满分5 > 初中英语试题 >




Dear Peter, I know you are a middle school student. My name is Wang Ping. My English name is Dennis. I 'm twelve years old. I am from Jilin Province ,China. I'm a student, too. I like English, so I want to make a pen pal with you. In my free time, I like listening to music, playing football and watching movies. but my favorite hobby is playing chess. I have classes from Monday to Friday. I have ten classes every day. what about you? Please write to me soon. Yours, Wang Ping 【解析】试题分析:这是要求写一封信,提示内容就是本文的写作要点。这些要点构成写作的基本框架。我们要做的就是用正确的英语把要点表达出来,并适当发挥想象说出自己的观点。动笔前要认真阅读材料,不要遗漏要点,并适当发挥。根据材料内容可知本文主要是用一般现在时态来写,要注意主谓一致等问题。写作中要适当使用连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。 点睛:首先认真审题,看清题目中的要求和要点;然后根据提示内容和英语书信的格式,列出写作要点及每个要点中可能要用到的表达;然后紧扣要点,动笔写作,在写作过程中,要注意句与句、段与段之间的过渡,必要时可适当运用表示转折、因果、并列、比较等关系的连词,使文章过渡平稳,自然流畅;最后要细心复核检查,确保正确无误。  

My mother is a junior high school teacher. She (A)_____________________  English.

My mother gets up at 6 o’clock every day and has breakfast at 6:30 a.m. She always (B)arrives at school at 7:25 a.m. (C)She usually has two lessons in the morning. In the afternoon, she has one lesson. (D)放学后, she plays volleyball with her students.

(E)__________________ the evening, she cooks dinner. After dinner, she prepares her lessons. (F)She sometimes helps me do my homework. She usually goes to bed at 11 p.m.

1.在文中(A)和(E)的空白处填入一个适当的单词:__________ ___________

2.文中画线部分(B)的同义词语或近义词语 ________ _________

3.文中画线部分(C)指代的是: ____________________________________________


5.将画线部分(F)改写为:She sometimes helps me _______________  my homework.



Every day, I go to school (A)by school bus. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art (B)      Science. I like my school (C)       the teachers are all very friendly. My dream is (D)当工程师.

I like (E)many sports. I (F)擅长swimming and playing basketball. (G)These are my favourite hobbies.

1.A处划线部分提问。_________ you go to school every day?

2.B处和C处各填入一个适当的词。____________ ____________

3.D处和F处的汉语译成英语。______________ ______________





My name is Sam. I am a junior high school student. My school is close to my home, so I always go to school on foot. Classes start at 8 a.m., and I am seldom late. I like Geography best. I enjoy learning about different places in the world.

In the morning, we usually study Chinese, Maths and English. We have our morning break at 9:50 a.m..  When the bell rings, I run to the playground with my best friends Tom and Jack. We often play games. Break ends at 10:10 a.m..

Lunch is from 11:50 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.. Afternoon classes end at 3:30 p.m. Then Tom, Jack and I take part in the school bank practice. We make great music together.

I always have a good time at school.

1.Is Sam’s school far away from his house?

2.What’s his favourite subject?

3.What subjects do they usually study in the morning?

4.How long is their morning break?

5.When do classes end in the afternoon?



Jack is six years old. He has no sisters. But he has a brother. His brother's name is Mike. Jack likes eating apples, oranges and bananas. Sometimes he eats some of his brother's apples. And his brother often beats(打)him for this. He doesn't like Mike. This September he goes to school. It's the ninth(第九) day at school. Jack and his classmates are having a new lesson.

"Jack, what is five minus(减) three, please?" asks the teacher.


"Now, listen to me," says the teacher, "If your sister has five apples, and you eat three of them…"

"But I have no sisters." Jack says.

"Oh, sorry. But do you have any brothers?"


"Now, if your brother has five apples, and you eat three of them, tell me now…?"

"He'll certainly beat me," Jack says quickly.

1.How old is Jack?

2.What does Jack like eating?

3.When does Jack go to school?

4.Are Jack and his classmates having a new lesson?

5.Does Jack answer the question?



Dear David,

How are you? I'm fine. I'm in London, at the International School of English. I'm in Class 3 with eight other students.They're from different countries---Spain, America, and Thailand. Our teacher' s name is Henry. He's very nice. He's a very good teacher.

I'm living with an English family. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have three children. Tom is fourteen, Kate is twelve, and Andrew is seven. They are all very friendly, but it isn't easy to understand them.

London is very big and interesting. The weather is good---cold but sunny---and the parks are beautiful! Hyde Park, and Green Park are all in the city center.

English food is OK, but the coffee is very bad!

Write to me soon.



1.Where is Paula now? He  is in                   .

A. English    B. America    C. London    D. Thailand

2.The students are studying _____ in the school.

A. Chinese    B. Japanese    C. French    D. English

3.Paula has a very good teacher. His name is _____.

A. Kate    B. Andrew    C. Brown    D. Henry

4.There are three children in the English family and _____ is the youngest one.

A. Kate    B. Tom    C. Andrew    D. Peter

5.Which one is NOT right?

A. There are two parks in London.    B. The weather is cold but fine in London.

C. Paula doesn't like the coffee.    D. Paula is living with an English family



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