满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

School Information(信息) Sunshine Middle ...




Middle School

old but big, 1,200 students, 95 teachers, the Computer Club, the Reading Club, the Football Club, three halls, five buildings

No. 1 Middle School

new and big, 1,800 students, 130 teachers, eight buildings, nine computer rooms, an art room, two halls, the Basketball Club, the Reading Club

Moonlight Art School

new but small, an art school, 400 students, 40 teachers, the Drawing Club, the Singing Club, the Dancing Club, five art rooms, five dancing rooms, two music rooms

Modern Middle School

new and modern, but small, 500 students, 60 teachers, 20 classrooms, two big halls, two libraries, the Reading Club, the Volleyball Club


1.How is Sunshine Middle School?_________________

A. It is big and new.    B. It is new and small.

C. It is new and modern.    D. It is big and old.

2.How many students are there in No. 1 Middle School? _________

A. 1,800.    B. 400.    C. 500    D. 1,200.

3.___________________ has 40 teachers.

A. Sunshine Middle School

B. No. 1 Middle School

C. Moonlight Art School

D. Modern Middle School

4.Which is an art school? _________________

A. Sunshine Middle School.    B. No. 1 Middle School.

C. Moonlight Art School.    D. Modern Middle School.

5.Which is RIGHT about the four schools? _________________

A. Modern Middle School has three big halls.

B. No. 1 Middle School has eight buildings.

C. There isn’t a dancing club in Moonlight Art School.

D. Sunshine Middle School has two halls.


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.B 【解析】试题分析:这篇文章介绍了四所中学的情况,文中对每所学校的师资,学生情况及学校的功能科室进行了介绍。 1. Sunshine Middle School   old but big, 1,200 students, 95 teachers, the Computer Club, the Reading Club, the Football Club, three halls, five buildings   可知此题应选D。 2. No. 1 Middle School   new and big, 1,800 students, 130 teachers, eight buildings, nine computer rooms, an art room, two halls, the Basketball Club, the Reading Club   可知此题应选A。 3. Moonlight Art School   new but small, an art school, 400 students, 40 teachers, the Drawing Club, the Singing Club, the Dancing Club, five art rooms, five dancing rooms, two music rooms   可知此题应选C。 4. 5. No. 1 Middle School   new and big, 1,800 students, 130 teachers, eight buildings, nine computer rooms, an art room, two halls, the Basketball Club, the Reading Club   答案B的描述是正确的,故选B。 考点:教育类短文阅读

Dear Bob,

How are you?

Today is my first day in this school, and I want to________you something about my new school.

My school is not ______ but very beautiful. It is ______ to the People’s Library. There is a post office ______ our school and the park. There are ______ buildings in our school, the ______ building, the teachers’ building and a library.

There are many teachers in my school. They are kind ______ strict. There are also a lot of students here. We work hard in class. ______ class, we often do some sports or go to music or art clubs. Behind the students’ building, there is a big playground. It is beautiful. On each side of it there are tall trees and all kinds of flowers. On the ______ side, we can play basketball. On the left side we can play ______. In the middle, we can play football. Every day we have fun together on the playground.

I love my school. Welcome to my school!

1.A. say    B. talk    C. speak    D. tell

2.A. tall    B. nice    C. big    D. small

3.A. near    B. next    C. front    D. back

4.A. among    B. for    C. with    D. between

5.A. one    B. two    C. three    D. four

6.A. students’    B. teachers’    C. restaurant    D. parents’

7.A. and    B. still    C. or    D. so

8.A. In    B. On    C. At    D. After

9.A. left    B. right    C. middle    D. front

10.A. the violin    B. volleyball    C. the piano    D. the guitar



I have many good friends. I often play with         after class.

A. they    B. them    C. their    D. theirs



It takes him about an hour        to school.

A. get    B. gets    C. to get    D. getting



—When is your school library open?

—It’s open________ 8 a.m. ________5:30 p.m.

A. between; and    B. from; to    C. at; at    D. at; in



Our school          beautiful. Do you think so?

A. look    B. looks    C. see    D. sees



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