满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Forget hard work and perseverance. Getti...

Forget hard work and perseverance. Getting ahead is as simple as tidying your desk.

According to a leading expert, having a cluttered environment reflects a cluttered mind, but the act of tidying up can help you be more successful. The advice comes from Jayne Morris, the resident "life coach" for NHS Online, who said it is no good just moving the mess around. In order to clear the mind, unwanted items must be thrown away to free your "inner world", she said.

Ms Morris, who claims to have coached celebrities(名流) to major business figures, said: “Clearing clutter from your desk has the power to transform your business. Why? Because clutter in your outer environment is the physical sign of all the clutter going on inside of you." Clearing clutter has a chain effect across your entire life, including your work. Having an untidy desk covered in clutter could be stopping you achieving the business success you want." She is sure cleaning up will be helpful even though some of history's biggest achievers lived and worked in messy conditions.

Churchill was considered untidy from a boy throughout his life, from his office to his artist's studio, and the lab where Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin was famously untidy.

Among the recommendations is that simply tidying a desk at work and an overflowing filing cabinet (陈列柜) will instantly have a positive impact on "your inner world. " Anything that is no longer used should not be put into storage but thrown away completely.

Keeping something in the loft, garage or other part of the house, does not help because it is still connected to the person "by tiny energetic lines", Ms Morris claims.

She said, "The things in your life that are useful to you, that add value to your life, that serve a current purpose are charged with positive energy that refreshes you and enriches your life. But the things that you don't ever use and don't need anymore have the opposite effect on your energy. Things that no longer fit or serve you use up your energy. "

1.The underlined word "cluttered" (in Para.2) is closest in meaning to _____________.

A.messy            B.brief             C.complex          D.aggressive

2.Which of the following statements does Ms Morris agree to?

A.Changing the position of staff frequently will help to build up a clear mind.

B.A tidy office will lead to a success in your business affairs in no time.

C.To have a free mind, we need to throw away unneeded items at times.

D.You can pack up your things in garage or loft to cheer you up.

3.According to Ms Morris, an untidy desk probably means that              .

A.you are quite a failure

B.you are in a messy mind

C.you are very tired to deal with it

D.you have achieved the business success

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A.Less untidy, more successful.

B.How to improve your inner world.

C.Cleaning up makes you less intelligent.

D.Being bigger achiever needs more effort.


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文呼吁我们要让自己的环境变得整洁,只有这样才会让我们的内心得到整理,也变得有条理,有助于我们在生活中取得成功。 1.A 推理题。根据本句According to a leading expert, having a cluttered environment reflects a cluttered mind, but the act of tidying up can help you be more successful.可知这里的cluttered environment是指环境很杂乱,也就是不整洁。所以才倡导我们要整理好自己的个人物品。故A正确。 2.C 推理题。根据第二段前4行Ms Morris, who claims to have coached celebrities(名流) to major business figures, said: “Clearing clutter from your desk has the power to transform your business. Why? Because clutter in your outer environment is the physical sign of all the clutter going on inside of you."可知把自己杂乱的桌子收拾干净可以让给我们的内心也变得干净。故C正确。 3.B 推理题。根据文章第二段第3行Because clutter in your outer environment is the physical sign of all the clutter going on inside of you."可知杂乱的桌面说明你内心世界也很杂乱。故B正确。 4.A 主旨大意题。根据文章主题段第一段内容可知本文是呼吁我们要让自己的环境变得整洁,只有这样才会让我们的内心得到整理,也变得有条理,有助于我们在生活中取得成功。故A正确。 考点:考察人生百态类短文阅读

Dave Bruno works as an online marketing manager. Several years ago, one weekend Bruno and his family did a major house cleanup and then donated several bags of unneeded items to the local Goodwill store. “After all were done, I looked around and realized that I still had too much stuff”, says Bruno, “It occurred to me that maybe I wanted to lead a simple life but in reality I behaved differently.” That realization prompted the 39-year-old father of three to try an experiment, “The 100Thing Challenge”.

With the goal of breaking free of what he calls a “bad habit of consumerism(消费主义), Bruno was determined to live for one year with just 100 personal items. He cut down his possessions to 94 items, including a Bible, laptop, guitar, wedding ring, car and clothes. He created some guidelines for the experiment since his wife and daughters did not participate, familyshared and household items did not count as personal items. He also grouped together some basic things such as underwear and socks. Bruno began blogging about his new lifestyle and eventually wrote a book, The 100 Thing Challenge: How I Got Rid of Almost Everything, Remade My Life, and Regained My Soul.

