满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The Japanese have a genius for dreaming ...


The Japanese have a genius for dreaming up small, useful and fun machines. You must have used or at least heard of Sony’s walkman, Nintendo or Sega’s video games, and Bandai’s Tamagotchi. And how about karaoke, invented by Daisuke Inoue?

Daisuke, who? Not many people have heard of him, and he never made much money from his invention. But anyone who has ever experienced the thrill of singing karaoke in front of a crowd has Mr.Inoue to thank…

 Daisuke Inoue is an easygoing man with a quick smile. He was born in the suburbs of Osaka in 1940. At Osaka Technical High School he took up the drums, because he says, “All you have to do is hit them.” Before long he was making money as a drummer in a Hawaiian band that played in the old dance-halls left behind by American soldiers.

By 1970, he and six partners were playing in the clubs of nearby Kobe, accompanying middle-aged businessmen who wanted to sing traditional Japanese country and even army songs. His friends, Inous says, could all read music and so they could pick up the latest tunes (曲调). He, on the other hand, had to rely on memory and play by following the lips of the singer as they moved. “Out of 108 club musicians in Kobe,” he says. “I was the worst! And the clients (顾客) in my club were the worst singers!”

One client, president of a small steel company, was especially fond of Inoue’s slow, follow-along style. It made the president’s bad, out-of–time singing sound much better. One evening he wanted Inoue to play for him on a trip to a hot spring resort (胜地). The boss wanted to sing Frank Nagai’s Leaving Haneda Airport on a 7:50 Flight for his friends. But Inoue was unable to leave his job.

To help out his most loyal client, he decided to provide him with a tape. Inoue wouldn’t be there, but the singer would still have his accompaniment. Karaoke was born. 

1. Daisuke Inoue took up the drums at high school because _______.

  A. they were his favorite musical instruments

  B. he knew they would help him make money

  C. he thought they were easy to learn

  D. it was easy for a drummer to find a job

2. What does the underlined word “they” stand for?

  A. His partner      B. His friends    C. The latest tunes    D. The singer’s lips

3. From this passage we know Daisuke Inoue was ______.

  A. an outstanding musician            B. not quite good at music

  C. a good singer and dancer           D. good at inventing things

4. Why did the president like Inoue’s playing so much?

  A. Because Inoue followed his singing.

  B. Because Inoue played very well.

  C. Because he had got used to Inoue’s fast, exciting style.

  D. Because Inoue was an easy-going man with a quick smile.


 C  D  B  A 【解析】


When we donate blood, a small amount is usually taken in advance for at least ABO and Ph systems typing. If you are O+, the O is your ABO type and the + is your Rh type. It is possible to be A, B, AB, or O as well as Rh + or Rh-.

The ABO system was discovered by Karl Landsteiner in the early 1900s. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his achievements. There are four basic types of blood in the ABO system: A, B, AB and O. Everybody is born with one of these four types of blood. We get blood type, just like hair color and height from parents. Because of the substances(物质) contained in each type, the four groups must be transfused carefully, If two different blood types are mixed together, it may put a person into an extremely dangerous situation. Basically, A and B cannot be mixed. A and B cannot receive AB, but AB may receive A or B. In an emergency, type O blood can be given because it is most likely to be accepted by all blood types, so it is often called the universal donor. However, there is still a risk. For the opposite reason, AB is sometimes called the universal receiver. However, because there can be so many reactions in the blood bank of the hospital.

There is a relationship between your blood type and your nationality. Among the Europeans, about 45 percent have type O while 42 percent have type A. The rarest is type AB. Other races have different percentage. For example, some American Indian groups have nearly 100 percent type O out of 100 donors in the world…

84 donors are Rh+

16 donors are Rh-

38 are O+

7 are O-

34 are A+

6 are A-

9 are B+

2 are B-

3 are AB+

1 is AB-

1. Which of the following shown the correct relationships in blood transfusions?


 6ec8aac122bd4f6e  6ec8aac122bd4f6e  6ec8aac122bd4f6e   A B  A         B    A       B      A      B



  AB O   AB     O      AB     O     AB      O

      A             B            C               D


2. The underlined word “transfuse” most probably means ________.

  A. to put the blood into a container

  B. to move the blood from one place to another  K^S*5U.C#O

  C. to put the blood of one person into the body of another

  D. to give power to another person

3. The writer suggests that the third most common blood type among the Europeans is ______.

  A. B           B. A            C. AB          D. O

4 The text mainly tells us ______.

  A. about the basic types of human blood

  B. what kind of blood is the most common

  C. about Karl Landsteiner who won the Nobel Prize

  D. the relationship between blood type and nationality




第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


An allowance(零用钱) is an important tool for teaching kids how to budget, save and make their own decisions. Children remember and learn from mistakes when their own dollars are lost or spent foolishly.

How large is an allowance appropriate? Experts say there is not right amount. Actual amounts differ from area to area, and from family to family.

