满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

阅读与表达(问答式) An old man lived alone in his...


An old man lived alone in his old house. He hardly ever came out. He wouldn't communicate with others.

One day, a little boy selling magazines knocked at the man's door. The door slowly opened. "Uh, sir, would you like to buy a magazine?" The old man just stared(盯着) at the boy. The boy saw lots of dog sculptures(雕塑品) on the table. "Do you collect dogs?" the boy asked. "Yes, they are all my family." Hearing this, the boy understood and felt sorry for him. "I have a magazine here about dogs. It's perfect for you." The old man was ready to close the door and said, "No, I don't need any magazines."

The boy suddenly had an idea. He had a dog sculpture, which did not mean much to him. After a while, the boy returned with a box. The old man shouted this time, "I told you no magazines!" "I bring you a gift." The boy opened the box and handed him the sculpture. The man got surprised because no one had given him a gift. From that day on, the old man started coming out of his house. He and the boy became friends. The boy even brought his pet dog to visit the old man every week.

1.Did the old man live with his children?


2.What did the boy sell?


3.Where were the old man' dog sculptures?


4.Why did the old man get surprised when he got the gift?


5.What do you think of the boy?



1.No, he didn't . 2.Magazines. 3.On the table . 4.Because no one had given him a gift . 5.He's very kind / friendly / nice, etc 【解析】文章讲述了一个从不出门与人交往的孤僻老人,遇到了一个卖杂志的小男孩的故事。小男孩给他送礼物,老人被小男孩的善良、友好感动,于是老人也开始走出家门与人交往,最终他们成为了好朋友。 1.No, he didn't.细节理解题,根据An old man lived alone in his old house.一个老人独居在一所老房子里,可知他没有跟孩子住一起,故答案为No, he didn't. 2.Magazines.细节理解题,根据One day, a little boy selling magazines knocked at the man's door一天,一个卖杂志的小男孩敲打老人的门,可知小男孩是卖杂志的,故答案为Magazines. 3.On the table. 细节理解题,根据The boy saw lots of dog sculptures(雕塑品)on the table.小男孩在桌子上看到很多塑料狗雕塑,可知这些雕塑是在桌子上的,故答案为On the table. 4.Because no one had given him a gift.细节理解题,根据The man got surprised because no one had given him a gift.老人感到很惊讶,因为没有人给他送过礼物,故答案为Because no one had given him a gift. 5.He's very kind/friendly/nice. 细节理解题,根据语境,小男孩给老人送礼物,通过自己的温暖表现,让一个孤僻的从不出门与人交往的老人变得愿意出门与人交往,还好小男孩成了好朋友,可知这个小男孩是善良的、友好的。故答案为He's very kind/friendly/nice.

Lance Armstrong, the American cyclist, is famous for his achievements and courage in cycling. 1. While he was still a middle school student, Lance often rode his bike over 320km in one day. By 1996, he was one of the top cyclists in the world. 2. Later that year, a serious disease made him stop riding. Doctors told him that he had cancer. Like the other challengers(挑战) in his life, Lance faced it head-on. In May of 1998, he began to make a comeback. He trained hard and led the American team to win the Tour de France in 1999. 3. Lance Armstrong rode into history by winning the Tour de France for a record sixth time in 2004. 4. The Tour de France is the most famous bicycle race in the world. It seems impossible to beat his seven-time record. It is certain that Lance Armstrong is the greatest cyclist in the world.


A. He won many prizes in cycling.

B. Lance was born on September 18th, 1971.

C. However, his path to success wasn't smooth.

D. After that, he won the race once again in 2005.

E. He went on winning the Tour de France from 2000 to 2004.




Edison was a heavy smoker, and used to keep a number of boxes of cigar in his office. First one worker, then another, would enter the room and ask Edison some unimportant things. When they left his office, they would put their hands in one of the boxes and take three or four cigars. When Edison knew that, he called on the cigar seller and asked the man to make some "fake cigars". The seller made some cigars filled with old pieces of cloth, leaves and tea, and sent them to Edison. From then on, nobody came to Edison's office.

Then one day, Edison called at the store again, and asked the seller if he had forgotten to send the fake cigars. "I sent ten boxes of the worst cigars I could make two months ago," replied the seller, "Haven't your men finished them yet?" Edison found out that he had finished the worst cigars by himself! Then he began to buy his usual cigars. What happened then? These cigars disappeared once more!

1.Edison had fewer visitors because                .

