满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—The company has been performing poorly ...

—The company has been performing poorly during the past few years.

—In my view, it needs to _______ its image.

A. hold up                                      B. take up                    C. step up                    D. polish up


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语:A. hold up举起,耽搁,B. take up从事,拿起,C. step up加紧,D. polish up加强,改善,磨光,句意:--公司在过去的几年表现很差。--在我看来,它需要改善形象了。选D。 考点:考查动词短语

The manager has decided to put _______ he thinks is energetic and clever in the position of the leadership of the company.

A. whoever                                   B. anyone                    C. whomever                      D. those



—The college entrance examination is just around the corner.

—Quite right. Every minute seems to ________ for me.

A. value                                B. affect                                C. count                                D. mean



On AIDS Day, the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems _____ paid special attention to.

A. referred to being           B. referred to be                C. refer to being                 D. refer to be



Getting your students ________ in classroom activities is vitally important.

A. trapped                                     B. devoted                           C. stuck                                D. involved



Mr. Tiger insisted that he _______ the money back to his boss but his boss said that he didn’t receive it.

A. should pay                       B. had paid                           C. pay                                    D. would pay



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