满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

During communication, “words” express on...

During communication, “words” express only 7% of meanings between people. About 23% of meanings are from the “tone of voice” and 70% of meanings come from “body language”. So next time you want someone’s attention—try body language instead.

Everyone does it, and most interestingly—most do it unconsciously. You may wonder: “Does that mean I have to study psychology to succeed in reading body language?” The answer is “no” because most people are already body language readers.

It’s a skill developed since we’re babies—think of how most babies can recognize facial expressions and get attention without saying anything. That is, you needn’t spend most of your time practicing some of your body language cues(暗示)!

However, you should know that the context(语境) is king. It suggests that, depending on the context of the situation, people will hide body language cues. So sometimes cues can be tricky: a woman who locks her arms may think you are boring—or she may just feel cold. You must learn to read into the context as well as the cues. Sometimes people care more about their body language cues. For example, poker(扑克牌戏) players will consciously hide more of their body language cues.

The first place to start when reading a person’s body language is the face. The easiest way to hide your feelings is to cover your face. This is why it’s sometimes hard to tell if an Islamic girl likes you.

If the eyes are the windows of the mind, the eyebrows(眉毛) are the windows of the eyes. So, notice how a person’s eyebrows will generally rise when they meet someone, see something they like or are surprised at. Eyes generally smile along with the mouth when someone is happy, so everyone knows “^ . ^”.

1.The first paragraph is mainly to show _____.

A.how to express your meanings clearly

B.how to draw other’s attention

C.the importance of body language

D.the role of words in communication

2.Most of the time in our daily life, we ______.

A.find body language very interesting

B.don’t realize we’re using body language

C.hardly use any body language

D.use body language on purpose

3.What does the saying “the context is king” suggest?

A.The context results from body language.

B.The context makes body language difficult.

C.The context helps when reading body language.

D.The context is more important than body language.

4.Who will hide their body language cues on purpose according to the text?

A.Scientists          B.Farmers.          C.Teachers.          D.Poker players.


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:肢体语言的重要性,有的人会有意的隐藏肢体语言的暗示,语境可以帮助我们读懂肢体语言。 1.细节题:从第一段的句子:During communication, “words” express only 7% of meanings between people. About 23% of meanings are from the “tone of voice” and 70% of meanings come from “body language”.可知肢体语言的重要性,选C 2.细节题:从第一段的句子:and most interestingly—most do it unconsciously.可知大部分人是无意识的使用肢体语言,选B 3.细节题:从第三段的句子:You must learn to read into the context as well as the cues.可知语境可以帮助我们读懂肢体语言。选C 4.细节题;从第三段的句子:poker(扑克牌戏) players will consciously hide more of their body language cues.可知打牌的人会有意的隐藏肢体语言的暗示,选D 考点:考查日常生活类短文

Four strange scholarships that actually exist

The scholarship for the tall

If you find yourself having to lower your head to enter doorways then you might get this unusual scholarship. If you are a boy 6'2" or taller, or a girl 5'10" or taller, then you can be in the running for the Tall Clubs International Scholarship. All you have to do is write a simple message titled “What being tall means to me,” and you could get $1,000.

The scholarship for the fat

This unusual scholarship is made available to New England high school seniors who are single, overweight, and have maintain(保持) at least a 2.5 GPA. Every year two people are awarded the $500 prize. It’s kind of like saying being fat and unpopular is not that bad after all.

The scholarship for the short

If you aren’t tall enough for the tall scholarship, maybe you are short enough for the short one. The Billy Party Foundation offers this unusual scholarship to students who are short. One needs to be shorter then 4'10" and have a medical certificate as proof of dwarfism.

The scholarship for golf caddies(球童)

Did you know that you could get a free ride to college for being a golf caddie? Okay, it’s a little harder than that, but each year the Evans Scholars Foundation covers tuition(学费) and housing for hundreds of student caddies from all over the country. Most Evans scholars go to one of the fourteen universities where the Evans Scholar Foundation owns and operates a scholarship house.

1.The person running for the Tall Clubs International Scholarship _____.

A.should pay $1,000 at first

B.should write a long passage

C.should be tall enough

D.could get $10,000

2.How many conditions should a student have for the scholarship for the fat?

A.Five.             B.Four.             C.Three.            D.Two.

3.The underlined word “dwarfism” in the text refers to the condition of being ____.

A.short             B.tall and fat         C.clever            D.thin and tall

4.Students caddies who win the scholarship for golf caddies can _____.

A.get $1,000 for housing and tuition

B.get $500 for housing and tuition

C.only go to fourteen universities

D.be free from housing and schooling costs



Can you become a creative person? Can you learn to come up with great ideas or learn to create new things? The answer is yes.

