满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Our school beautiful. Do you think so? A...

Our school          beautiful. Do you think so?

A. look    B. looks    C. see    D. sees


B 【解析】句意:我们的学校看起来很美丽,你认为是这样吗?look看起来;see看见;因主语是shool单三,所以谓语动词用单数形式;根据句意和语法故选B  

---What’s the date today?


A. It’s Tuesday

B. It’s October 10th

C. Yes, it’s October 10th

D. No, it’s Monday



I usually come to school ______ bus, but sometimes _______foot.

A. by, by    B. on, on

C. by, on    D. on, by



Mary’s favourite subject is Biology. And she is ________ it.

A. well in    B. well at    C. good at    D. good in



Once an old man went to see a doctor. The doctor examined (检查) him and said, “Medicine won't help you. You must have a good rest. Go to bed early, drink a lot and smoke one cigar (雪茄烟) a day. Go to a country place for a month.”

After a month the man came to the doctor again, “How are you?” said the doctor. “I'm glad to see you again. You look much younger.” “Oh! Doctor, I feel quite well now,” said the man, “I had a good rest. I went to bed early, drank a lot of milk and walked a lot. Your advice (建议) one cigar a day almost killed me first. It's no joke (玩笑) to start smoking at my age”.

1.The doctor told the man _________.

A. to walk a lot

B. to go to a country place for a month

C. to go to bed early

D. both A, B and C

2.Which of the following sentences is true?

A. Perhaps the doctor told the man to visit a beautiful city of the country for a month.

B. The old man won't really ill.

C. During the month, the old man felt terrible because he smoked one cigar a day.

D. The old man was younger than before after a month.

3.What the doctor said, “Smoke one cigar a day.” means _______________.

A. one cigar a day is good for one's health

B. the old man shouldn't smoke too much

C. the doctor didn't know the old man couldn't smoke

D. one cigar a day would help the man

4.From what the old man said at last, we think ___________.

A. one cigar a day was really helpful to him

B. one cigar a day was better than before

C. smoke made him better than before

D. he didn't understand the doctor's advice

5.The writer wants to tell us _____________.

A. to do as the doctor tells us

B. to see a doctor if you are ill

C. to have a rest if you are ill

D. an interesting story



Rose and Martin are___Canada. They are good friends. They___fishing. They___dance. Rose likes Chinese very much. Martin likes maths. They___school five or six days a week. They play games___Tuesday and Thursday. They stay___home on Saturday and Sunday. They have two Chinese friends.___names are Li Lei and Wang Lin. All of them are in___same class. They like their school. They say, “The Chinese people are very___.The food is nice,____.”

1.A. to    B. of    C. from    D. on

2.A. like    B. can    C. are    D. would like

3.A. goes    B. are    C. would like    D. can

4.A. goes to    B. coming    C. leave    D. go to

5.A. at    B. on    C. of    D. in

6.A. away    B. out    C. at    D. in

7.A. His    B. Their    C. Our    D. Theirs

8.A. A. /    B. an    C. the    D. a

9.A. friend    B. friendly    C. friends    D. make friends

10.A. very    B. too    C. much    D. many



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