满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I think she is e__________ a Canadian or...

I think she is e__________ a Canadian or a Germanbut I am not sure.


either 【解析】 句意:我认为她要么是一个加拿大人,要么是一个德国人,但是我不确定。 根据“a Canadian or a German”及“I am not sure”可知此处二者中的一个,用“either…or…”表示“要么……要么……”。故答案为either。  

Our volleyball team won the match. We are p__________ of them.



Mary is very hungry. She can eat a l__________ bowl of noodles.



People all over the world love p__________ and they dislike wars.



I like s__________ best. It's a good season for planting trees.



    We have been used to wearing masks(口罩)in public since February. About 300 million masks are used and then thrown away every day in China. Where do these masks go? You might think they just go in a rubbish bin. But that's just the first stop on the masks' journey.

After the masks are thrown into the bins, rubbish trucks empty the bins and take the rubbish to landfills(垃圾场). Next, the masks will be taken to rubbish incinerators(焚化炉)and burned. Burning masks might not seem to be very good for the environment. Won't it cause pollution?

The answer is "no", according to China Daily. The main material of most masks is polypropylene(聚丙烯). It's non-toxic(无毒的). After burning, it changes into water and CO2.

In fact, burning the masks can bring some benefits(益处). The process of burning the rubbish can produce electricity. Burning one ton of rubbish can produce more than 400 kilowatt hours()of electricity. Some people make a prediction that there will be 162,000 tons of used masks in China this year. Burning all of them can produce more than 64 million kilowatt hours of electricity. This is enough to make an electric car drive about 370 million km, which is 9,250 times as long as the earth's equator.

At last, the slag(残渣)from burning masks can be recycled to make bricks(砖块)or fill the roads.

1.How many masks are used and then thrown away every day in China?

A.More than 64 million. B.About 300 million. C.About 370 million. D.About 9,250 million.

2.The first stop on the masks' journey is ________.

A.electricity factories B.landfills C.rubbish trucks D.rubbish bins

3.The main material of most masks is________.

A.plastic B.polypropylene C.water D.CO2

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Burning masks won't cause pollution.

B.People are not used to wearing masks in public.

C.There are 162,000 tons of used masks every month in China.

D.The process of burning the masks can produce electricity and bricks.

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A.How do We Burn Used Masks? B.How do People Produce Electricity?

C.Where do the Used Masks Go? D.Why do We Throw Away Used Masks?



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