To set an appropriate allowance for your child, work out a weekly budget. Allow for entertainment expenditures (花费) such as movie and snack. Next include everyday expenses such as lunch money, bus fare and school supplies. “If you make the child responsible for these bills, ”says Josephine Swanson, a consumer specialist, “he or she will learn to budget for necessary expenditures.”

Finally add some extra money to make saving possible. If you can, keep your child’s allowance in line with that of his friends, a child whose purchasing power falls away below his peers can feel left out.

It can be tough but avoid excusing your children when they make a mistake with their allowance. When Brooke Stephens was ten and growing up in Jacksonville, her mother gave her $5 a week. $1.75 of which was for bus fare and lunch. “ If you lose money” Brooke’s mother told her, “you walk home.”

One week the girl spent all her allowance in a candy store, and then she called home for a ride, “Mom made me walk home,” recalls Stephens, now a financial planner in Brooklyn. “At first I was angry. But I finally realized that she was trying to teach me an important lesson.”

Experts advise an allowance should not be tied directly to a child’s daily chore (琐事). Kids should help around the house not because they get paid for it but because they share responsibilities as members of family. You might, however, pay a child for doing extra jobs at home. That can develop his or her initiative (主动性).

1. What does the text mainly discuss?

   A. How to develop a child’s initiative.

   B. How to work up a budget.

   C. How to teach a child to save money.

   D. How to teach a child to manage money matters.

2. It can be inferred from the text that if a child is given an allowance, he or she may_____.

   A. spend all the money very soon

   B. be spoiled and finally ruined

   C. lose the money and can not return home

   D. feel responsible and be careful about money

3. The underlined part “his peers”(in Para.4)probably refers to ______.

   A. his friends    B. his brothers    C. his parents     D. his teachers

4 Why does the author mention Brooke Stephens?

   A. To question the opinion about pocket money.

   B. To compare Stephens with other experts.

  C. To explain the parents should be strict when children are developing habits about money.

   D. To suggest that pocket money is useless in developing a child’s sense of responsibility.




第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


As I drove my Blue Buick into the garage, I saw that a Yellow Oldsmobile was _36_too close to my space. I had to drive back and forth to get my car into the _37_ space. That left _38_ enough room to open the door. Then one day I arrived home __39_, and just as I turned off the engine, the yellow Oldsmobile entered its space --too close to my car, _40_. At last I had a chance to meet the driver. My patience had __41_ and I shouted at her.“Can’t you see you’re not _42_ me enough space? Park farther over.” Banging (猛推) open her door into_43_, the driver shouted back: “ Make me!”_44_ this she stepped out of the garage. Still, each time she got home first, she parked too close to my _45_. Then one day, I thought, “What can I do?” I soon found _46_. The next day the woman _47_ a note on her windshield(挡风玻璃):

Dear Yellow Oldsmobile,

I’m sorry mistress (女主人) shouted at yours the other day. She’s been sorry about it. I know it because she doesn’t sing anymore while _48_. It wasn’t like her to scream _49_. Fact is, she’d just got bad news and was taking it out on you two. I __50_ you and your mistress will __51_ her.                    

Your neighbor,

                                                         Blue Buick

When I went to the _52_ the next morning, the Oldsmobile was gone, but there was a note on my windshield:

Dear Blue Buick,

My mistress is sorry, too. She parked so _53_ because she just learned to drive. We will park much farther over after this. I’m glad we can be __54__ now.

                                                   Your neighbor,

                                                Yellow Oldsmobile

After that, whenever Buick _55_Yellow Oldsmobile on the road, their drivers waved cheerfully and smiled.

36.   A. driven       B. parked           C. stopped     D. stayed

37.   A. complete    B. close       C. narrow      D. fixed

38.   A. quite    B. nearly       C. seldom       D. hardly

39.   A. hurriedly   B. first        C. finally     D. timely

40.   A. as usual      B. as planned  C. as will       D. as yet

41.  A. run into    B. run about   C. run out      D. run off

42.   A. keeping      B. saving     C. offering     D. leaving

43.   A. mine       B. hers        C. itself     D. ours

44.   A. For         B. With       C. From     D. Upon

45.   A. room      B. area        C. front       D. side

46.   A.an instruction     B. a result       C. an answer   D. a chance

47.   A. put         B. wrote      C. sent    D. discovered

48.   A. working     B. driving       C. returning   D. cooking

49.   A. on end     B. so long       C. like that     D. any more

50.   A. hope       B. know      C. suppose     D. suggest

51.   A. comfort     B. help        C. forgive       D. please

52.   A. office     B. flat         C. place       D. garage

53.   A. crazily           B. eagerly    C. noisily           D. early

54.   A. neighbors   B. friends           C. drivers           D. writers

55.   A. followed    B. passed     C. found      D. greeted




 Many people hope to have a _____ job, especially during the financial crisis.

   A. professional     B. premier     C. primitive     D. permanent




 It’s reported that the mayor who ______ his power to give jobs to his relatives was put into prison.

   A. adjusted       B. absurd       C. accused       D. abused



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