满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

语境填词, 注意动词形式。(每空1分,满分25分) 1.Everyone thi...

语境填词, 注意动词形式。(每空1分,满分25分)

1.Everyone think it is  _(荒谬的)to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.

2.They marked the ________(分界线)of the football fields several days before the game. 

3.We all __________ (渴望)peace and happiness.

4.Flower arrangement ()is an__________ (高雅的)art.

5.The new law__________ (宣告)that this was illegal.

6.She__________ (陪伴)her friend to the concert last night.

7.The theatre has very good access for the _________________ (残疾人).

8.They have made an_________(紧急)request for international aid.

9.The foundation would like to launch programs for providing _____________ (援助) for poor areas in Africa.

10.The novel is an important form of _ ______.(文学)

11.One of her  a ___________ is to become a doctor.

12.Remember not to e______ them by asking personal questions.

13.The girl gave a  v_________description of the event.

14.Hotel  a_________was scarce during the Olympic Games.

15.Did anyone  w________the traffic accident?

16.Don’t  a______yourself  to drinking.

17.When  you _____   ______  trouble and need help, please turn to me .

18.This machine is invented to ______   _____ the quality of the products.

19.I quickly_____   _____ the change  in temperature.

20.She was  _____   _____    _____    when hearing the sound of explosion(爆炸).


1.absurd   2..boundary   3..desire   4.elegant    5.declared    6.accompanied   7.disabled  8.urgent   9.assistance   10..literature  11.ambitions  12.embarrass  13..vivid  14..accommodation    15..witness    16.abandon   17.meet  with   18..test  out    19.adapt to   20..scared to death 【解析】 试题分析: 1..absurd 形容词荒谬的,相当于ridiculous。 2..boundary  名词分界线boundary,相当于demarcation line. 3..desire  动词渴望desire,后面可以直接加名词作宾语。 4..elegant 形容词优雅的,高雅的。该词通常用于正式的情况下。 5.declared 动词宣布declare,该词往往用于宣布战争等重大事件。 6.accompanied  动词陪伴accompany,该词是及物动词,后面直接加宾语。 7..disabled 形容词残疾的disabled,该词是可以转换成名词disability。 8..urgent  形容词紧急的urgent,是由动词urge转换而来;该词后面的宾语从句要使用should+动词原形构成。 9..assistance 名词assistance帮助,是由动词assist帮助转换而来。 10.literature 名词文学literature,该词是一个抽象名词,往往要单独使用。 11..ambitions 形容词ambitious有雄心的。是由名词ambition转换而来。 12.embarrass 动词embarrass使…尴尬;可以转换成embarrassed感到尴尬的。 13.vivid 形容词生动的,形象的;该词猜测在句中作定语修饰名词。 14.accommodation  名词食宿accommodation;是由动词accommodate转换而来。 15.witness   动词见证,目睹witness,该词也可以作为名词“证人,目击者”。 16..abandon  动词抛弃abandon。构成固定结构:abandon oneself to…使…沉溺于…。 17.meet  with 动词固定搭配meet with…遇见;相当于come across。 18.test  out   动词短语检测test out。本句是指这个机器被用来检测产品的质量。 19..adapt to  固定搭配adapt to适应….;相当于adjust…to… 20..scared to death 本句中的形容词scared害怕的;后面接to加名词,表示结果。 考点:词汇、语法、句式考查题

Have you ever noticed someone "talking" to them-selves? What did you think? The word "crazy" probably came to your mind. Wait a minute, though. Maybe they’re doing something meaningful.

Speaking practice can be effective in many different forms when people learn English or another foreign language. Imitating the speech of others is proven to be highly effective in developing a native speaker’s level of fluency in a language. Actually you’ve already proven that to your-self.

How? That’s how you learned your first language! Whether it was English, Spanish, French or some other language, you "imitated" your mother, father, other family members, friends, teachers and whoever else was around making "talking" noises at you as you formed your first communicative language skills.

So don’t think those who are talking to themselves are "crazy". At least don’t do so until you’ve tried it for your-self, in English or in your new foreign language.

As you go through your day, in English or your new foreign language, tell yourself what you’re doing at the moment and what you’re going to do during the day.

"Which of these shirts, ties, etc. should I wear today? Not this one, I wore it just last week. Maybe this one, but I don’t like this color with the pants. Let’s try another one," you might say as you are getting dressed.

