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Dae Jang Geum 《大长今》 is a hot new Korean...

 Dae Jang Geum 《大长今》 is a hot new Korean TV series. Because of this series, my personal status (地位) and living standard have been greatly     . My girlfriend used to cook every evening. Well, now she does nothing but        in front of the TV when she’s not       , and orders me, “You --- go and make some instant noodles. Come and watch the play and just imagine we are enjoying Korean        .”

         She once swore (发誓) to        all Korean dishes in Dae Jang Geum. So she ordered me to        the TV and record any details of Jang Geum’s cooking. But when she presented her version of Korean food, it was like the dog-meal. “You can        get things done if you find the right tool,” my girlfriend blamed her terrible kitchen performances on        . So I decided to       her a new kitchen knife. In a store, she became unusually         when making her selection. She finally picked one that was        Jang Geum’s. To prove that her slow knife skill was because of the blunt (钝的) knife, she         her cutting. As a result, she hurt her fingers three times. Fortunately the knife was not         the salesman boasted (吹嘘).

         My girlfriend is a fan of Jang Geum’s Korean        . Not only did she talk about the dress every day, she also threatened to change my tie into a  butterfly knot(蝴蝶结) like the one on Jang Geum’s dress. Finally, I lost my patience and took her to a maternity (孕妇装) shop where I recommended one suit to her, “Do you think it looks like a(n)       dress?”  Coincidently(巧合地)   , her parents just happened to be shopping at the time. They were         when they saw what we were doing.

         The Dae Jang Geum series         encouraging the youth to realize their ambition(雄心,抱负). However, it fails to realize my girlfriend’s.         being engaged in her work or study, she simply sits on the sofa every night, staring at       , a bag of chips in her hand. This situation has          even though the series is now over.

1.A. increased                    B. degraded                         C. risen                                 D. raised

2.A. stand                    B. lay                                     C. seat                                   D. sit

3.A. at work                         B. at table                    C. on leave                           D. on business

4.A. fruits                    B. vegetables                       C. dishes                               D. cakes

5.A. eat                                 B. learn                                 C. cook                                  D. perform

6.A. stand for             B. go by                                 C. pass by                    D. stand by

7.A. easily                   B. hardly                               C. difficultly                          D. carefully

8.A. her fork                        B. her spoon                        C. her knife                          D. her pan

9.A. buy                       B. borrow                    C. lend                                  D. fetch

10.A. careless                      B. angry                                C. patient                              D. modest(谦虚)

11.A. better than                B. the closest shape of       C. sharper than          D. taken from

12.A. speeded up               B. slowed down                   C. brought down                 D. improved

13.A. as fast as           B. as dull as                          C. as slow as                         D. as sharp as

14.A. diet style           B. dish flavor                        C. dressing style                  D. cooking style

15.A. Chinese        B. Korean            C. English            D. American

16.A. quite encouraged    B. pretty satisfied                C. very pleased          D. pretty shocked

17.A. shoots at           B. aims at                     C. directs at                          D. works at

18.A. In spite of                   B. Because of                       C. Instead of                         D. In case of

19.A. me            B. herself            C. the TV             D. nothing

20.A. changed little   B. turned a lot                     C. developed a little          D. improved a lot


1.B   2.D 3.A 4.C 5. B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.C 19.C 20.A 【解析】 试题分析 本文在讲述女友看大长今,盲目的效仿,从吃饭到穿衣,没有看到励志的内容。即使电视看完了,但这种状况仍旧没有得到改善。 1.B  考查动词辨析A增加B使降级C升起D举起。根据题意,自从大长今热播,我的地位和生活标准极剧下降。得知应该选B项,根据文章大意来进行判断 2.D 考查动词辨析A站B躺C坐D坐 上文提到作者的女友过去什么都做,现在下班后除在坐在电视前什么也没有做。与上文相响应。 3.A 考查短语辨析A在工作B在吃饭C休假D因事 根据上句得出是在下班后。故选A项。 4.C考查名词辨析A水果B 蔬菜C盘子D蛋糕。上文提到女友的表现,故在命令我做这做那,并且要求我去看电视,想象我们在享受韩国美食。 5.B考查动词辨析A吃B学习C做饭D表演 题意 女友曾经发誓要做韩国美食。与第一段内容保持一致 。根据上文做出B 项是正确的 6.D考查短语辨析A代表C经过D路过D支持 根据上文,女友命令我支持这个电视并且录下电视中做饭的细节。 7.A考查副词辨析A早地B几乎不C困难地D仔细地 但是当她亲眼看见韩国美食时,它就象狗食。与上文相对应。 8.C考查名词辨析 女友觉得不好吃是因为没有好的刀具。根据题意得C项 9.A考查动词辨析A买B借C借出D取回 。根据上文作者决定给她买副好的刀。上下文联系。 10.C考查形容词辨析A粗心的B生气的C耐心的D谦虚的。在商店里面挑选时女友十分耐心。故选 A项。 11.B考查句意。根据上文,挑选了一个与韩剧里面很想象的刀。 12.A考查动词短语A加速B减速C下降D提高。为了证明她笨拙的刀技是因为刀钝,她加快速度切,结果,切到手三次。根据上文题意得出A项。 13.D考查as+adj+as 结构 。根据上文。把把手切到了, 幸好 ,质量没有销售人员吹嘘的那么好。 14.C考查名词辨析A节食风格B饮食风格C穿衣风格D做饭风格。女友是个大长今穿衣的粉丝。根据下一句话中提到 dress ,故选 C项。 15.B考查形容词辨析A中国的B韩国 的C英国的D美国的。最后作者忍受不了,直接把女友带到孕妇装店,指着其中一件衣服说,难道你不认为这件衣服更像韩国的吗。根据语境得了B项。 16.D考查形容词辨析A受鼓励的B满意的C高兴的D震惊的。巧合地,她的父母也碰巧在此处购物,他们对我们的做法十分震惊。 17.B考查动词短语辨析A瞄准B目标是C对准D在哪工作。这个电视剧本来是鼓励年轻人有雄心有抱负。根据题意选B项。 18.C考查短语辨析A尽管B因为C而不是D万一。根据上文,然而,没有让女友意识到这一点,相反,除了忙于工作,就是在沙发上盯着电视看。 19.C考查代词辨析。根据语境及上文内容,是指在看电视。 20.A考查动词辨析A几乎没有改变B改变很多C发展很多 D提高很大。即使电视剧已经结束,这种状况还是没有改变。作者对上文进行总结。 考点  日常生活类阅读

 ---Why did Alice cry?

   ---She couldn’t stand ______like that before the whole class.

A. making fun of         B. being made fun of

C. to make fun of         D. being made fun



This is the best way I could think of _____ the students _____ the rules.

A. to stop…breaking     B. stopping…breaking

C. stop…to break        D. stopped…from breaking



--- Fined $100! You know you _____ 100km an hour, don’t you?

--- No, officer. I can’t have been. This car doesn’t do 80.

A. are driving        B. have driven

C. had driven        D. were driving



 ---Have you seen _____ Audi car? I parked it here two hours ago, but now it’s gone!

---Is it _____ black one? A young man has just driven a black car away.

A. an…a     B. the…the     C. the… a     D. an…the



 ---Waiter, _____

   ---Wait a minute, sir. That’s 80 dollars altogether.

A. how much did we eat?

B. Would you please charge me?

C. May I have the bill, please?

D. Would you take the money?



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