满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

He’s perfectly to live in the mountain a...

He’s perfectly      to live in the mountain and paint pictures all day, though he is badly off.

  A. curious                         B. proud                       C. anxious                         D. content


D 【解析】 略

The man was walking along the street        he stopped and looked as if                    whether he was going in the right direction.

  A. when; seeing              B. when; to see          C. while; seeing              D. while; to see



He wondered if he could slip out of the lecture hall without anyone        .

   A. noticing                      B. noticed                    C. to notice                      D. being noticed



. –Tom, go to the office to fetch the papers. Who would you rather        with you, Wang Lin or Li Feng?

  ---         .

   A. have go; Neither   B. go; Neither              C. have gone; None    D. have to go; None



A balloon             as it is filled with air.

   A. is increased             B. increases                C. expands                       D. is expanded







 We are all busy talking about and use the Internet                               1._________

which set up in the 1960s. At first, the Internet was                               2._________

only used by the government, but in the early 1970s                              3._________

the universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to                          4._________

use it, either. However, computers were still very expensive                   5._________

and the Internet was difficult to use it. By the beginning of                        6._________

the 1990s, computers had became cheaper and easier.                                7._________

Today it is easy to get on-line and it is saying                                       8._________

that millions people use the Internet every day.                                     9._________

Send e-mail is more and more popular among students.                         10._________

It has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.



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