满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was 300 hundred years ago _______ thi...

It was 300 hundred years ago _______ this historic temple was built by a wealthy Mandarin.

A. since                    B. when        C. that            D. before


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查强调句:句意:就是在300年前,这个有历史意义的庙由一个有钱的满清的官吏建造。强调句的结构是:It is /was+强调部分+that+其余部分,判断是否是强调句的方法是:去掉强调结构,如果这句话仍然成立,就是强调句,所以选C。 考点:考查强调句

Being a Chinese, I feel proud of my country and the contributions _________have been made to the world culture.

A. that        B. what           C. it           D. one



_______ from father to son, the music has not changed for centuries.

A. Passing      B. To pass           C. Having passed            D. Passed



---I decided to travel round Yunnan for a year.   

---_______? You have just started a new job.

A. Come on     B. How come        C. Why not             D. What for




1. 上述情况日趋普遍;

2. 这种做法的利与弊; 

3. 微博是否应受到监管?为什么?

注意: 1. 文章标题已经给出,不计算在总字数内。

2. 字数: 120字左右; 

3. 参考词汇: 微博 micro-blogs n (pl.)     行业精英 industry elites n. (pl)

Micro-blogs, a new form of communication, are becoming more and more popular. ___________






Most students feel like nervous before taking an important exam. Some feel dizzy or tiring, some have no appetite for food and other even suffer from sleep problems. All the symptoms have terrible effects in their exams. How can they get rid of these bad symptoms? Personal, it’s important to make a careful plan in advance to review what they have learned, what will help them reduce the pressure. Besides, they should arrange their time properly. They shouldn’t stay too late because only enough sleep makes them energetic and enable them to perform well in an exam. what’s more, a balanced diet can contribute to their perform in exams. They are supposed to eating various food such as eggs, milk, carrots, walnuts, etc.



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