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Television in the United States is free...

 Television in the United States is free. To pay for programs, there are many advertisements. Often these advertisements are short plays with actors. The following television advertisement is like many others that Americans see daily.

We see a man and his wife at the breakfast table. They have been married for a long time. They are not speaking to each other. They haven't spoken to each other at the breakfast table for years. The husband is reading his newspaper. We can't see his face. The wife looks very bored as she pours a cup of coffee for him. Today, she is using a new kind of coffee for the first time. The husband picks up his cup. He isn't very interested. He tastes his coffee. Suddenly he puts down his newspaper. Something is different.! Can it be the coffee? He takes another taste. It's wonderful! He smiles. He looks at his wife and says in amazement,

"Doris, when did you cut your hair?"

Doris is pleased. She answers, "Two months ago."

Doris asks, "Herbie, when did your hair begin to turn gray?"

He replies, "A long time ago."

Doris says, "Oh, very handsome."

Now they aren't bored any more. Breakfast is different. Has a new kind of coffee changed their lives?

1.In the television advertisement, Doris looks bored because ______.     

A. she doesn't like the breakfast that morning

B. she has been married to Herbie for a long time

C. Her husband doesn't care much for her

D. Herbie isn't interested in the breakfast she cooks

2.The TV advertisement wants to tell the viewers ______.      .

A. to have an immediate try at the new coffee

B. to have a good laugh at the good couple

C. that a nice breakfast must go with nice coffee

D. that advertisements can certainly increase goods production

3.What does the author mean by saying the last sentence?

A. What kind of coffee can change people's lives?

B. How can a new kind of coffee change people's lives?

C. Nice coffee can change one's life.        

D. A new kind of coffee costs quite a lot.

4.This text is mainly about ______.     

A. who pays for TV programs in the United States

B. what a TV advertisement is usually like in the USA

C. why long married couples dislike speaking to each other

D. what made Herbie and Doris not bored any more


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 【解析】 试题分析 美国的电视是免费的,所以有很多的广告,其中一个广告在讲述一个新口味咖啡加强了夫妻之间的沟通。 1.C 推断题。根据第二段They haven't spoken to each other at the breakfast table for years,主妇厌倦这种生活。丈夫根本就不关心他。故选C项。 2.A。主旨大意。这是一个广告,目的是介绍新产品。故选A项。 3.C  推断题。通过最后一段Now they aren't bored any more. Breakfast is different.得知广告的目的是通过新产品改善人们的生活。 4.B 主旨大意。通过对美国生活现状的分析,夫妻之间关系冷漠,而一个小小广告却打破其中的冰层,突出广告的功效,更是对现状的担忧。对文章大意的把握。 考点  广告类阅读

 Dae Jang Geum 《大长今》 is a hot new Korean TV series. Because of this series, my personal status (地位) and living standard have been greatly     . My girlfriend used to cook every evening. Well, now she does nothing but        in front of the TV when she’s not       , and orders me, “You --- go and make some instant noodles. Come and watch the play and just imagine we are enjoying Korean        .”

         She once swore (发誓) to        all Korean dishes in Dae Jang Geum. So she ordered me to        the TV and record any details of Jang Geum’s cooking. But when she presented her version of Korean food, it was like the dog-meal. “You can        get things done if you find the right tool,” my girlfriend blamed her terrible kitchen performances on        . So I decided to       her a new kitchen knife. In a store, she became unusually         when making her selection. She finally picked one that was        Jang Geum’s. To prove that her slow knife skill was because of the blunt (钝的) knife, she         her cutting. As a result, she hurt her fingers three times. Fortunately the knife was not         the salesman boasted (吹嘘).

         My girlfriend is a fan of Jang Geum’s Korean        . Not only did she talk about the dress every day, she also threatened to change my tie into a  butterfly knot(蝴蝶结) like the one on Jang Geum’s dress. Finally, I lost my patience and took her to a maternity (孕妇装) shop where I recommended one suit to her, “Do you think it looks like a(n)       dress?”  Coincidently(巧合地)   , her parents just happened to be shopping at the time. They were         when they saw what we were doing.

         The Dae Jang Geum series         encouraging the youth to realize their ambition(雄心,抱负). However, it fails to realize my girlfriend’s.         being engaged in her work or study, she simply sits on the sofa every night, staring at       , a bag of chips in her hand. This situation has          even though the series is now over.

1.A. increased                    B. degraded                         C. risen                                 D. raised

2.A. stand                    B. lay                                     C. seat                                   D. sit

3.A. at work                         B. at table                    C. on leave                           D. on business

4.A. fruits                    B. vegetables                       C. dishes                               D. cakes

5.A. eat                                 B. learn                                 C. cook                                  D. perform

6.A. stand for             B. go by                                 C. pass by                    D. stand by

7.A. easily                   B. hardly                               C. difficultly                          D. carefully

8.A. her fork                        B. her spoon                        C. her knife                          D. her pan

9.A. buy                       B. borrow                    C. lend                                  D. fetch

10.A. careless                      B. angry                                C. patient                              D. modest(谦虚)

11.A. better than                B. the closest shape of       C. sharper than          D. taken from

12.A. speeded up               B. slowed down                   C. brought down                 D. improved

13.A. as fast as           B. as dull as                          C. as slow as                         D. as sharp as

14.A. diet style           B. dish flavor                        C. dressing style                  D. cooking style

15.A. Chinese        B. Korean            C. English            D. American

16.A. quite encouraged    B. pretty satisfied                C. very pleased          D. pretty shocked

17.A. shoots at           B. aims at                     C. directs at                          D. works at

18.A. In spite of                   B. Because of                       C. Instead of                         D. In case of

19.A. me            B. herself            C. the TV             D. nothing

20.A. changed little   B. turned a lot                     C. developed a little          D. improved a lot



 ---Why did Alice cry?

   ---She couldn’t stand ______like that before the whole class.

A. making fun of         B. being made fun of

C. to make fun of         D. being made fun



This is the best way I could think of _____ the students _____ the rules.

A. to stop…breaking     B. stopping…breaking

C. stop…to break        D. stopped…from breaking



--- Fined $100! You know you _____ 100km an hour, don’t you?

--- No, officer. I can’t have been. This car doesn’t do 80.

A. are driving        B. have driven

C. had driven        D. were driving



 ---Have you seen _____ Audi car? I parked it here two hours ago, but now it’s gone!

---Is it _____ black one? A young man has just driven a black car away.

A. an…a     B. the…the     C. the… a     D. an…the



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