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第二节 书面表达(满分25分) 最近学校学生会组织调查了同学们对“探索太空”这一...


第二节  书面表达(满分25分)




1. 探索太空是中国人长期持有的梦想

2. 有助于未来中国参与国际竞争

3. 中国科学技术的发展使探索太空成为了可能







注意: 1.不要逐句翻译,总词数120左右,开头已写好,不计入词数;


The Student’s Union of our school has done a survey on Space Exploration recently. The students have different opinions about this issue.


One possible version: The Student’s Union of our school has done a survey on Space Exploration recently. The students have different opinions about this issue. The majority of the students are in favor of Space Exploration because the Chinese people have been dreaming of going into outer space ever since before. Exploring space will help China to take part in the international competition in the future. Also, the development of science and technology makes it possible for China to realize the dream. However, some students argue against it. In their opinion, China can’t afford Space Exploration which calls for a large amount of money. In addition, as a developing country, China is supposed to make every effort to solve other social problems. In my opinion, it’s necessary for us to explore space as it will bring more benefits in the future, which we can not even imagine now. As a student, I feel not only happy but also proud of the great achievements made in this field. 【解析】




第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  短文填词(共l0小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Dear Sir,

I’m a senior high school student. I was caught __    (作弊)in    76. ________

the exam and got ________(惩罚).I know I was totally wrong    77. ________

and now I f______ so ashamed. To my teachers, I was once         78 ______ 

an outstanding student. I did well ______ my school work most      79________

of time. In __________, I worked hard in the student union.         80______   

Before the exam, I had a strong d_____ to get a good              81________

mark to please my teachers. Now I regret ________ I have done,     82________

though I know the result can’t be __________(改变). Recently  83________

I’m t___________ by the disturbing problem. I just dare not tell   84________

my parents about it and I’m worried about my ________(将来).  85________

What should I do?





Unlike modern animal scientists, dinosaur scientists cannot sit on a hillside and use telescopes to watch dinosaurs in order to know how they lived and whether they were good parents. Instead, they have to search hard for dinosaurs died out millions of years ago.

It’s very difficult for the scientists to reach an agreement because different results can be got from the same fossils. Many fossils of the same kind of dinosaurs have been dug out from one place. They might have formed when an entire group of dinosaurs got stuck all at once. Or they might have been the result of dinosaurs getting stuck one after another over a course of a few centuries. Thus we can say that dinosaurs might have in the first case lived in big groups and in the second lived alone.

Though there are two different results, dinosaur scientists now generally agree that at least some kinds of dinosaurs lived in big groups. “That’s pretty much settled at this point.” Says Paul Sereno. A kind of dinosaurs called Sauropods left behind tracks in the western United States that appear to run north and south, suggesting that they even moved long distances together.

As to whether dinosaurs cared for their young, dinosaur scientists have turned to the closest living relatives of dinosaurs-birds and crocodiles – for possible models, Birds give a lot of care to their young, while crocodiles just help their young to the water. The discovered fossils of dinosaurs sitting on their eggs and staying with their young suggest the parents were taking care of their babies, but we still cannot say that all dinosaurs did the same.

There is still a long way to go before the above questions could be answered. Dinosaur scientists will have to find more proof to reach an agreement.

1. Dinosaur scientists can get information directly by ______.

  A. studying dinosaur fossils         B. examining modern animals

  C. watching dinosaurs              D. using telescopes

2. What is pretty much settled according to Paul Sereno?

  A. Half of the dinosaurs lived alone.     B. Most dinosaurs moved long distance.

  C. Many dinosaurs settled in the north.   D. Some dinosaurs lived in big groups.

3. Dinosaur scientists can probably know whether dinosaurs were good parents by ____.

  A. watching many kinds living relatives    B. studying dinosaurs’ living relatives

  C. watching birds flying                 D. working hard in labs 

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the paragraph?

  A. Birds hardly pay attention to their young.

  B. Baby crocodiles can look after themselves well.

  C. Some dinosaurs took care of their young.

  D. Birds and crocodiles take good care of their young.




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1. The advertisement on the left is about _______.

A. offering chances to study at the university

B. graduation from the university

C. looking for jobs for students from the university

D. the history of the university

2. In which country is the university?

A. The USA     B. Britain  C. Hull         D. We don’t know

3. If you want to study history, you should call______  .

A. 01482-466103    B. 01482-466104  C. 01482-466105   D. any of the above numbers

4. How many different ways are there in which you can get in touch with the university if you want to enter?_________.

A. One     B. Two    C. Three    D. Four




The Japanese have a genius for dreaming up small, useful and fun machines. You must have used or at least heard of Sony’s walkman, Nintendo or Sega’s video games, and Bandai’s Tamagotchi. And how about karaoke, invented by Daisuke Inoue?

