满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

A girl told her mom everything was going...

A girl told her mom everything was going wrong for her, and that she always failed her math exam so that she wouldn’t like to study at all. After hearing the daughter’s words, the nice and patient mother thought of a good way to make her daughter happy. “I will make a delicious cake for you,” said the mom. She walked into the kitchen, and the daughter followed.

When the mom prepared the cooking utensils (炊具)and ingredients(原料), the daughter sat against the kitchen door, watching her.

Her mom asked her, “My dear, would you like a piece of cake?”

The daughter replied, “Sure, Mom! You know how I love cake!”

“All right,” the mom said, “drink some of this cooking oil.”

The daughter was very surprised and said, “What? No way!!!”

“How about a couple of raw生的)eggs?” asked the mom and the daughter answered, “No way!”

“How about some flour(面粉)?”

“No, Mom! I will be sick!”

The mother explained, “All of these are uncooked and taste bad, but if you put them together, they make a delicious cake. Life works the same way. When we ask ourselves why there are so many difficult times, we don’t realize what a success these terrible events will lead us to. Having a great day also means having a great CAKE! Keep the hope that one day your day is A PIECE OF CAKE!”

1.What does the girl do?

A. A cook.    B. An actress.    C. A student.

2.The girl saw her mom         in the kitchen.

A. do the dishes    B. make a cake    C. have dinner

3.At first, the mother let the girl         .

A. eat some flour    B. drink some cooking oil    C. prepare the ingredients

4.The mom thinks that there will be a success at last after         .

A. someone has difficult times    B. someone enjoys himself    C. someone has a great cake

5.What is the mom like?

A. She is kind of silly.    B. She is hard-working.    C. She is nice and patient.


1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 【解析】 试题本文讲的是女儿考试不及格厌烦上学,妈妈用做蛋糕的过程来让女儿明白,生活中的事,就像做蛋糕。做事的过程就像蛋糕的配料是苦涩的,成功了就成了蛋糕。 1.细节理解题。根据短文第一句...she always failed her math exam so that she wouldn’t like to study at all可知,这个女孩是个学生。故选:C。 2.细节理解题。 根据第一段第三行 “I will make a delicious cake for you,” said the mom可知,妈妈要为女儿做蛋糕。故选:B. 3.细节理解题。根据第五段“All right,” the mom said, “drink some of this cooking oil.”可知,妈妈让她喝食用油。故选:B。 4.总结归纳题。通过最后一段的总结可知,只有经过克服困难之后,人们才成功。故选:A。 5.细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三行...the nice and patient mother thought of a good way to make her daughter happy可知,妈妈人好又有耐心。故选:C。

Issumboshi was so small that he could not do any useful work on the family farm. His grandfather became ______ of feeding such a useless man and sent him away to the city.

“Learn to become a warrior (武士),” he told his grandson. “Then perhaps you will grow into a man of normal ______.”

Issumboshi’s journey was long and dangerous.

However, because he was so brave and clever, ______ he reached the city safely.

To his surprise, the streets were ______. The people of the city were hiding in their houses ______ a giant(巨人).

Then brave Issumboshi went out to ______ the giant.

The giant tried to pick him up and eat him, but Issumboshi was so small and quick that the giant could not ___ him.

Issumboshi hit again and again at the giant with his sword (). Soon, the giant fell to the ground and ____.

“Oh, what a great warrior he is!” the people of the city shouted as they came out of their houses. “What a great ______this young man is!”

Hearing this, Issumboshi felt so proud that he stood up straight.

“Hm,” he told himself. “I am already taller than I was. ______ clever my grand-father was to send me to the city! Being brave makes people strong!”

1.A. nice    B. tired    C. careful

2.A. age    B. height    C. idea

3.A. in the end    B. in the way    C. in the beginning

4.A. busy    B. crowded    C. empty

5.A. from    B. of    C. liker

6.A. tell    B. ask    C. meet

7.A. stop    B. catch    C. hear

8.A. died    B. fled    C. slept

9.A. player    B. worker    C. hero

10.A. How    B. What    C. While



— How will she _________ the work?

—She doesn’t want to do it by herself. She wants to ask someone else to do it, instead.

A. deal with    B. do with    C. play with



Sky lanterns are seen as bright symbols of ________________.

A. happiness and good wish    B. happiness and good wishes    C. happy and good wishes



—What do you think of your new neighbor?

—Well, ________ I know, he's quite kind.

A. as long as    B. as soon as    C. as far as



—Excuse me, people _______________ in the gas station.

—Oh, I’m really sorry.

A. aren’t allowed to smoke    B. don’t allow smoking    C. isn’t allowed smoking



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