. I’m going



--- Shall I phone the hotel for information?

   --- There is no need. Sarah said that she would _______ for the weekend.

A. put us through     B. put us up       C. put us out     D. put us down



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