满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I ate __________ sandwich while I was wa...

I ate __________ sandwich while I was waiting for _______ 20:08 train.

A. the; a  B. the; the C. a; the  D. a; a


C 【解析】 试题分析:考查冠词。第一空泛指一个三明治。第二空特指20:08分的火车。句意:当我们在等待20:08分的火车时,我吃了一个三明治。故C正确。 考点:考查冠词


—Hi, Mike. Haven’t seen you for ages!  How are you doing?

—I’m busy with my experiments in the lab but after work I often play some sports.

— _____6____

—Like tennis, running and golf.

—Golf? That’s also my favorite game.       7      .

—I usually play about once a month.  What about you, Susan?

—I play every Sunday, even when it rains. I never miss a game on Sunday.


—The Country Club. Do you know it?

   9      .  

—That’s great! So you know the place.

—Yes, of course. You’re going to play next Sunday, I suppose.

—Let me see. . .


—Oh, I’d love to. What time shall we meet?

—Let’s meet at the clubhouse at 1: 30 in the afternoon.

—OK. See you then.

A.You’re kidding. B.How often do you play it?

C.Who do you play for?  D.Like what?

E.We can play together. F.Where do you often go to play golf?

G.Yes, I was there once.




1.beach      A.head   B.great   C.break       D.season

2.educate     A. medal      B. prepare     C. effect          D.  complete

3.doubt      A.habit    B.above   C.club       D. climb

4.exist       A.expert    B.example  C.expect     D.excellent

5.question    A emotion    B situation      C suggestion      D information



Shang Rongjie是我国盲人专用计算机方面的一位专家,请根据下面的提示,用英语叙述他的一些情况。

1. 他曾就读于国际关系学院(Institute of International Relations),学习英文,1967年毕业,28岁时不幸眼睛失明。

2. 他现在在中国盲文出版社(the China Braille Publishing House)工作。出版社在北京西南部,从他的家到出版社,途中倒两次车。

3. 他酷爱阅读,但汉语布莱尔盲文(braille)印刷的书不多,于是收音机就









Many students find it hardly to speak or read  in front of others. Try taking a deep breath     to relax after you begin, and then read slowly and clearly. It might help to practice read aloud to family members at the home. Reading aloud is a opportunity to get used to speak to an audience.The more often you do, the more comfortable and confidence you will probably feel. In this way, not only you gain confidence, but alsoyou can receive advices from your parents.



单词拼写: (10分) 

1.Urban inhabitants have to live with the _______(典型的,特有的) noises of cities.

2.I was very much pleased by your _________(分析) of the situation.

3.The old man was utterly ________(吸引) in the book.

4.The scientist often _________(做贡献)to an academic journal.

5.The board _________(拒绝) all our ideas.

6.The boss is _________(小心谨慎的) about making promises.

7.It seemed the water was to ________(责备)

8.He is very ________(严格) with his students.

9.His wound became ________(感染) with a new virus

10.The swimming pool is___________(可利用的) only in summer.



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