满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—The college entrance examination is jus...

—The college entrance examination is just around the corner.

—Quite right. Every minute seems to ________ for me.

A. value                                B. affect                                C. count                                D. mean


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词:A. value尊重,重视,B. affect影响,感染,C. count重要,算数,D. mean意味着,句意:--高考就要临近了。--很正确,5分钟似乎对我很重要。选C。 考点:考查动词

On AIDS Day, the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems _____ paid special attention to.

A. referred to being           B. referred to be                C. refer to being                 D. refer to be



Getting your students ________ in classroom activities is vitally important.

A. trapped                                     B. devoted                           C. stuck                                D. involved



Mr. Tiger insisted that he _______ the money back to his boss but his boss said that he didn’t receive it.

A. should pay                       B. had paid                           C. pay                                    D. would pay



_______ in the leg made it impossible for him to walk to school every day.

A. Being injured                           B. Injured                    C. Having injured                D. Injuring



We were stuck at the airport because of the heavy fog, otherwise we ________ here in time for the conference.

A. arrived                             B. had arrived

C. would arrive          D. would have arrived



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