满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

曾经上小学时,我的英语老师对我要求很严格。 My English teacher...


My English teacher_______________me when I was in my primary school.


was very strict with 【解析】 根据中文提示“曾经上小学时”,推断从句用一般过去时,根据主从句时态一致的原则,推断空格时态是一般过去时;be strict with对……严格;主语my English teachers是单数形式,be动词形式用was;故答案为was very strict with。  


If you study hard, your dream will__________.




My best friend always__________school.



Australian Green Tree Frog

The Australian green tree frog is a large species of frog. It measures up to 10 centimeters in length. Females are generally larger than males. These frogs are usually green or brown with white underparts.  They have small discs on  their toes, which allow them to climb steep and slippery objects. Their lifespan  is around 16 years, and they are often kept as pets. They are nocturnal (夜行的), and sleep in dark, damp places during the day.

The Australian green tree frog prefers wet, tropical environments and are often found high in the trees.

These fogs are native to northern Australia and southern New Guinea.

A lot of insects are eaten by the Australian green tree frog. It catches them with its long, sticky tongue. Females lay between 1000 and 3000 eggs in a jelly-like mass that floats on top of shallow water. These  eggs eventually sink to the bottom, where they attach to vegetation.

The Australian green tree frog is declining( 下降) in numbers, mainly because of habitat destruction and a fungus(真菌) that attacks their skin.

1.Are female Australian green tree frogs generally larger than the males?

2.How long can Australian green tree frogs live?

3.Where can Australian green tree frogs be found?

4.What do Australian green tree frogs eat?

5.Why is the number of Australian green tree frogs declining?



SHANGHAI——Health researchers in Shanghai are calling for more protection for young children as the latest research shows about half of the children are suffering(受折磨)from secondhand smoke.

About 45% of children suffer passive(被动的)smoking in families, 50% in public places, and almost 6% on public transportation, shows a research reported by the Shanghai Children's Medical Center (SCMC)on Tuesday.

"Not only adults but also children and newborn babies are at risk for the bad effects of passive smoking," said Tang Jingyan, a doctor. Research has shown that children who are living in a secondhand smoke situation will suffer from more colds, coughs and sore throats, and they are more likely to suffer from pneumonia(肺炎)and will have a higher risk of developing cancer. Doctors even suggested that children suffering passive smoking are more likely to have behavioral problems and may not develop mentally(智力上) as quickly as other children.

Other research by the SCMC has found that more than 80% of child patients in the center live in a smoke-filled household, where one or both parents smoke. "Though doctors have stressed the harm of passive smoking over and over, it is still hard to reach a totally smoke-free home," said a doctor named Zhang Yiwen. Parents often want to smoke even though the have learned the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

China has 540 million people suffering from passive smoke,180 million of the younger than 15, the age of smokers is also getting lower, "earlier reports said. "There are more young smokers than before. You can see young people wearing a school uniform(校服)and carrying a schoolbag light a cigarette(香烟)on the street. Some of them are even girl students," said Jing Xingming, a professor. "Children like to copy adults, especially their parents. If parents often smoke at home, it is very likely children will develop a smoking habit which can cause a bad circle," Jin said.

Reports from the Ministry of Health said China has about 350 million smokers, of whom 15 million are underage smokers. Also, around 40 million of the country's 130 million children aged between 13 and 18 had tried smoking, and 15 million had become addicted to(上瘾) smoking.

1.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The bad effects of passive smoking. B.The influences of adults to children.

C.The bad living situations of children. D.The attitude towards children smoking.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.About 45% of children suffer passive smoking in public places.

B.About 40 million children aged between 13 to 18 tried smoking.

C.About 350 million children are heavy smokers in China.

D.About 80% of the children in the SCMC smoke heavily.

3.What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?

A.To question about the behaviors of the children smokers.

B.To show the reasons why children like learning smoking.

C.To call on people to protect children from secondhand smoke.

D.To encourage children to give up smoking as soon as possible.



    It’s there, but it has no weight, no colour, and you can’t smell it. You can’t see it, but it’s working everywhere in our modern world. Don’t try to touch it! It’s dangerous. It has always existed, but humans learned about it only 500 years ago.

What is it? Electricity. It’s powerful and mysterious. Thanks to electricity, you can flick a switch(开关)and have light. Watched a good TV show lately? You couldn’t do that without electricity. We cook our food, heat our homes and run our computers using electricity. But what is it, really?

Here is a simple description. Everything in the world is made of atoms (原子). Atoms are small. You can fit millions of them on the head of a pin. In every atom, there are electrons (电子), protons (质子) and neutrons (中子). In some atoms, it is possible to move electrons easily from one atom to another. As the electrons move, a current(电流) is created. This is electricity.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand it fully. Just remember that electricity is the result of the movement of electrons. As the electrons move, they create a strong electric charge.

There are many ways to generate electricity. A machine called a generator spins(旋转) rapidly. Water and wind can make a generator spin. So can motors fuelled by oil. As the generator spins, the electrons begin to move. As they move, they create an electric current. Power lines (电线) are built from generators to carry this current to places where people can use it. Along your street, power lines bring electricity right to your door. A wire runs into your house. More wires inside your house are attached to the plugs. Plug in your lamp, the electricity lights up the bulb, and you have light!

It takes a lot of energy to make electricity. Oil is one of the main fuels(燃料) used to power electric generators. Another common fuel is coal. Our planet is running out of these resources, and using them creates a lot of pollution.

In the future, most electricity will be produced using the sun and wind. But for now, be careful about how much electricity you use. Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave a room. Every little bit helps.

1.The writer mentions atoms in the third paragraph to     .

A.show the relationship between electricity and atoms

B.explain what the electricity is

C.tell us everything in the world is made of atoms

D.describe how the electrons move

2.The underlined word “generate” in Paragraph 5 probably means     .

A.move B.understand C.produce D.use

3.According to the passage, the writer probably agrees     .

A.it’s very easy to make electricity

B.oil and coal are pollution

C.most electricity is produced by sun and wind now

D.everyone should do his best to save electricity

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.How to make electricity.

B.How electricity helps us.

C.Electricity  — A Natural Force.

D.Save the energy; Save the world.



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