满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.I learn different kinds of s_________...


1.I learn different kinds of s____________ in school, and my favorite is physics.

2.There are twelve months in a year. March is the t____________ month.

3.We’ll have a picnic tomorrow. But if it rains, we’ll go to a movie i_____________.

4.Jack was so n_____________ about his exams that he didn’t sleep well last night.

5.We all love our head teacher. She always r___________ us as her own children.


1.subjects 2.third 3.instead 4.nervous 5.regards 【解析】 1.根据下句and my favorite is physics本题考查名词subject,根据前面的修饰词different可知,此处用复数。故答案为subjects。 2.三月是一年中的第三个月。第三用third。故答案为third。 3.句意:如果天下雨,我们将去看电影代替。根据句意和首字母,本题用副词instead。故答案为instead。 4.根据句意和首字母,本题考查短语be nervous about---(对------感到焦虑)。故答案为nervous。 5.根据句意和首字母,本题考查短语regard sb as---(把某人看做------),主语是she,时态是一般现在时,动词用第三人称单数。故答案为regards。 点睛:根据句意和首字母写单词首先要读懂句意,确定单词;然后再考虑语境,确定形式。

An old carpenter(木匠) was ready to leave his work. He told his boss about his plans to leave the house building company and live a free life with his wife.

The boss was sorry to see his good worker go. He asked the carpenter if he could build just one more house as personal help. The carpenter agreed. But soon it was easy to see that his heart wasn’t in his work. 1..

When the carpenter completed his work, his boss came and handed the front-door key to him. The boss said, “This is your house, my gift to you.”

2. If the carpenter had known he was building his own house, he would have done it all differently. However, it was too late to regret. Now he had to live in the house he had built not too well.

Life is like the house. 3. Think about your “house”. Each day you need to place a brick(砖) or build a wall. Build wisely and make every effort to do the work well. It’s the only life you will build for yourself.4.And your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitude and choices you make today.



A.We should build our house with others’ help.

B.Think of yourself as the carpenter.

C.Your life today is the result of your attitude and choices in the past.

D.He built the house with poor skills and bad materials.

E.What a surprise! What a shame!








Research from the World Economic Forum shows that successful people put their mornings to good use. The researchers have listed 14 things that successful people do in the morning before the first meal of the day. These things include exercising, spending time with the family and working on a personal hobby.

The research suggests that we don’t have to do all the 14 things every day. We can choose some of them to start the day. Here are some examples.

Get up early. According to Laura, 90% of CEOs wake up before 6 am on weekdays. PepsiCo CEO(首席执行官) Indra Nooyi, for example, gets up at 4 am and is in the office  no later than 7 am. At the same time, Disney CEO Bob gets up at 4:30 to read, and Twitter and Square CEO Jack gets up at 5:30.

Drink water instead of coffee. Drinking water in the morning makes you more active and speeds up your metabolism(新陈代谢).

Make your bed. This leads to a happier and more productive day.

Exercise. Exercising in the morning helps reduce stress.

Make a plan for the day. Using the morning to make a plan for the whole day can help you decide what you will do first.

1.What might successful people not do in the morning?

A. Sleep late.    B. Exercise.    C. Get up early.    D. Make a plan.

2.What time might PepsiCo CEO get to the office in the morning?

A. At 4 am.    B. At 6:50 am.    C. At 7:30.    D. At 8 am.

3.If you were under too much pressure, what can you do according to the passage?

A. Drink coffee.    B. Drink water.    C. Exercise.    D. Make the bed.

4.What is the best title?

A. Exercising is great.    B. Make the plan early.

C. It’s important to eat healthily.    D. Put mornings to good use.



There was a group of people who took the same bus every morning into the city. No one ever talked to each other.

One morning, an old man who was usually sad and alone got on the bus, smiled and said in a loud voice, “A very good morning to you all!” Some of us looked up and said “good morning”.

Over the following weeks our new friend came dressed in an old suit and tie. He said good morning to us every day and we all gradually began to talk to each other more.

One morning he had some flowers in his hand. The driver turned around and asked, “Do you have a girlfriend, John?” He said yes shyly. The other people on the bus smiled.

Every morning after that, John always brought flowers. Some people even brought flowers for him. Everyone was happy and became friends.

But one morning John wasn’t waiting at his stop. And he wasn’t there for the next few days. When the bus came to an old people’s home, one of the people on the bus asked the driver to wait while she was going in. The staff(工作人员) said that old gentleman was fine. But one of his close friends had died over the weekend.

Next Monday, John was waiting at but stop, looking very sad. We were silent as he walked onto the bus. No one mentioned his friend, but we each handed him a flower. We wanted to be there for this man who brought us together that summer.

1.According to the story, we learned that __________________.

A. people on the bus knew each other well at first

B. few people replied to John’s greeting

C. other people on the bus didn’t like John

D. John was a friendly old man

2.Who did John bring flowers for?

A. The people on the bus.    B. The driver.

C. His girl friend.    D. Himself.

3.Why did the people on the bus each hand John a flower?

A. Because John liked flowers.

B. Because they wanted to help John save money.

C. Because they wanted to cheer John up.

D. Because there were many flowers in summer.

4.What does the story want to tell us?

A. When you care for others, you may get more love from others.

B. Taking a bus is a good way to make friends.

C. Laughter is the best medicine.

D. Talking to strangers on the way will help you kill time.



It was a very foggy day in London. The fog was so _________ that it was impossible to see more than a foot. Buses, cars and taxis were not able to run and were __________ by the side of the road. People were trying to find their way on foot but were losing their way in the _________.

Mr. Smith had a very important meeting at the Houses of Commons and had to get there but no one could ___ him. He tried to walk there but found he was quite  ___________. Suddenly he met a stranger. The stranger ________ if he could help him.

Mr. Smith told him where he would go. The stranger told him he would take him there. Mr. Smith thanked him and started to walk there. They talked about the annoying foggy weather on their way.

The fog was getting thicker every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in _______the way. He went along one street, turn down another, crossed a square and then after about ________ walk, they arrived. Mr. Smith couldn’t understand _________ the stranger found his way. “It’s wonderful,” he said. “How do you find the way in the fog?”

“It’s no _________ at all to me.” said the stranger, “I am blind.”

1.A. strong    B. thick    C. nice    D. cold

2.A. standing    B. running    C. traveling    D. coming

3.A. streets    B. dark    C. crowds    D. fog

4.A. get    B. pick    C. take    D. call

5.A. tired    B. lost    C. missed    D. afraid

6.A. said    B. asked    C. told    D. knew

7.A. seeing    B. looking    C. walking    D. finding

8.A. 20 minute    B. 20 minutes    C. 20 minutes’    D. 20-minutes

9.A. how    B. what    C. where    D. when

10.A. idea    B. question    C. way    D. trouble





2.守时(be punctual)、诚实、有礼貌、节约、乐于助人等






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