满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— How will she _________ the work? —She ...

— How will she _________ the work?

—She doesn’t want to do it by herself. She wants to ask someone else to do it, instead.

A. deal with    B. do with    C. play with


A 【解析】 句意:-她将如何处理这项工作?-她不想自己做。她想请别人做这件事。A. deal with处理,在疑问句中常与how连用;B. do with 处理, 在疑问句中常与what连用; C. play with与...一起玩。故选:A。

Sky lanterns are seen as bright symbols of ________________.

A. happiness and good wish    B. happiness and good wishes    C. happy and good wishes



—What do you think of your new neighbor?

—Well, ________ I know, he's quite kind.

A. as long as    B. as soon as    C. as far as



—Excuse me, people _______________ in the gas station.

—Oh, I’m really sorry.

A. aren’t allowed to smoke    B. don’t allow smoking    C. isn’t allowed smoking



Please avoid __________ with others no matter what happens to you.

A. argued    B. arguing    C. to argue



Nick ___________ football on Fridays, but now he _________ it on Sundays.

A. is used to playing; used to play    B. is used to playing; is use to playing

C. used to play; is used to playing



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