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Mary is very hungry. She can eat a l____...

Mary is very hungry. She can eat a l__________ bowl of noodles.


large 【解析】 句意:玛丽非常饿,她能吃一大碗面条。 名词bowl前用形容词修饰,根据“very hungry”及首字母提示可知此处用形容词large表示“一大碗面条”。故答案为large。  

People all over the world love p__________ and they dislike wars.



I like s__________ best. It's a good season for planting trees.



    We have been used to wearing masks(口罩)in public since February. About 300 million masks are used and then thrown away every day in China. Where do these masks go? You might think they just go in a rubbish bin. But that's just the first stop on the masks' journey.

After the masks are thrown into the bins, rubbish trucks empty the bins and take the rubbish to landfills(垃圾场). Next, the masks will be taken to rubbish incinerators(焚化炉)and burned. Burning masks might not seem to be very good for the environment. Won't it cause pollution?

The answer is "no", according to China Daily. The main material of most masks is polypropylene(聚丙烯). It's non-toxic(无毒的). After burning, it changes into water and CO2.

In fact, burning the masks can bring some benefits(益处). The process of burning the rubbish can produce electricity. Burning one ton of rubbish can produce more than 400 kilowatt hours()of electricity. Some people make a prediction that there will be 162,000 tons of used masks in China this year. Burning all of them can produce more than 64 million kilowatt hours of electricity. This is enough to make an electric car drive about 370 million km, which is 9,250 times as long as the earth's equator.

At last, the slag(残渣)from burning masks can be recycled to make bricks(砖块)or fill the roads.

1.How many masks are used and then thrown away every day in China?

A.More than 64 million. B.About 300 million. C.About 370 million. D.About 9,250 million.

2.The first stop on the masks' journey is ________.

A.electricity factories B.landfills C.rubbish trucks D.rubbish bins

3.The main material of most masks is________.

A.plastic B.polypropylene C.water D.CO2

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Burning masks won't cause pollution.

B.People are not used to wearing masks in public.

C.There are 162,000 tons of used masks every month in China.

D.The process of burning the masks can produce electricity and bricks.

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A.How do We Burn Used Masks? B.How do People Produce Electricity?

C.Where do the Used Masks Go? D.Why do We Throw Away Used Masks?



    The year 2020 is a special one for China, as the Chinese government has set a goal of lifting all the people out of poverty(贫困)by the end of the year. To achieve this goal, one important task is to reduce the education gap(差距)between the poor countryside and the cities.

In recent years, the governments have worked hard to improve the education in poor areas. Schools have put great efforts into improving education in these areas. More new schools have been built, and more money has been used to help students from poor families. Let's have a look at how the students across the country have benefited(得益)from this.

"Do you like playing football?" asked British teacher Matthew.

"I prefer to play basketball," answered Wang Qi.

These "dual-teacher classes"(双师课堂)were set up by China Daily. Through an online video talk, the foreign teachers are teaching students from the poor areas. The goal is to bring better English education to poor areas.

He Jiao is a student from Dafang, Guizhou. In 2015, when she was admitted(录取)to Tsinghua University, her family were nervous about her tuition fees. Her father made no more than 1,000 yuan a month.

Thanks to a project started by the local government, He Jiao received a scholarship(奖学金)of 100,000 yuan, and her university dream came true.

1.The goal of "dual-teacher classes" is ________.

A.to give students more sports B.to give foreign teachers good jobs

C.to make the classes more interesting D.to bring better English education to poor areas

2.What do the underlined words "tuition fees" mean in Chinese?

A.智力 B.交际 C.学费 D.前途

3.How much did He Jiao get from the project?

A.100,000 yuan. B.10,000 yuan. C.2,000 yuan. D.1,000 yuan.

4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.Wang Qi likes playing football better.

B.He Jiao comes from Guizhou province.

C.China wants to give a better life to the poor people.

D.China has spent more money helping the poor students.

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A."Dual-teacher classes" are popular in China.

B.He Jiao tried her best to achieve her dream.

C.China is reducing the education gap in the cities.

D.China has made an effort to improve the education in poor areas.



    What can make people cheer in every corner of the world? The answer can only be soccer, the world's most-loved sport.

December 9 is celebrated as World Soccer Day in China. Fans show their love for this sport by having soccer games. But for many people, it's not just a simple game-it's a way of life. According to FIFA(足球国际管理机构), 3,570 million people enjoyed the 2018 World Cup in Russia. That's about half of the world's population! Over 240 million people in more than 200 countries play soccer today.

There are facts about the amazing game. The earliest form of soccer was from China. It was called cuju(蹴鞠). Players had to kick a ball into a net. They couldn't use their hands, But modern soccer was invented in England. In 1863, the English Football Association was set up. It made the rules of modern soccer. Scotland(苏格兰)and England played the first official(官方的)international soccer match in 1872. The score of the match was 0-0. About 4, 000 people enjoyed it. The first soccer match shown on TV was in 1937. Soccer players run an average(平均)of 6 miles, about 10,000 meters, during every game.

1.How do fans show their love for soccer?

A.By making soccer rules. B.By having soccer games.

C.By singing songs about soccer. D.By throwing the soccer into a net.

2.Where was the earliest form of soccer from?

A.England. B.Russia. C.China. D.Scotland.

3.When was the English Football Association set up?

A.In 1863. B.In 1872. C.In1937. D.In 2018.

4.What can you learn from the passage?

A.Modern soccer was invented in Scotland.

B.World Soccer Day was celebrated in Brazil.

C.Soccer is just a simple game for many people.

D.The history of soccer in China is longer than that in England.

5.Which part of the newspaper may the passage be from?

A.Business. B.Health. C.Sports. D.Travel.



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