A. there weren't any cigars in his office

B. the workers didn't have anything to ask

C. the taste of the cigars was terrible

D. Edison didn't want the workers to come

2.Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The cigar seller didn't send cigars to Edison any more.

B. The workers finished the fake cigars.

C. The workers knew Edison began to buy usual cigars.

D. Edison wouldn't smoke any more.

3.What do the underlined words "fake cigar" mean in Chinese?

A. 过期的雪茄    B. 昂贵的雪茄    C. 特制雪茄    D. 假雪茄

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A. Thomas Edison's Cigars    B. Edison and His Workers

C. Making the Worst Cigars    D. No More Visitors



The word hobby is an interesting word. Every person has one thing he or she likes to do for fun(娱乐). Some people like to collect(收集) things like stamps or story books. Others like to play football or go window shopping where you can look at many beautiful things without buying them.

I have many hobbies I do for fun. I sometimes play golf with my sons. I play tennis with all the family. I like to collect music books. I also collect musical instruments(乐器) from China like the erhu, the dizi, the xiao, the suona, and the pipa. These are the instruments of China which cannot be found in America.

My favourite hobby is fishing. I like to go and see my brother in the state() of Alaska where fishing is wonderful. The two of us take a boat and go to a small river where we fish for salmon, America's most famous fish.

1.The word "hobby" means                .

A. collecting stamps

B. playing tennis with your friends

C. something you enjoy doing in your free time

D. something you can see at the window shopping

2.What's the writer's most liked hobby?

A. Playing golf with his son.

B. Fishing.

C. Collecting Chinese musical instruments.

D. Collecting music books.

3.Salmon is                .

A. a river where people can go fishing

B. a town near Alaska

C. a kind of instrument

D. a kind of fish



When people go to watch the matches in the Olympic Games, there are some rules for people to follow.

Archery(射箭) & Shooting

● Sit at the back or on either side of the field.

● Keep quiet during the match. Set your cell phone in a vibrating state or turn it off.

● Do not use the flash on your camera.

● When the athletes are aiming at the target, keep your voice down.

Basketball, Baseball & Football

● You cannot bring drinks in glass bottles or cans.

● Keep the cheering down at important moments. Do not use the camera flash.

● If you easily get nervous, bring some snacks. Keep your mouth moving to calm yourself down.

Cycling & Marathon

● Audience should keep off the track. Control your pets.

● Athletes might look tired and thirsty, but do not hand them water or anything else.

● If an athlete falls, do not help him.

1.Which sport is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A.     B.

C.     D.

2.The underlined word "vibrating" means                in Chinese.

A. 待机的    B. 振动的    C. 铃声的    D. 户外的

3.In which match cannot you use the camera flash according to this passage?

A.     B.

C.     D.

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. When a runner falls, you can't rush over to help.

B. You cannot shout loudly when watching the shooting match.

C. Drinks in glass bottles or cans are not allowed in a baseball match.

D. You can shout loudly "Come on!" at important moments in a football match.

5.Which could be the best title for the passage?

A. The Olympic Games

B. How to Play Basketball

C. Some Important Matches

D. Some Rules for Audience at the Olympic Games




Channel 1

7:30 Morning News

14:40 National Games: Women's Tennis Single Final

16:50 Cartoon: Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf

18:20 National Games: Men's High Jump Final


Channel 2

9:00 National Games: Men's 100meter Race Final

11:30 Face to Face

22:09 TV Play Series: Liberation

23:57 National Games: Men's Table Tennis Double Final


Channel 5

9:00 Chinese History

10:30 Cartoon: Tom and Jerry

21:15 English Classroom

22:30 National Games: Special(特别的) Report




1.Mary wants to know something about Chinese history, she can choose(选择)                 .

A. Channel 1    B. Channel 2    C. Channel 5    D. We don't know

2.You are a tennis fan, you may watch TV at                 .

A. 18:20 on Channel 1    B. 14:40 on Channel 1

C. 22:30 on Channel 5    D. 22:09 on Channel 2

3.Li Lei likes cartoons very much, but in the morning he must visit his grandpa. So he can choose                 .

A. Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf    B. Face to Face

C. Tom and Jerry    D. Liberation

4.Jim wants to learn English; he can watch TV at                 .

A. 7:30    B. 9:00    C. 21:15    D. 23:30

5.How many results of the National Games Final can Tom get by watching TV in a day?

A. Two.    B. Three.    C. Four.    D. Five.



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