满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was a quiet morning during the war. I...

It was a quiet morning during the war. In a small valley, there was a little wooden building, which was an orphanage (孤儿院) that__16__ many young children who had lost their ___17__ in the war. Suddenly, a shell (炮弹) __18__ on the top of the orphanage’s building. Many children were ___19__. One little girl was badly hurt and bleeding. A runner was at once sent to  __20__medical help.

When the doctor arrived, he_21_ that the girl’s greatest need at the moment was blood. He immediately checked the records in the__22__ to find someone who had the same blood type as the girl’s. A nurse soon __23__the children that had the same blood type together and asked who would be __24__ to donate blood to the girl. The children looked shocked, and no one said a word. Again with __25____ eyes, the doctor pleaded (恳求). __26__ a boy slowly raised his hand.

When the doctor injected the needle, the boy began to cry. The doctor tried to _27__ him, but in vain. Even when the needle was _28__ , the little boy was still crying. After the blood was given to the wounded girl, her___29__ got better. Then the doctor came to the boy, "Does it hurt?" "No, but I was afraid of dying." The doctor was __30_! "Why did you think you would die? "With __31_ in his eyes the boy replied, "Because I thought you would take all of my __32__ to save her! "The doctor didn’t know what to say! Then he asked, "__33_you thought you were going to die, why did you__34__to give her your blood?" With tears streaming down, he said in a___35__ voice, "Because she is my friend and I love her." There is no greater love in the world!

1.                A.stored         B.hid            C.gained   D.housed


2.                A.neighbors       B.friends         C.parents   D.teachers


3.                A.fell            B.appeared       C.jumped   D.flew


4.                A.ruined         B.wounded       C.harmed   D.lost


5.                A.operate on      B.take over       C.get around    D.ask for


6.                A.introduced      B.realized         C.predicted D.promised


7.                A.orphanage      B.hospital         C.school    D.store


8.                A.recognized      B.turned         C.gathered  D.assumed


9.                A.valuable        B.willing          C.regrettable    D.useful


10.               A.anxious        B.curious         C.delightful  D.surprising


11.               A.immediately     B.happily         C.finally D.probably


12.               A.stop           B.comfort        C.interrupt  D.support


13.               A.disappeared     B.Pulled          C.Removed  D.finished


14.               A.function        B.occasion        C.position   D.condition


15.               A.shocked        B.frightened      C.pleased   D.worried


16.               A.smiles          B.puzzle          C.hope D.tears


17.               A.energy         B.health          C.money    D.blood


18.               A.If             B.Since          C.Though    D.Unless


19.               A.expect         B.wish           C.agree D.permit


20.               A.soft           B.strange         C.tired  D.embarrassed



1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.A 16.D 17.D 18.B 19.C 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述的是在一个战争期间的孤儿院里,敌人的轰炸让一个小女孩受了重伤,另外一个小男孩在以为献血会死掉的情况下仍然愿意献血。原因就是她 是他的朋友。说明了友谊的巨大力量。 1.D 动词辨析。A存储B躲藏C赢得D容纳;这个孤儿院里容纳了很多失去父母的孩子。 2.C 上下文串联。上句提及这是孤儿院,说明这里的孩子都是孤儿,也就是失去父母的孩子。 3.A 动词辨析。A落下B出现C跳跃D飞行;指一枚炸弹落在了孤儿院上面的屋顶上。 4.B 动词辨析。A毁掉B受伤(战场上的刀伤或者枪伤)C伤害D失去;很多孩子受伤了。 5.D 短语辨析。A做手术B接管C四处走动D要求;立刻派一个人去要求医疗救助。 6.B 动词辨析。A介绍B意识到C预测D允诺;医生很快意识到病人需要的是血浆。 7.A 上下文串联。根据文章第一段可知这个故事发生在战争时期的孤儿院里,故A正确。 8.C 动词辨析。A认出B转身C聚集D假设;一名护士吧孤儿院里同样血型的孩子聚在一起。 9.B 固定搭配。Be willing to do sth愿意做某事;医生询问谁愿意献血给这个女孩。 10.A 形容词辨析。A焦虑的B好奇的C高兴的D惊讶地;因为小女孩的情况很危险,所以医生很焦急想知道谁愿意献血来帮助这个小女孩。 11.C 副词辨析。A立刻B开心C最后D可能;最好一个小男孩慢慢地举起了手,愿意献血。 12.B 动词辨析。A停止B安慰C打断D支持;这个男孩不停地哭,医生努力安慰他。 13.C 动词辨析。A消失B拉C去除D完成;尽管抽血的针已经被拿走了,但是他还在哭。 14.D 名词辨析。A功能B场合C职位D情况;输血以后,小女孩的情况有了很大的好转。 15.A 形容词辨析。A震惊B害怕C高兴D担心;医生很尊敬,因为小男孩说他担心自己会死。 16.D 上下文串联。根据35空前的With tears streaming down可知小男孩眼里有眼泪。 17.D 上下文串联。小男孩担心自己会死是因为他以为他们要抽调他所有的血。 18.B 连词辨析。既然你以为你会死,那么你为什么又同意献血给她呢? 19.C 动词辨析。A期待B希望C同意D允许;那么你为什么又同意献血给她呢? 20.A 形容词辨析。A温和的B奇怪的C疲惫的D尴尬的;小男孩用温和的声音说:因为她是我的朋友,我喜欢她。 考点:考察人生感悟类短文

—Thanks a lot, but can you do me one more favor, please?

—___________, sir. What can I do for you?

A.Just a minute                           B.It’s very nice of you

C.At your service                         D.Not a bit



That's the best way to ________ into the dangerous area.

A.get people get                         B.stop people to get

C.keep people getting                     D.prevent people getting



Out of ________ for the homeless, I gave them shelter for the night.

A.regret            B.sympathy          C.alarm             D.shame



Since we talked about saving money, you’d better _____ the money to be spent on CDs.

A.cut out           B.make out          C.give out           D.bring out



The site ______ now is a park, which will be open to the public at the end of this year.

A.to be built         B.being built         C.having been built    D.Built



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