Daisuke, who? Not many people have heard of him, and he never made much money from his invention. But anyone who has ever experienced the thrill of singing karaoke in front of a crowd has Mr.Inoue to thank…

 Daisuke Inoue is an easygoing man with a quick smile. He was born in the suburbs of Osaka in 1940. At Osaka Technical High School he took up the drums, because he says, “All you have to do is hit them.” Before long he was making money as a drummer in a Hawaiian band that played in the old dance-halls left behind by American soldiers.

By 1970, he and six partners were playing in the clubs of nearby Kobe, accompanying middle-aged businessmen who wanted to sing traditional Japanese country and even army songs. His friends, Inous says, could all read music and so they could pick up the latest tunes (曲调). He, on the other hand, had to rely on memory and play by following the lips of the singer as they moved. “Out of 108 club musicians in Kobe,” he says. “I was the worst! And the clients (顾客) in my club were the worst singers!”

One client, president of a small steel company, was especially fond of Inoue’s slow, follow-along style. It made the president’s bad, out-of–time singing sound much better. One evening he wanted Inoue to play for him on a trip to a hot spring resort (胜地). The boss wanted to sing Frank Nagai’s Leaving Haneda Airport on a 7:50 Flight for his friends. But Inoue was unable to leave his job.

To help out his most loyal client, he decided to provide him with a tape. Inoue wouldn’t be there, but the singer would still have his accompaniment. Karaoke was born. 

1. Daisuke Inoue took up the drums at high school because _______.

  A. they were his favorite musical instruments

  B. he knew they would help him make money

  C. he thought they were easy to learn

  D. it was easy for a drummer to find a job

2. What does the underlined word “they” stand for?

  A. His partner      B. His friends    C. The latest tunes    D. The singer’s lips

3. From this passage we know Daisuke Inoue was ______.

  A. an outstanding musician            B. not quite good at music

  C. a good singer and dancer           D. good at inventing things

4. Why did the president like Inoue’s playing so much?

  A. Because Inoue followed his singing.

  B. Because Inoue played very well.

  C. Because he had got used to Inoue’s fast, exciting style.

  D. Because Inoue was an easy-going man with a quick smile.




When we donate blood, a small amount is usually taken in advance for at least ABO and Ph systems typing. If you are O+, the O is your ABO type and the + is your Rh type. It is possible to be A, B, AB, or O as well as Rh + or Rh-.

The ABO system was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in the early 1900s. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his achievements. There are four basic types of blood in the ABO system: A, B, AB and O. Everybody is born with one of these four types of blood. We get blood type, just like hair color and height from parents. Because of the substances(物质) contained in each type, the four groups must be transfused carefully, If two different blood types are mixed together, it may put a person into an extremely dangerous situation. Basically, A and B cannot be mixed. A and B cannot receive AB, but AB may receive A or B. In an emergency, type O blood can be given because it is most likely to be accepted by all blood types, so it is often called the universal donor. However, there is still a risk. For the opposite reason, AB is sometimes called the universal receiver. However, because there can be so many reactions in the blood bank of the hospital.

There is a relationship between your blood type and your nationality. Among the Europeans, about 45 percent have type O while 42 percent have type A. The rarest is type AB. Other races have different percentage. For example, some American Indian groups have nearly 100 percent type O out of 100 donors in the world…

84 donors are Rh+

16 donors are Rh-

38 are O+

7 are O-

34 are A+

6 are A-

9 are B+

2 are B-

3 are AB+

1 is AB-

1. Which of the following shown the correct relationships in blood transfusions?


 6ec8aac122bd4f6e  6ec8aac122bd4f6e  6ec8aac122bd4f6e   A B  A         B    A       B      A      B



  AB O   AB     O      AB     O     AB      O

      A             B            C               D


2. The underlined word “transfuse” most probably means ________.

  A. to put the blood into a container

  B. to move the blood from one place to another  K^S*5U.C#O

  C. to put the blood of one person into the body of another

  D. to give power to another person

3. The writer suggests that the third most common blood type among the Europeans is ______.

  A. B           B. A            C. AB          D. O

4 The text mainly tells us ______.

  A. about the basic types of human blood

  B. what kind of blood is the most common

  C. about Karl Landsteiner who won the Nobel Prize

  D. the relationship between blood type and nationality



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