满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I studied engineering after enjoying top...

I studied engineering after enjoying top marks, as high school came relatively easy. Then university life came!

I thought that I must have some learning disorder, as it seemed that everyone else was absorbing the material and making progress while to me it was an insurmountable(不能克服的) struggle. There were never enough hours in the day and weekend to attend the lectures, study the lessons and then do the assignment.

During my darkest hour I called home to speak to my father: “Dad, I don’t think I can handle this.” My father then said something, which cut through me like a knife: “There is no returning home. If you quit, then you are on your own.”

I hung up thinking what a terrible heartless thing to say. Then, I determined to somehow gut it out(坚持到底). There seemed to be no other choices available! Soon afterwards, I noticed a sigh posted in a campus common area stating: “Studying Skills” with a place & time to meet. It said that “there is help available”. I attended that meeting! I soon discovered there were several others in a similar situation and that everyone wanted to help each other get through this challenging first term. I soon found a study partner, who helped me a lot, and I was grateful to him for his kind help.

Yes, it was still a very challenging first year, but I found the needed strength and support to get through it. In fact my father has been helping me since then, but he has done it in another way. I know now in my heart that he did the very best help he could to help me fly. Thanks Dad for the push!

1.The story happened when the author _____.

A.just came to the new high school

B.was in his first term in university

C.was in the last year of high school

D.had been in the university for one year

2.What was the author’s problem?

A.His father refused his request of returning home.

B.His father said some terrible words to him.

C.He found the course difficult to understand.

D.He could not understand his teachers.

3.How did the author get through his challenge successfully?

A.He got help from his father in another way.

B.He changed the place and time for study.

C.He joined those who helped each other.

D.He paid more attention to study.

4.Which of the following is the most suitable title for the text?

A.Differences between high school and university

B.My time in university

C.The importance of being strict with children

D.Push from my father


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了我在从高中上大学以后子学习方面遇见了很大的问题,结果在“there is help available”和父亲的帮助之下,克服了自己的困难的故事。 1.B 细节题。根据文章第一段和最后一段第一句Yes, it was still a very challenging first year, I studied engineering after enjoying top marks, as high school came relatively easy. Then university life came!可知我是在高中毕业进入大学的第一年所遇见的困难,故B正确。 2.C 推理题。根据文章第二段I thought that I must have some learning disorder, as it seemed that everyone else was absorbing the material and making progress while to me it was an insurmountable(不能克服的) struggle. There were never enough hours in the day and weekend to attend the lectures, study the lessons and then do the assignment.可知他发现大学的课程很难懂,学习的时间也不够。故C正确。 3.C 细节题。根据文章倒数第二段Soon afterwards, I noticed a sigh posted in a campus common area stating: “Studying Skills” with a place & time to meet. It said that “there is help available”. I attended that meeting! I soon discovered there were several others in a similar situation and that everyone wanted to help each other get through this challenging first term. I soon found a study partner, who helped me a lot, and I was grateful to him for his kind help.可知他参加了一个学习方面的相互帮助的团体,结果解决了自己的困难。故C正确。 4.D 主旨大意题。根据文章主题段最后一段. In fact my father has been helping me since then, but he has done it in another way. I know now in my heart that he did the very best help he could to help me fly. Thanks Dad for the push!可知父亲使用他自己的方法来激励我帮助我,推动着我在学习方面的进步。故D正确。 考点:考察故事类短文阅读


Never be afraid of making mistakes. Actually, making progress is making mistakes. Mistakes reveal(揭示、显示) where success lies.








1.Something terrible ___________________ if Tom wasn’t coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did. (happen)


2.So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on ______________. (solve)


3.It is hard work as well as determination _________________________. (lead)


4.__________________, I will be right here waiting for you. (be)


5.My brothers can’t attend the party__________________ at Tom’s house at present, because he is preparing for his examination. (hold)


6.People may __________________ that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. (find)


7.My teacher told us that ____________ would win us more friendships and bring us more chances. (modest)


8.A large number of people _____________ the importance of the environmental protection up to now. (realize)


9.______________, this kind of pear was soon sold out at the market. (taste)


10.The fact ______________________as his brother made it necessary for him to lose weight. (twice)




When I was seven years old my mom was diagnosed(诊断) with cancer. For this type of cancer the survival rate was low. My family was extremely upset and shocked. I was too young to understand. I had no idea that everyday with my mom had to be the absolute best because we didn’t know if it would be our last. I didn’t understand why everyone was suddenly taking time out of their busy lives to come over and sit on our couch.

The doctors told us my mom might survive with surgery(外科手术). But it could also kill her. She agreed to have it. The surgery was scheduled for the day after the Columbus Day. The day before the surgery I had off from school, and my mom planned the best day of my life. The day began with her waking me up saying, “Kate, I have a surprise for you. Come see.” The surprise was a doll I had wanted for the longest time. Throughout the day, she told me everything that she thought I would need to know to grow up and be a good person; she told me to be the best I could be and that I would always make her proud. The day was filled with laughter. For the first time in a long time I could see she was happy. Really happy.

The day passed and the next day, it was time for the surgery. There were no tears; I think I understood that I could lose my mom, because they did tell me she could die. We waited all day for news from the doctor. Everyone jumped when a door opened or anyone walked into the waiting room. Finally the doctor came in, and the news was what we had prayed (祈祷) for.