The first step to becoming creative is to remove the words “I am not creative” from your vocabulary. Seriously, do not say them or do not say them even inside your head.

Now you need to start looking what other people are doing. The more you see what they are doing, the more you can get a feel for how they think, and how they come up with creative ideas.

Find a way or a place where you feel totally relaxed. This is important so you can let your mind come up with ideas. Write them down as you get them. For me a relaxing place is outside in nature where it is quiet and sunny, or when I take a long drive in my car by myself.

The last step is to write down a few ideas every day.

Repeat the process of reading and observing what similar people are doing and how they are being creative, finding a relaxing place to write down your thoughts, and writing down a few ideas every day until you start seeing this kind of results you are happy with. It may take a few weeks to a few months, but this is the training process you need to put your mind through to become creative.

Remember, looking at things from different angle(角度) can also make a big difference to creativity. Question the way that everyone else is doing something using the same method and see if being different and doing it another way will produce something cool.

1.The first step to be creative is to _____.

A.have confidence in yourself

B.look up “creativity” in the dictionary

C.understand the meaning of being creative

D.learn many new words by heart

2.The writer develops the fourth paragraph by ______.

A.the order of time                       B.the order of space

C.giving examples                         D.explaining reasons

3.It can be inferred that ______.

A.creativity is a gift people are born with

B.not everyone can be creative

C.it is a piece of cake to be creative

D.creativity can be gained through practice

4.The purpose of writing this text is to tell us how to _____.

A.learn to be creative

B.solve problems easily

C.come up with good ideas

D.improve the ability of thinking



I used to work as a waitress in a little restaurant. I felt frustrated then so I had been   31 that period. I hadn’t told anybody except my employer. Somehow a   32  had overheard (无意中听到) my saying that I had to go to another   33 . As I passed her table, she   34  me a card with her phone number on it. She explained that she lived in Sydney and that I should call   35  I needed any help.

Some weeks later, it was time for   36  appointment(约会) in Sydney and I flew there. I was   37  as I had never been there before and didn’t   38  anyone else there. So I   39  to ring the lady who had given me her   40  number, even though I had only met her that once.   41  I had arrived, she was very excited and came   42  to meet me. She gave me a bed and a meal and took me to my appointment the next day and afterwards, she took me back to the   43 .

She treated me so   44  that I offered her a gift to express my   45  but she refused. She said “Your   46  to me is to offer your help to another when it is   47 .” Over the months we kept in touch but then for some reason our communication got less and less   48 .

I always felt I wasn’t giving enough to others as a   49 , but she had told me that I gave her very much and the way I   50  people was a gift. I now give a hand to others every day even if it is only a smile to those who have none to give.

1.                A.going through    B.worrying about   C.wishing for    D.dreaming of


2.                A.manager        B.waiter          C.customer D.friend


3.                A.restaurant      B.school          C.town D.city


4.                A.showed        B.handed         C.lent  D.returned


5.                A.before         B.after           C.if    D.because


6.                A.her            B.their           C.my  D.his


7.                A.pleased        B.tired           C.scared   D.honest


8.                A.help           B.know           C.meet D.serve


9.                A.decided        B.promised       C.refused   D.expected


10.               A.room          B.hotel          C.car   D.phone


11.               A.Considering     B.Admitting       C.Learning   D.Thinking


12.               A.secretly        B.immediately     C.slowly D.unwillingly


13.               A.room          B.airport         C.park  D.station


14.               A.calmly         B.warmly         C.coldly D.poorly


15.               A.thankfulness     B.concern        C.excitement D.attitude


16.               A.advice         B.question        C.pay   D.gift


17.               A.needed        B.tested          C.appreciated    D.accepted


18.               A.frequent       B.valuable        C.important  D.meaningful


19.               A.nurse          B.waitress        C.teacher   D.cook


20.               A.laughed at      B.recognized      C.talked about    D.treated















We middle school students have had many tests or exams to test our knowledge or abilities. We have both achieved success and suffered from failure. Of course these successes and failures will bring us joys and sorrows.                  






I often quarrel about my mother over whether I can watch TV after school. She holds the view that senior students have to make a full use of every minute to work hardly at their lessons. It seems to me that once I am allowed to do that, I’ll be unable to control myself and forgot all about my study. She also thinks it is bad for my eye. But I really can accept her ideas.

In my opinion, watch TV can set my mind at rest after a day’s hard work. Beside, it is important for us to know that has happened at home and abroad. Thus, we shouldn’t be forbidden to watch TV.



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