If you live alone, you can talk aloud whenever you want without disturbing others. If you don’t live alone, however, then first explain to your family or roommates what you’ll be doing, to avoid a quiet phone call to the local psychiatrist (精神病学家).

1.The author wrote the passage mainly to _______.

A.tell us how to talk to ourselves

B.introduce a method of learning a foreign language

C.tell us why some people talk to themselves

D.explain to us how we learned our native language

2.What does the underlined word "it" in the fifth paragraph refer to?

A.The word "crazy".                       B.A foreign language.

C.The skill of communicating.                D.The method of talking to oneself.

3.From the passage we can know that ______.

A.people who talk to themselves are crazy

B.if you live alone, you should talk to yourself

C.you should tell yourself what you’re doing

D.we learned our native language by imitating



An inventor seeks to create a new product that serves a specific need and fulfills a role that other products do not. Sometimes an inventor comes up with a wholly new idea, but more often inventions are simply improvements on an older design. With a little imagination and creativity (创造力), an old idea can suddenly become something new.

However, creating a new invention means much more than having a brilliant idea. A good designer follows the design process: identifying the challenge, researching and brainstorming ideas(集思广益), designing a solution, testing and evaluating the ideas, and finally building the product. Designers also use science, math, technology, and engineering to design a tool that satisfies the need they identified.

Anyone can be an inventor —even kids! For example, Chester Greenwood was just fifteen years old when he invented a product that changed his life. In fact, his idea was so good that his invention supported him for the rest of his life. You may not know his name, but you probably know his invention —earmuffs (保暖耳罩)!

The inspiration for his earmuff design came to Chester when he was ice-skating. His ears were cold, and he decided to find a way to keep them warm. With the help of his grandmother, he made a new product to protect his ears and at the age of eighteen, Chester patented his earmuff design.

Many other famous inventors started young as well. Margaret Knight —the inventor of the flat-bottomed brown paper bag —is said to have created a safety device for textile looms(织布机) when she was just twelve years old. Another example is Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors in history, who applied for his first patent when he was just twenty-one years old. Over the course of his life, Thomas Edison patented a total of 1,093 inventions!

1.In most cases, an invention ________ according to the first paragraph.

A.comes from a complete new idea           B.is usually based on an old product or idea

C.will change its creator’s life completely     D.is created by scientists in different fields

2.The second paragraph mainly wants to tell us _______.

A.the difficulty in making a new invention      B.the common steps of creating new things

C.having a good idea is the key to creation      D.designing a tool is the first step in inventing

3.The example of Chester Greenwood is used to show that ________.

A.children can also invent something

B.it is easy even for children to make inventions

C.kids have more advantages in inventing things

D.to be an inventor is the best way to change one’s life

4.At first Chester designed his earmuffs in order to ________.

A.protect his ears while ice-skating

B.earn money to support his poor family

C.realize his dream of becoming an inventor

D.make himself look fashionable while ice-skating



Students who say they never or hardly ever used dictionaries may speak English well but usually write poorly, because they make many mistakes.

The students who use dictionaries most do not learn especially well either. The ones who look up every new word do not read fast. Therefore they do not have time to read much. Those who use small two-language dictionaries have the worst problems. Their dictionaries often give only one or two words as translations of English. But one English word often has many translations in a foreign language and one foreign word has many translations in English.

The most successful students are those who use large college edition dictionaries with about 100,000 words but do not use them too often. When they are reading, these students first try to get the general idea and understand new words from the context. Then they reread and use the dictionary to look up only key words that they still do not understand. They use dictionaries more for writing. If they are not sure how to spell a word, they always use a dictionary. Also, if they think a noun might have an unusual plural form, they check this in a dictionary.

1.The writer thinks that ___________.

A.choose a good dictionary, and you’ll be successful in learning English

B.dictionaries are not necessary to the students who learn English

C.it is very important for students to use good dictionaries properly

D.using dictionaries very often can’t help to improve writing

2.According to the passage, which of the following is WRONG?

A.Dictionaries have little effect on learning to speak English.

B.Whatever new words you meet while reading, never use dictionaries.

C.Small two-language dictionaries have serious shortcomings.

D.Reading something for the first time, you’d better not use dictionaries.

3.When in the reading does the writer advise students to use a good dictionary?

A.At the beginning of the reading             B.At the end of the reading

C.During the first reading                   D.After the first reading

4.This passage mainly tells us .