The experience that my family went through was truly a roller coaster. I will never forget that day together, and how her illness pulled our family closer. I understand now how lucky we were. I truly appreciate life and honor my mom for being so strong.

1.After the author’s mother fell ill, people _____.

A.took turns to look after the author

B.tried to spend more time on their work

C.spared more time to stay with the mother

D.asked the doctors to operate on the mother at once

2.It can be inferred that the author’s mother ______.

A.tried to show her love to her daughter before the operation

B.didn’t agree to have the operation

C.had always been happy before the operation

D.was very nervous the day before the operation

3.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.How the doctors operated on the mother.

B.How the family prayed for the mother.

C.How the mother struggled against cancer.

D.How the family waited for the operation result.

4.What does the author mean by the underlined sentence in the text?

A.Life is always full of hardships.

B.Life is full of both pain and happiness.

C.Life is always filled with pleasure.

D.Life is fair for everyone all the time.



Marie Curie was a Polish-born physicist and chemist and one of the most famous scientists of her time. Together with her husband Pierre, she won the Nobel Prize in 1903, and another one in 1911.

Marie Sklodowska was born in Warsaw on 7 November 1867, the daughter of a teacher. In 1891, she went to Paris to study physics and maths at the Sorbonne where she met Pierre Curie, professor of the School of Physics. They married in 1895.

The Curies worked together studying radioactivity(放射性), building on the work of the German physicist Roentgen and the French physicist Becquerel. In July 1898, the Curies announced the discovery of polonium(钋). At the end of the year, they announced the discovery of another, radium(镭). The Curies, along with Becquerel, won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903.

Pierre’s life was cut short in 1906 when he was knocked down and killed by a carriage. Marie took over his teaching post, becoming the first woman to teach at the Sorbonne, and devoted (献身于) herself to continuing the work that they had begun together. She received a second Nobel Prize, for Chemistry, in 1911.

The Curies’ research was important in developing X-rays in surgery. During World WarⅠ, Marie helped fixed X-ray equipment, which she herself drove to the front lines. She helped train doctors for the International Red Cross.

Although she achieved much success, men scientists in France were still against Marie, and she never received any financial help from her work. By the late 1920s her health was beginning to become worse. She died on 4 July 1934 from her dangerous research. The Curies’ eldest daughter Irene was a scientist and winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

1.All the following people contributed to Marie’s first Nobel Prize EXCEPT _____.

A.Irene             B.Pierre            C.Becquerel         D.Roentgen

2.We can know from the text that Marie’s work______.

A.won her respect from men scientists

B.brought her some financial help

C.had a bad effect on her health

D.had no influence on her children

3.Which is the right order of the following events?

①Marie became a teacher at the Sorbonne.

②Marie helped train doctors.

③The Curies discovered polonium.

④The Curies won the Nobel Prize for Physics.

⑤The Curies discovered radium.

A.①④⑤③②       B.③⑤④①②        C.⑤④①③②        D.②③⑤①④

4.Which of the following about Marie is NOT true?

A.She married at the age of 28.

B.Her parent was a teacher.

C.She was the first woman teacher at the Sorbonne.

D.She helped the International Red Cross fix X-ray equipment.



During communication, “words” express only 7% of meanings between people. About 23% of meanings are from the “tone of voice” and 70% of meanings come from “body language”. So next time you want someone’s attention—try body language instead.

Everyone does it, and most interestingly—most do it unconsciously. You may wonder: “Does that mean I have to study psychology to succeed in reading body language?” The answer is “no” because most people are already body language readers.

It’s a skill developed since we’re babies—think of how most babies can recognize facial expressions and get attention without saying anything. That is, you needn’t spend most of your time practicing some of your body language cues(暗示)!

However, you should know that the context(语境) is king. It suggests that, depending on the context of the situation, people will hide body language cues. So sometimes cues can be tricky: a woman who locks her arms may think you are boring—or she may just feel cold. You must learn to read into the context as well as the cues. Sometimes people care more about their body language cues. For example, poker(扑克牌戏) players will consciously hide more of their body language cues.

The first place to start when reading a person’s body language is the face. The easiest way to hide your feelings is to cover your face. This is why it’s sometimes hard to tell if an Islamic girl likes you.

If the eyes are the windows of the mind, the eyebrows(眉毛) are the windows of the eyes. So, notice how a person’s eyebrows will generally rise when they meet someone, see something they like or are surprised at. Eyes generally smile along with the mouth when someone is happy, so everyone knows “^ . ^”.

1.The first paragraph is mainly to show _____.

A.how to express your meanings clearly

B.how to draw other’s attention

C.the importance of body language

D.the role of words in communication

2.Most of the time in our daily life, we ______.

A.find body language very interesting

B.don’t realize we’re using body language

C.hardly use any body language

D.use body language on purpose

3.What does the saying “the context is king” suggest?

A.The context results from body language.

B.The context makes body language difficult.

C.The context helps when reading body language.

D.The context is more important than body language.

4.Who will hide their body language cues on purpose according to the text?

A.Scientists          B.Farmers.          C.Teachers.          D.Poker players.



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