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In some Western countries, there are man...

In some Western countries, there are many opportunities for adults who want to improve their lives. There are public schools you can attend. In the schools, you can take things like English, arithmetic, and history. You can find classes in almost any subject you want to study. You may want to learn to type, sew, paint, or fix TV sets. You may want to learn more about trade you are already in. You may want to learn a new trade. You may want to get a high school diploma. You may even want to go to college. All it takes is time and effort.

In many cities, there are adult classes in the public schools. You can attend many of these classes without having to pay money. In some schools you may have to pay a small fee. There are also many kinds of private schools for adults.

In addition to schools, many industries and unions conduct on-the-job training programs. In these programs you hear about new ideas and learn new skills. Many large companies will send a worker to school if he or she has ability.

Many job opportunities are offered to those who wish to work. It helps if you know more than one language. There are good jobs for interpreters and typists who know English and another language.

There are many good jobs in government. In most cases, you must be a citizen of this country, and you must take a civil service examination. These examinations are open to everyone, regardless of race, religion, or color.

For many civil service jobs you need a high school diploma. The person who does not have a high school diploma can get one. There are several ways. You can study high school subjects at home and then take special tests. If you pass the tests, then you get a diploma. Or you can go to night school. There are classes that prepare you to take special tests to earn a diploma.

You can attend a night school that grants a high school diploma if you complete certain courses. If you do this, you do not have to take the special test.

Be as well trained as you can. Get as much training as you can. Opportunity knocks at every door. Be sure that when it knocks at your door you are ready.

1.According to the article, if you want to live a better life, you have to get__________.

A. some time   B. an education    C. new ideas   D. new jobs

2.In many places, public schooling for adults is ____________________.

A. difficult    B. easy    C. free    D. new

3.What does this article tell us?

A. Civil service jobs are offered to everyone.

B. Only a citizen can apply for a government job.

C. Training programs are often poorly organized.

D. Large companies will send most of their workers to school.

4.We can see that___________________________________.

A. well-trained people are often out of work

B. typists who know English earn much more money

C. one can work on a high school diploma at home

D. the person without a high school diploma can also get a civil service job

5.The purpose of adults’ going to night school is to_______________.

A. take special tasks               B. complete certain courses

C. get more training               D. get a diploma


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是说明文,成年人有许多机会受到教育,成人教育,夜校,职业培训,这些都是确保你能得到更好的工作机会。 1.B细节题。根据第一段In some Western countries, there are many opportunities for adults who want to improve their lives. There are public schools you can attend在许多本文因家,成年人有很多机会来改变命运,有许多公立学校来参加,故B项。 2.C细节题。根据第二段In many cities, there are adult classes in the public schools. You can attend many of these classes without having to pay money.在许多城市,有成年人课程,参加这些课程几乎是不要钱,故选C项。 3.B 主旨大意。第一段In some Western countries, there are many opportunities for adults who want to improve their lives,西方国家有很多机会来改变成年人的命运,参加学校的教育,第二段提到公立学校有免费教育,第三段职业教育培训,第四段政府也提供一些工作机会,Be as well trained as you can. Get as much training as you can. Opportunity knocks at every door. Be sure that when it knocks at your door you are ready,只有尽可能参加培训,机会是平等的。根据第五段There are many good jobs in government. In most cases, you must be a citizen of this country, and you must take a civil service examination,只有公民才能得到政府工作。故选B项。 4.C。细节判断题。AB 文章没有提到。根据倒数第三段For many civil service jobs you need a high school diploma.必须有高中毕业证,才能得到一个政府服务性的工作,故D错误,所以选C项。 5.D 细节题。根据倒数第三段Or you can go to night school. There are classes that prepare you to take special tests to earn a diploma.,去夜校目的是得到一个毕业证。 考点  日常生活类阅读。

Few Americans remain in one position or one place for a lifetime. We move from town to city to suburb, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job elsewhere, from the home where we raise our children to the home where we plan to live in retirement. With each move we are forever making new friends, who become part of our new life at that time.