A.that students shouldn’t use small two-language dictionaries

B.what were the shortcomings of small two-language dictionaries

C.why students should use large college edition dictionaries

D.what dictionary students should choose and how to use it



Not many years ago, a wealthy and rather strange old man named Johnson lived alone in a village in the south of England. He had made a lot of money in trading with foreign countries. When he was seventy-five, he gave£12,000 to the village school to buy land and equipment for a children’s playground.

As a result of his kindness, many people came to visit him. Among them was a newspaperman. During their talk, Johnson remarked that he was seventy-five and expected to live to be a hundred. The newspaperman asked him how he managed to be healthy at seventy-five. Johnson had a sense of humor. He liked whisky (威士忌酒) and drank some each day. “I have an injection (注射) in my neck each evening,” he told the newspaperman, thinking of his evening glass of whisky.

The newspaperman did not understand what Johnson meant. In his newspaper he reported that Johnson was seventy-five and had a daily injection in his neck. Within a week Johnson received thousands of letters from all over Britain, asking him for the secret of his daily injection.

1.The gift of money to the school suggests (暗示) that Johnson ___________.

A.had no children                        B.was a strange man

C.was very fond of children                 D.wanted people to know how rich he was

2.Many people wrote to Johnson to find out ___________.

A.what kind of whisky he had                B.how to live longer

C.how to become wealthy                  D.in which part of the neck to have an injection

3.The newspaperman ___________.

A.should have reported what Johnson had told him

B.shouldn’t have asked Johnson what injection he had

C.was eager to live a long life

D.should have found out what Johnson really meant

4.When Johnson said he had an injection in his neck each evening, he really meant that ___________.

A.he liked drinking a glass of whisky in the evening

B.he needn’t an injection in the neck

C.a daily injection in the evening would make him sleep well

D.there was something wrong with his neck



It was a quiet morning during the war. In a small valley, there was a little wooden building, which was an orphanage (孤儿院) that__16__ many young children who had lost their ___17__ in the war. Suddenly, a shell (炮弹) __18__ on the top of the orphanage’s building. Many children were ___19__. One little girl was badly hurt and bleeding. A runner was at once sent to  __20__medical help.

When the doctor arrived, he_21_ that the girl’s greatest need at the moment was blood. He immediately checked the records in the__22__ to find someone who had the same blood type as the girl’s. A nurse soon __23__the children that had the same blood type together and asked who would be __24__ to donate blood to the girl. The children looked shocked, and no one said a word. Again with __25____ eyes, the doctor pleaded (恳求). __26__ a boy slowly raised his hand.

When the doctor injected the needle, the boy began to cry. The doctor tried to _27__ him, but in vain. Even when the needle was _28__ , the little boy was still crying. After the blood was given to the wounded girl, her___29__ got better. Then the doctor came to the boy, "Does it hurt?" "No, but I was afraid of dying." The doctor was __30_! "Why did you think you would die? "With __31_ in his eyes the boy replied, "Because I thought you would take all of my __32__ to save her! "The doctor didn’t know what to say! Then he asked, "__33_you thought you were going to die, why did you__34__to give her your blood?" With tears streaming down, he said in a___35__ voice, "Because she is my friend and I love her." There is no greater love in the world!

1.                A.stored         B.hid            C.gained   D.housed


2.                A.neighbors       B.friends         C.parents   D.teachers


3.                A.fell            B.appeared       C.jumped   D.flew


4.                A.ruined         B.wounded       C.harmed   D.lost


5.                A.operate on      B.take over       C.get around    D.ask for


6.                A.introduced      B.realized         C.predicted D.promised


7.                A.orphanage      B.hospital         C.school    D.store


8.                A.recognized      B.turned         C.gathered  D.assumed


9.                A.valuable        B.willing          C.regrettable    D.useful


10.               A.anxious        B.curious         C.delightful  D.surprising


11.               A.immediately     B.happily         C.finally D.probably


12.               A.stop           B.comfort        C.interrupt  D.support


13.               A.disappeared     B.Pulled          C.Removed  D.finished


14.               A.function        B.occasion        C.position   D.condition


15.               A.shocked        B.frightened      C.pleased   D.worried


16.               A.smiles          B.puzzle          C.hope D.tears


17.               A.energy         B.health          C.money    D.blood


18.               A.If             B.Since          C.Though    D.Unless


19.               A.expect         B.wish           C.agree D.permit


20.               A.soft           B.strange         C.tired  D.embarrassed




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