满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Could you tell me where the supermarket...

—Could you tell me where the supermarket is?

—Sure. The supermarket is _______ the bookstore _______ the post office. You can find it easily.

A. between;and    B. both;and

C. either;or    D. neither;nor


A 【解析】句意:——你能告诉我超级市场在哪里吗?——当然可以。超市。你很容易找到它。A. between;and在两者之间;B. both;and两者都;C. either;or或者……或者;D. neither;nor既不,也不。between the bookstore and the post office在书店和邮局之间,故答案为A。  

_______ is the girl _____ our English teacher?

A. Who;beside    B. Whom;besides

C. Where;beside    D. Where;besides



—Is AC Milan______ Italian football club?

—Yes. It’s one of          most successful clubs in Italy.

A. an; /    B. an; the    C. /; the    D. /; /



A young American doctor was asleep when his door bell(门铃) began to ring. It was late at

night. But what could the doctor do? He had to put on his coat. It was a man! He was standing

outside with a hat in his hand. "How do you do?" said the man, "Can you come at once(立刻) to a place out of town? It's quite far but you have a car and I can show you the way. ""Certainly." said the doctor, "I can come at once."

Soon the car was at the front door. The man got on the doctor's car and they drove off. They drove for a long time, and then the man said, "Here we are. This is my home. Now I can give you money, and you can go back to the town."

"But I must see the patient (病人)." the doctor said, "How can I go back without seeing the patient?" "There's no patient," said the man, "No one is ill, I live here. There are no taxis at this time of night, but a doctor often goes out for night calls(夜诊). So, excuse me, here's your money. Thank you, doctor. Good night!"

1.When the door bell began to ring, the doctor _______.

A. was sleeping    B. was watching TV    C. was working    D. was not at home

2.The man asked the doctor _______.

A. to travel    B. to give him a present.    C. to give him a car    D. to go to a place out of town

3.The man wanted _______.

A. to go boating    B. the doctor to take him out of town by car

C. a bed    D. to stay with the doctor

4.Why did the man give the doctor money?

A. Because he was rich.    B. Because they were friends.

C. Because the doctor took him home.    D. Because the doctor couldn't go to bed early.

5.The doctor knew _______ at last.

A. there were many patients    B. there was no patient

C. the man was doctor    D. the man had a headache




In Americawhen people say “man’s best friend”they don’t mean another person. Insteadthey are talking about a lovely animal—a dog! These words show the friendship between people and animals. Dogs and other pets can give joy to people’s lives. Some people think of their pets as their children. Some people even leave all their money to their pets when they die!

Animals can help peopletoo. Dogs can be taught to be the “eyes” for a blind person(盲人)or “ears” for a deaf(耳聋)person. Scientists have found that pets help people live longer! They make people happiertoo. Because of thatthey bring animals into hospitals for “visits”.

Americans hold “Be Kind to Animals Week” in the first week of May. Pet shows are held during the week. Even if you don’t live in Americayoutoocan do this. How? First think about how animals make your life richer. If you have a pettake more time this week to play with it. Remember to give it delicious food.

If you don’t have a petbe kind to animals around you. For exampleif you see a street dogjust leave it aloneor make friends with it. If others around you do bad things to animalstry to speak up. As peoplewe must protect(保护)animals who can’t speak for themselves.

1.“Some people even leave all their money to their pets when they die!” is used to prove(证明) that ________.

A. pets have the right(权利)to inherit(继承)money

B. money can make pets happy

C. it’s the best way to spend money

D. some pets are as important to their owners as their children

2.According to the passagescientists bring the dogs to hospital because____.

A. they are ill and they need to see the doctor

B. they can make the patients(病人)happier

C. they can help the doctor find out the problems

D. the doctors can do experiment(试验)on them

3.During the “Be Kind to Animals Week”the people in America________.

A. hold pet shows

B. play with the pets the whole week

C. cook delicious food for pets

D. make friends with other people’s pets

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Dogs can help people in many ways.

B. Dogs can help people live happier.

C. Dogs can help people make everything.

D. Dogs can make people’s lives richer.

5.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. A lot of people are interested in dogs.

B. Dogs can help people do many things.

C. Pets are lovely and need care and protection(保护).

D. We have done a lot of things for pets.



Wild animals are our friends, but there are fewer and fewer of them. We should try to protect them. The four animals below are now in danger.

Tibetan Antelopes

Tibetan antelopes(藏羚羊) are medium-sized animals. They mainly feed on grass. They are usually found in groups of about 20. They are killed for their wool, which is warm, soft and fine and can be made into expensive clothes. Although people can get the wool without killing the animals, people simply kill them before taking the wool. The number of them is dropping year by year. There are less than 75,000 Tibetan antelopes left in the wild, down from a million 50 years ago.

Golden Monkeys

Golden monkeys are mainly in Sichuan, Gansu, Shanxi province and Shennongjia mountainous area of Hubei Province. Golden monkeys have golden-orange fur. They move around in the daytime, usually in groups of as many as 100 t0 200 heads, or 20 to 30 heads. They feed on fruits and young leaves of bamboos. But people are destroying(毁害) the environment where they live, trees and bamboos are disappearing(消失) , so golden monkeys have less and less to eat.


Elephants are very big and strong. They are bigger than any other animal on land. They are grey and have long trunks (象鼻) and tusks (长牙). They have poor eyesight, but very good hearing and smell. They can lift heavy things and break down branches with their trunks. Elephants are very friendly towards each other and towards their neighbours. Normally, they live in a group for many years. Young male elephants do not leave the group until they are about 12 years old. Now, there are very few elephants in the world. The number of them is becoming smaller because their living areas are used for farming; Also, people hunt them for their tusks.


Wolves are not very big. They have grey fur. Wolves have very good eyesight, hearing and smell. Wolves' food is various. They eat animals, insects and snails (蜗牛). They are friendly to each other and never attack people. Wolves are in danger too. They are losing their living areas because people cut down forests. Soon they will have no home or food.

1.Tibetan antelopes usually live in groups of about _______.

A. 20    B. 30    C. 100    D. 200

2.Which of the following animals are the biggest on land?

A. Tibetan antelopes.    B. Golden monkeys.

C. Elephants.    D. Wolves.

3.Which of the following sentences is RIGHT?

A. There are less than 7,500 Tibetan antelopes left in the wild now.

B. Golden monkeys usually move around during the night.

C. Elephant have good eyesight, but very poor hearing and smell.

D. Wolves are friendly to each other and they never attack people.

4.What qualities do golden monkeys have?

A. They are in Sichuan.    B. They are unfriendly.

C. They move around in the daytime.    D. They are disappearing soon.

5.What can be the best title of the passage?

A. Wild Animals in Danger    B. How to Hunt Wild Animals

C. Animals in the Zoo    D. How to Train the Animals



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