For many of us summer is a special time for forming new friendships. Today millions of Americans vacation abroad, and they go not only to see new sights but also with the hope of meeting new people. No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friend, but the beginning of a friendship is possible.

The word “friend ” can be applied to a wide range of relationships ---- to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place, to a fellow worker, to a childhood playmate, to a man or woman, to a trusted confidant.

1.Many Americans move from place to place for the following reasons except______.

A. going to college                      B. getting a better job

C. finding a place to live in retirement       D. saving money

2.Summer is a special time when many Americans_____.

A. enjoy the sunlight     B. feel strange    C. travel to other countries   D. get a new job

3.When summer comes, many Americans _________.

A. hope to meet new people

B. expect to find some close friends

C. want to begin lasting friendships with new people

D. Both A and B

4.From the passage it can be seen that a “friend” can be ______.

A. a fellow worker     B. a football teammate     C. a boy or a girl     D. all of the above

5.Which of the following is the topic sentence of the second paragraph?

A. For many of us summer is a special time for forming new friendships.

B. Today millions of Americans vacation abroad.

C. No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friendship.

D. But surely the beginning of friendship is possible.



I still remember my first day in the U.S. very clearly. My friend was waiting for me when my plane landed at Kennedy Airport at three o’clock in the afternoon. The weather was very      and it was snowing, but I was too excited to       _. From the airport, my friend and I        a taxi to my          . On the way I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the       _time and I stared in surprise at the famous skyscrapers and their man-made        . Helping me unpack at the hotel, my friend left and       to return the next day.

           my friend had left, I went to a      near the hotel to get something to eat. Since I couldn’t speak a single      of English, I couldn’t tell the       what I wanted. I was very upset and started to make some    , but he didn’t understand me. Finally, I ordered the same thing the man at the next table was      . After dinner, I started to walk along Broadway       I came to Times Square with its theatres, neon lights, and crowds of people. I didn’t feel tired, so I       to walk around the city. I wanted to see     _on my first day, although I knew it was impossible.

  When I     to the hotel, I couldn’t fall asleep, lay     and thought about New York. It was a very big and amazing city with many high-rise buildings and streams of cars, and full of      and busy people. I also decided right then that I had to learn to       English.

1.A.hot      B.      warm         C.      cold  D.      cool          

2.A.look    B.      listen         C.      enjoy         D.      mind                  

3.A.sat       B.      took C.      rode D.      used         

4.A. home          B.      hotel         C.      office        D.      school               

5.A. first    B.      one  C.      last   D.      only          

6.A.satellites     B.      lakes          C.      beauty      D.      parks                 

7.A.advised       B.      liked C.      promised  D.      hoped               

8.A.Before long         B.      Shortly after      C.   Soon          D.  Then

9.A.restaurant  B.      shop C.      supermarket     D.      pub           

10.A.letter         B.      word         C.      sentence  D.      phrase               

11.A. boss          B.      cook C.      waiter       D.      waitress            

12.A.voices       B.      suggestions       C.      sounds      D.      gestures            

13.A.looking      B.      ordering   C.      picking      D.      eating                

14.A. until          B.      when         C.      before      D.      after         

15.A.tried B.      stopped    C.      decided    D.      continued                  

16.A.anything   B.      everything         C.      something         D.      some things      

17.A.came         B.      went          C.      returned  D.      arrived              

18.A.asleep       B.      awake       C.      afraid        D.      alive         

19.A.noise         B.      voices       C.      streets      D.      places                

20.A.say    B.      talk   C.      speak        D.      tell            



— Do you think the film is good?

— Terrific! ______

A. It couldn’t be better.     B. It could be better.   

C. It is still better.       D. It couldn’t be worse.



Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,________ was very reasonable.

A.the price of it   B.its price   C.the price of which      D.the price of whose



Mr. Smith is _______ a teacher.  He is a friend as well.  We all respect him.

A.other than             B.more than       C.less than     D.rather than



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