Since completing the experiment, Bruno has continued to live by the motto: reduce, refuse, and rearrange and maintains just 110 personal things. “ Nearly three years of living with a minimal amount of personal possessions, I’m no longer in the habit of consuming for the sake of consumption (消费),” he wrote in his blog last week, “That has freed me up for all sorts of better endeavors (活动) than shopping—like spending time with family and writing a book and planning for business opportunities.”

Bruno’s project has also inspired others to live minimally, many of whom post their own 100 Thing Challenge updates on YouTube. “The reality is that the 100 Thing Challenge is surprisinglyeasy”, says Bruno, “I’m  not saying there were no challenges or disappointments. I miss some things, but not that much. Frankly, it’s far easier to live with less stuff than with excessive trash.”

1.What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 1?

A.Bruno regretted to have an easy life.

B.Bruno had a special behavior in reality,

C.Bruno and his family led a happy life.

D.Bruno would have liked a life with fewer items.

2.The things were included in Bruno’s 94 items EXCEPT____________.

A.socks             B.a Bible            C.cookers           D.a wedding ring

3.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Live with 100 Things

B.Defeat 100 Challenges in Life

C.Survive by Your Motto

D.Consume for Consumption’s Sake



I had not seen my parents for a long time. Last Saturday I drove a long way to visit them,  36   neither of them was at home. So I waited patiently at their home  37 their return. Not seeing them made me really  38 .

As I was walking around their bedroom, I  39 little reminders of them. Some Christmas gifts were still  40 in boxes. There were  41 on the wall, which I guess must have a  42 meaning to them. What took my breath away was seeing my dad’s emblems(徽章)from his military service of our country  43 he was young. My father never  44 to us about the Korean Wars. As I looked at those emblems hanging  45 with all the photos that he treasures, I  46 that this was an important part of his life, but I never spent the  47 in talking with him about them. The photos of my mom with her close  48 made me realize her life before she was my mom. I had been so  49 running my business to raise my own family that I  50 the chance to know about their past and experience.

We sometimes don’t realize something is  51 for us until we have lost it, so it’s not too late for us to talk to our parents about their past. I am writing my story to  52 everyone who is fortunate to still have their parents  53 to invest some time to learn about them. I am grateful to have  54 of my parents. So I still have time to talk with them. I hope that readers will  55 from my story and find the time to talk about those things in their life that mean so much to their parents.

1.                A.and            B.but            C.or   D.so


2.                A.for            B.to             C.of   D.in


3.                A.frightened      B.embarrassed     C.upset D.excited


4.                A.sought         B.took           C.needed   D.saw


5.                A.kept           B.folded          C.hidden   D.covered


6.                A.Santa Claus      B.family trees      C.family photos  D.old clothes


7.                A.simple         B.real            C.past D.special


8.                A.if             B.when          C.though   D.until


9.                A.talked          B.explained       C.showed   D.referred


10.               A.finally          B.clearly         C.proudly   D.openly


11.               A.promised       B.declared        C.admitted   D.realized


12.               A.courage        B.time           C.chance    D.energy


13.               A.friends         B.teachers        C.students   D.children


14.               A.strict          B.eager          C.busy D.blind


15.               A.rejected        B.avoided        C.delayed   D.missed


16.               A.hopeful        B.important       C.careful    D.original


17.               A.encourage      B.demand        C.require   D.warn


18.away  B. awake    C. around          D. alone

19.               A.one           B.neither         C.either D.both


20.               A.make          B.benefit         C.change    D.recover




— Do you know Sam didn’t pass the swimming test this time?

—_____________ His coach said he was the best one in his team.

A.So what?          B.How come?        C.Not at all.          D.I don’t think so.



Making mistakes is a part of life. ___________ matters is ___________ you do afterwards.

A.It; what           B.All; what          C.What; what        D.That; what



___________ the past, leaving the sadness behind, ___________ you’ll see the door of a new bright world open before you.

A.Forget; and        B.Forgetting; and     C.Forget; /          D.To forgetting; /



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