满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I had not seen my parents for a long tim...

I had not seen my parents for a long time. Last Saturday I drove a long way to visit them,  36   neither of them was at home. So I waited patiently at their home  37 their return. Not seeing them made me really  38 .

As I was walking around their bedroom, I  39 little reminders of them. Some Christmas gifts were still  40 in boxes. There were  41 on the wall, which I guess must have a  42 meaning to them. What took my breath away was seeing my dad’s emblems(徽章)from his military service of our country  43 he was young. My father never  44 to us about the Korean Wars. As I looked at those emblems hanging  45 with all the photos that he treasures, I  46 that this was an important part of his life, but I never spent the  47 in talking with him about them. The photos of my mom with her close  48 made me realize her life before she was my mom. I had been so  49 running my business to raise my own family that I  50 the chance to know about their past and experience.

We sometimes don’t realize something is  51 for us until we have lost it, so it’s not too late for us to talk to our parents about their past. I am writing my story to  52 everyone who is fortunate to still have their parents  53 to invest some time to learn about them. I am grateful to have  54 of my parents. So I still have time to talk with them. I hope that readers will  55 from my story and find the time to talk about those things in their life that mean so much to their parents.

1.                A.and            B.but            C.or   D.so


2.                A.for            B.to             C.of   D.in


3.                A.frightened      B.embarrassed     C.upset D.excited


4.                A.sought         B.took           C.needed   D.saw


5.                A.kept           B.folded          C.hidden   D.covered


6.                A.Santa Claus      B.family trees      C.family photos  D.old clothes


7.                A.simple         B.real            C.past D.special


8.                A.if             B.when          C.though   D.until


9.                A.talked          B.explained       C.showed   D.referred


10.               A.finally          B.clearly         C.proudly   D.openly


11.               A.promised       B.declared        C.admitted   D.realized


12.               A.courage        B.time           C.chance    D.energy


13.               A.friends         B.teachers        C.students   D.children


14.               A.strict          B.eager          C.busy D.blind


15.               A.rejected        B.avoided        C.delayed   D.missed


16.               A.hopeful        B.important       C.careful    D.original


17.               A.encourage      B.demand        C.require   D.warn


18.away  B. awake    C. around          D. alone

19.               A.one           B.neither         C.either D.both


20.               A.make          B.benefit         C.change    D.recover



1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文通过作者去看望父母亲,但是父母不在,在观察父母的卧室的时候,看见了很多对父母有重要意义的物体,呼吁我们要多陪伴我们的父母亲,千万不要“树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待”。 1.B 上下文串联。我去看望父母亲,但是他们都不在家。上下文存在着转折的关系,故使用but。 2.A 固定搭配.wait for…等待着…;我耐心地等待着他们回家。 3.C 形容词辨析。A害怕的B尴尬的C难受的D兴奋的;没有能够看到父母亲让我感觉很难受。 4.D 动词辨析。A搜寻B拿走C需要D看见;当我在父母的卧室里的时候,看见了一些东西。 5.A 动词辨析。A保存B折叠C躲藏D覆盖;一些圣诞节的卡片还被保留在盒子里面。 6.C 上下文串联。感觉横线后面的on the wall可知只有家庭照片才可以背挂在墙上。 7.D 形容词辨析。A简单的B真的C过去的D特别的;我猜想这些照片对他们有特别的意思。 8.B 连词辨析。当他年轻的时候他为了保卫国家而参军。这是他所得到的徽章。 9.A 动词辨析。A谈论B解释C展示D提及;我的父亲从来未和我们谈论过朝鲜战争。 10.C 副词辨析。A最后B清楚地C自豪地D公开地;当我看见这些徽章公开地挂在墙上。 11.D 动词辨析。A允诺B宣布C承认D意识到;这个时候我才意识到这些照片对父亲有重要意义。 12.B 名词辨析。A勇气B时间C机会D精力;我从未花时间和父亲谈论这些话题。 13.A 名词辨析。A朋友B老师C学生D孩子;这里是指母亲和她的朋友们一起拍的照片。 14.C 形容词辨析。A严格的B急切的C忙碌的D看不见的;我忙于经营自己的生意和照顾自己的家人,以至于我错过了很多了解父母的经历的机会。 15.D 动词辨析。A拒绝B避免C延误D错过;我忙于经营自己的生意和照顾自己的家人,以至于我错过了很多了解父母的经历的机会。 16.B 形容词辨析。A有希望的B重要的C细心的D最初的;有时候直到我们失去了才会意识到这些对我们来说真正重要的东西。 17.A 动词辨析。A鼓励B/C要求D警告;我写这个故事就是想鼓励那些很幸运的父母仍然健在的人花点时间去理解我们的父母亲。 18.C 副词辨析。这里的around指我们的父母还在我们的身边,也就是父母仍然健在。 19.D 考察常识。父母是两个人,那么使用both指两者都。 20.B 动词辨析。A生产B使…收益C改变D恢复;我希望读者能够从我的故事中收益。 考点:考察夹叙夹议类完型填空

— Do you know Sam didn’t pass the swimming test this time?

—_____________ His coach said he was the best one in his team.

A.So what?          B.How come?        C.Not at all.          D.I don’t think so.



Making mistakes is a part of life. ___________ matters is ___________ you do afterwards.

A.It; what           B.All; what          C.What; what        D.That; what



___________ the past, leaving the sadness behind, ___________ you’ll see the door of a new bright world open before you.

A.Forget; and        B.Forgetting; and     C.Forget; /          D.To forgetting; /



I hope that my father will quit smoking because I want him to live__________ my grandpa does.

A.as a long and healthy life as                B.as long and healthy a life as

C.such long and healthy a life as              D.so long and healthy a life as



It’s very funny that many people who lose weight gain it back after some time and end up back __________ they started.

A.when            B.after             C.since             D.where



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