满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Jane, I found________umbrella. Is it yo...

—Jane, I found________umbrella. Is it yours?

—No, it’s Mike’s. Mine is________ third one on the shelf.

A.a; an B.an; the C.the; the


B 【解析】 句意:——简,我找到了一把雨伞,它是你的吗?——不,它是麦克的,我的雨伞是架子上的第三把。 考查冠词辨析。a一个;an一个;the某一个。第一句中umbrella是可数名词单数形式,且为首次提及,此处表示泛指,应使用不定冠词,而且首字母u发音为元音,所以第一空应使用an;第二句中third是序数词,此处表示“顺序”,代词one代指上一句中的umbrella,所以此处应使用定冠词the表示特指。故选B。  











第一天,西湖(the west lake),在西湖上泛舟,晚上在湖边散步,景色很美;

第二天,杭州乐园(Hangzhou Amusement Park),最喜欢这一天;

第三天,灵隐寺(Lingyin Temple), 拍了许多照片;





A Trip to Hangzhou





Many young people use computers, but few of them know how to look after them. 1.

※Keep your computer in a cool room. 2. Most computers work best at a temperature of 5℃ — 30℃.

※Don’t let people smoke cigarette(香烟) near your computer. Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer 3.

※Don’t eat or drink when you are near your computer. Pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard can also cause many problems.

4. If you wear glasses, make sure these glasses are correct for using with the computer. Some people use a different pair of glasses when they use a computer.

※Keep your screen clean and don’t have it too bright. 5. A very bright screen can also be bad for your eyes.

A.and it can cause many problems.

B.Put your wet hands on the computer.

C.Make sure the screen is the correct distance(距离) from your eyes.

D.Remember the following when you use your computer.

E.Too much or too little heat is bad for computers.

F.You can put it near a fire.

G.A dirty screen can hurt your eyes.




1.The Internet ____________________(使得交流简单得多).

2.The government ____________________(已经意识到这个问题).

3.The roller coaster ____________________(以高速运转) and was really exciting.

4.My dad has been to Chengdu ____________________(出差) three times.

5.My parents and I ____________________(动身去机场) in the early morning yesterday.



B. 根据首字母提示用适当的词完成短文。

People of different ages like going on a trip during the holiday.

Children usually like travelling to some fun places, like theme parks. Many of them like experiencing the exciting r1. on a roller coaster. It moves at high speed and children usually scream through the ride.

Young people like going to the sea or mountains. They are interested in taking part in some d2. activities, such as diving, sailing and rock climbing. They often choose some local restaurants and enjoy d3. food there. Young people don’t mind spending money on a trip, so they usually go on a trip by plane. When their plane arrives at the airport, some of their friends in the city may be waiting for them there.

Old people are usually interested in history, so they usually go to cities with a long h4. for a trip. Beijing, Xi’an and Luoyang are all good choices for them. They often take some photos d5. the trip. At the end of the trip, they can learn more about the city and make some new friends as well.



    We’re sitting too much and it’s dangerous. Most Americans spend more than seven hours sitting every day, and the more you sit, the weaker your body will be.

Fortunately, there are simple changes you can make during the day — anywhere, even at the workplace — to improve your health.

Park a few blocks away from the office each morning and walk to work.

This allows you to start off your mornings actively and be ready to take on the work. If you take the bus, get off one stop earlier to take some light exercise before 8 a.m.

Stand up and move around the office once every 60 — 90 minutes.

When you’re busy with work, it’s easy to forget the time. Set the alarm to remind(提醒) you to stand up and take a walk around the office. You can use this time to fill up your water bottle or go to the bathroom.

Ask questions and discuss questions face to face.

Go to your co-worker’s office to discuss questions face to face, rather than send an e-mail every time you have a question. This gives you a good excuse to move.

Use your lunch break to move around outside.

So many Americans today work during their lunch break. When possible, take advantage of(利用) this time to walk outside and enjoy the nice weather. Fresh air can make you keep a clear mind.

1.The underlined word “Fortunately” in Paragraph 2 means __________.

A.unluckily B.luckily C.surprisingly D.possibly

2.Every morning, we can park a few blocks away from the office to __________.

A.save some money B.find a good place to park

C.take some light exercise D.take a walk in the park

3.What can we do when we stand up to walk around the office?

A.Play games with our co-workers. B.Enjoy the nice weather.

C.Fill up the water bottle. D.Walk to work.

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.We should discuss questions face to face during the lunch break.

B.We should send an e-mail every time we have a question.

C.Few Americans spend more than seven hours sitting every day.

D.We should move our bodies every 60 — 90 minutes during the work.

5.The passage mainly tells us __________ during the workday.

A.ways to take some light exercise B.it’s dangerous to sit too much

C.the importance of taking exercise D.ways to get along with co-workers



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