满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It’s there, but it has no weight, no col...

    It’s there, but it has no weight, no colour, and you can’t smell it. You can’t see it, but it’s working everywhere in our modern world. Don’t try to touch it! It’s dangerous. It has always existed, but humans learned about it only 500 years ago.

What is it? Electricity. It’s powerful and mysterious. Thanks to electricity, you can flick a switch(开关)and have light. Watched a good TV show lately? You couldn’t do that without electricity. We cook our food, heat our homes and run our computers using electricity. But what is it, really?

Here is a simple description. Everything in the world is made of atoms (原子). Atoms are small. You can fit millions of them on the head of a pin. In every atom, there are electrons (电子), protons (质子) and neutrons (中子). In some atoms, it is possible to move electrons easily from one atom to another. As the electrons move, a current(电流) is created. This is electricity.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand it fully. Just remember that electricity is the result of the movement of electrons. As the electrons move, they create a strong electric charge.

There are many ways to generate electricity. A machine called a generator spins(旋转) rapidly. Water and wind can make a generator spin. So can motors fuelled by oil. As the generator spins, the electrons begin to move. As they move, they create an electric current. Power lines (电线) are built from generators to carry this current to places where people can use it. Along your street, power lines bring electricity right to your door. A wire runs into your house. More wires inside your house are attached to the plugs. Plug in your lamp, the electricity lights up the bulb, and you have light!

It takes a lot of energy to make electricity. Oil is one of the main fuels(燃料) used to power electric generators. Another common fuel is coal. Our planet is running out of these resources, and using them creates a lot of pollution.

In the future, most electricity will be produced using the sun and wind. But for now, be careful about how much electricity you use. Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave a room. Every little bit helps.

1.The writer mentions atoms in the third paragraph to     .

A.show the relationship between electricity and atoms

B.explain what the electricity is

C.tell us everything in the world is made of atoms

D.describe how the electrons move

2.The underlined word “generate” in Paragraph 5 probably means     .

A.move B.understand C.produce D.use

3.According to the passage, the writer probably agrees     .

A.it’s very easy to make electricity

B.oil and coal are pollution

C.most electricity is produced by sun and wind now

D.everyone should do his best to save electricity

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.How to make electricity.

B.How electricity helps us.

C.Electricity  — A Natural Force.

D.Save the energy; Save the world.


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 【解析】 本文介绍了什么是电,以及发电有很多种方法,提倡节约用电。 1. 细节理解题。根据最后一句“This is electricity.”结合本段内容可知“作者在第三段提到原子来解释电是什么”。故选B。 2. 词意猜测题。move移动;understand理解,领会;produce产生,制造;use使用。根据下文“A machine called a generator spins(旋转) rapidly. Water and wind can make a generator spin. So can motors fuelled by oil. As the generator spins, the electrons begin to move. As they move, they create an electric current.”可知此句“There are many ways to generate electricity.”句意是:有很多种发电方法。故“generate”意思是“产生,制造”。故选C。 3. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“But for now, be careful about how much electricity you use. Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave a room. Every little bit helps.”可知作者同意“每个人都应该尽力节约用电”。故选D。 4. 主旨大意题。本文介绍了什么是电,以及发电有很多种方法。可知这篇文章最好的标题是《如何发电》。故选A。

Getting Eyeglasses

Little Freddie was having trouble in school. His mom was worried. So she took Freddie to see a doctor.

Dr.Adams gave him an eye test. He told Freddie that he did not see as well as the other kids.

“Your eyes are weak,” said Dr. Adams. “You have trouble seeing what the teacher writes on the board. That’s why you need to get eyeglasses.”

“Oh no!” Freddie cried. “I don’t want to wear glasses. The kids will make fun of me.” His mom said, “Don’t you want to do better in school?”

The doctor said, “You have a problem with your eyesight. Wearing glasses will help prevent it from getting worse. Some people can even go blind if they don’t take care of this problem. I’m sure your friends will understand.”

That night, Freddie decided that it was better to wear glasses than to grow up and become blind.

1.Who is Dr. Adams?

A.A teacher. B.A doctor.

C.A student. D.A policeman.

2.What was wrong with Freddie?

A.He failed an exam. B.He fought with his classmates.

C.He had trouble seeing things. D.He was afraid of his mom.

3.Why didn’t Freddie want to wear glasses?

A.Because glasses hurt a lot. B.Because glasses were expensive.

C.Because his classmates might make fun of him. D.Because glasses were not allowed at school.

4.What did Freddie decide to do at last?

A.To become blind. B.To wear glasses.

C.To take some medicine. D.To do eye-exercises.



阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 ABCD 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

New Land, New Home

Joe immigrated(移民) to Canada at the age of 41. There were many stressful days as he had his whole family to take care of. He rented an apartment and bought a few pieces of furniture and some cookware.

Since he had no      ______, the savings they brought with them  were diminishing(减少) rapidly. They needed to buy groceries and pay the rent After getting his family settled, Joe went out to look for a job.

As he walked, he saw many things on the street that people threw away on garbage day---TVs, washers, furniture and refrigerators. Joe could not believe his eyes. “Why would people get rid of such things?” he asked himself. Seeing all the “junk”, Joe decided to take the  ____home to see what the   problem was. After all, he was an electrician before he came to Canada.

Since he was twelve years old, Joe’s main hobby has been electronics. He assembled a radio back in the 1970s which was quite something for a      _______boy.

Now, he had no job and no income. All he had was time and his hobby. He plugged the television into a wall plug. There were images on the screen,    ______there was no sound. He opened the back cover     using the tools he’d brought with him. Before long, Joe diagnosed the   _____. The loudspeaker was    broken.

He went out again. And there was garbage placed on the sidewalk waiting to be picked up in the morning. He found a toy keyboard. He was delighted and carried the keyboard home. The keyboard didn’t

__________, but luckily its loudspeaker did. Fifteen minutes later, Joe had a TV with both picture and sound.

Joe began to question people why they threw away so many electronics. The   ______was the same  from everyone: repair services were too expensive. He discovered that people would rather buy new products.

Joe made up his mind to open an electronics repair shop that would offer fair(公平的) prices.

Today, Joe has much success in his new country. He could have lost hope. Instead, he chose to make the best out of a    __________situation.

1.A.home B.job C.child D.car

2.A.washers B.keyboard C.television D.refrigerator

3.A.teenage B.clever C.friendly D.tall

4.A.so B.or C.but D.because

5.A.question B.problem C.wrong D.screen

6.A.do B.sound C.work D.show

7.A.words B.answer C.wish D.ideas

8.A.happy B.relaxing C.interesting D.tough



What did you ________yesterday?

A.buy B.bought C.buying D.is buying



—Look! There    a number of apples on those trees.

—Wow! I think the number of the apples    over 100.

A.isare B.isis C.areis D.areare



—What ________of dumplings do you want?

—Carrot and beef dumplings.

A.size B.kind C.bowl D.color



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