满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A balloon as it is filled with air. A. i...

A balloon             as it is filled with air.

   A. is increased             B. increases                C. expands                       D. is expanded


 C 【解析】 略





 We are all busy talking about and use the Internet                               1._________

which set up in the 1960s. At first, the Internet was                               2._________

only used by the government, but in the early 1970s                              3._________

the universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to                          4._________

use it, either. However, computers were still very expensive                   5._________

and the Internet was difficult to use it. By the beginning of                        6._________

the 1990s, computers had became cheaper and easier.                                7._________

Today it is easy to get on-line and it is saying                                       8._________

that millions people use the Internet every day.                                     9._________

Send e-mail is more and more popular among students.                         10._________

It has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.




1. It was not unitl the 20th century that some scientists doubted the _____(存在) of God.

2. The representatives from two parties _____(交换) their opinions with each other at the conference.

3. The bank has ______(分行) all over the country.

4.The plan received _____(普遍的) support throughout the country as they are warmly received.

5. She is very _____(失望) at losing the race.

6. In his youth he had the ambition of being a _____(钢琴家).

7.The teacher spends all her spare time in writing and we all say that she is _____(着迷于) to writing.

8. Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetry-Tang poems from China in ______(特别)

9.On hot days we often go _____(洗澡) in the river.

10.They studied the German market to find the _____(潜在性) there for investment.




--Mari, which part of New York do you like best?

--I like Soho because there’s lots of great shopping to do.

--Yeah. I always hear about Central Park.   1.--Yeah, Central Park is in the middle of Manhattan. It’s really big and people go there to play sports or just hang out and walk around.

-- 2.

--Yes, at that time you can see a lot of joggers because on non-working days the roads are closed off and cars are not allowed to go on them.

--I see. So the park must be very large, right?

--Yes,  3. If you have a chance, I strongly recommend you go and visit it.

--If possible, I will. What about other parts?

--When I was in high school, I lived near Harlem and I really liked it.

--Why?  4.

--In Harlem, you get a neighborhood feeling. People talk to each other over the fence and get together for coffee on Sunday mornings.

--Well.   5.

--Yes. I don’t like going to Times Square because I think it is too commercial.

A.Is there any area you don’t like?

B.Can you tell me something about it?

C.Does it have anything special on weekends?

D.what are the things that you are interested in?

E. I don’t want to go there again as it is too boring.

F. As far as I know, it goes from 56th Street to 110th.

G. If I’m lucky enough, I can see some famous movie stars there.



Britain’s symbolic red phone boxes have become out of date in the age of the mobile, but villages across the country are stepping in to save them, with creative intelligence. Whether as a place to exhibit art, poetry, or even as a tiny library, hundreds of phone boxes have been given a new life by local communities determined to preserve a typical part of British life. In Waterperry, a small village near Oxford, the 120 residents have filled the phone box next to the old house with a pot of flowers, piles of gardening and cooking magazines, and stuck poems on the walls.

They took control of the phone box when telecoms operator BT said it was going to pull it down, an announcement that caused such dissatisfaction that one local woman threatened to chain herself to the box to save it. “I’d have done it, “ insisted Kendall Turner. “It would have been heartbreaking for the village. “ Local councilor Tricia Hallam, who came up with the idea for the phone box’s change, said quite a few people would have joined her, adding, “ We couldn’t let it go because it’s a British symbol.”

Only three feet by three feet wide, and standing 2.51-meter tall, the phone boxes were designed by Giles Gilbert Scott in 1936 for the 25th anniversary of the reign of King George V. Painted in “Post Office red” to match the post boxes, they were once a typical image of England and the backdrop(背景) to millions of tourist photographs.

Eight years ago there were about 17,000 across Britain, but today, in a country where almost everybody has a mobile phone, 58 percent are no longer profitable and ten percent are only used once a month. “On average, maintaining them costs £800 a year per phone box-about £44 million annually,” said John Lumb, general manager for BT Payphones.

1.Some red phone boxes in Britain have been used for ____.

a. selling flowers    b. cooking   c. reading  d. exhibiting art or poetry

A.a, b

B.c, d



2.Why do the villagers want to keep the red phone boxes?

A.Because millions of people visit Britain to see the red phone boxes.

B.Because the local people could earn a lot of money from the red phone boxes.

C.Because the red phone boxes have already become a symbol of Britain.

D.Because the red phone boxes may be useful for some people in emergency.

3.What is the color of the British post boxes according to the passage?





4.What is John Lumb’s attitude towards pulling down the red phone boxes?







Watercolour is the oldest paints known. It dates back to the early cave men who discovered they could add lifelike qualities to drawings of animals and other figures on the walls of caves by mixing the natural colours found in the earth with water.

Fresco (壁画), one of the greatest of all art forms, is done with watercolour. It is created by mixing paints and water and applying these to wet plaster (灰泥). Of the thousands of people who stand under Michelangelo’s heroic ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, very few know that they are looking at perhaps the greatest watercolour painting in the world.

The invention of oil painting by the Flemish masters in the fifteenth century made fresco painting go down-hill, and for the next several centuries watercolour was used mainly for doing sketches (草图) or as a tool for study. It was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that English painters put back watercolour as a serious art form. The English have a widely-known love for outdoors and also small private pictures. The softness of watercolour had a remarkably strong attraction for them.

The popularity of watercolour continued to grow until the twentieth century. The United States passed England as the center for watercolour, producing such well-known watercolour artists as Thomas Eakins and Andrew Wyeth.

1. The purpose of the passage is to introduce _____. 

A.the gradual weakness of fresco painting

B.oils’ power or influence over watercolour

C.the discovery of watercolour in England

D.the start and development of watercolour

2. In the 16th and 17th centuries the artists thought _____.

A.watercolour was softer, and thus better

B.oil painting lasted longer, and was better

C.watercolour wasn’t fit for finished works

D.watercolour was too hard to use in any works

3.According to the passage, watercolour painting was put back in England because ____

A.it was easy to use outdoors

B.it was a strong medium

C.it was extremely bright in colour

D.it was suited to popular tastes

4.What would the next paragraph most probably deal with?

A.The works of famous US watercolour artists

B.Modern American oil painters

C.The weakness of oils as popular paints

D.Techniques of producing watercolour



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