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Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist and t...

Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist and the inventor of dynamite(炸药).When he died in 1986.he left behind a fortune of about US $ 9 million In his will.he stated how to spend the money .Most of it was used to set up the world famous Nobel Prize.

Nobel said in his' will that the prizes should honour the most important discoveries or inventions in physics,chemistry, medicine and the most outstanding works in literature(文学).

Since 1901,Nobel Prizes have been presented to the winners on 10. December, the anniversary (周年纪念日)of Alfred Nobel's death.At the award ceremony in the Stockholm Concert Hall,the King of Sweden gives each winner a diploma(证书)and a medal.The winners give lectures before the award ceremony,and make speeches when they receive their awards.

The award ceremony is followed by a splendid dinner for about 1,300 people.Among the guests of honour are the Nobel Prize winners and their families,the King and the Queen of Sweden,and many well known leaders in sciences and culture.Two hundred and fifty young students are also honour with invitations to attend the event.

In 2015,Tu Yoouyou, a Chinese chemist, received the Nobel Prize in Medicine.Tu isthe first Chinese Nobel winner in medicine and the first female citizen of the People Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize.Tu Youyou was born and educated and carried out research in China all the time.

1.Which of the following people is unable to get the Nobel prizes?

A. A physicist    B. A writer    C. A doctor    D. A dancer

2.What does the underline word“ceremony”mean?

A. 仪式    B. 晚宴    C. 奖金    D. 演唱会

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Alfred Nobel was a Swiss chemist and the inventor of dynamite.

B. The winners of Nobel Prizes get a diploma and a medal from the King of Sweden.

C. The winners of Nobel Prizes only give lectures before the award ceremony.

D. Tu Youyou who is a Chinese chemist is the first Chinese Nobel Prizes winner.

4.What is the best title for this article?

A. Alfred Nobel    B. The Nobel Prizes

C. Tu Youyou    D. The prize winner


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.B 【解析】本文介绍了诺贝尔奖的产生以及第一届诺贝尔奖的颁奖盛典和中国获得诺贝尔奖的医学家屠呦呦。 1.细节理解题。根据Nobel said in his' will that the prizes should honour the most important discoveries or inventions in physics,chemistry, medicine and the most outstanding works in literature(文学)可知,诺贝尔奖不奖励舞蹈家。故选D。 2.词义猜测题。根据句意,此处award ceremony指:颁奖仪式。故选A。 3.细节理解题。根据At the award ceremony in the Stockholm Concert Hall,the King of Sweden gives each winner a diploma(证书)and a medal可知。故选B。 4.主旨大意题。根据文章可知,本文主要介绍了诺贝尔奖。故选B。

Chinese action movie Wolf Warrior 2 has received much attention and positive reviews after it was shown in China and oversea markets including Australia and the US.

Them major actor Wu Jing is also the director of the film,who played the role of Leng feng,a soldier serving for China's Special Forces.The tough man he played is very different from those handsome young men that we often see on the screen.The highlight of the film is the dedication(奉献)shown in the efforts from the Chinese embassy and the PLA Navy when evacuating overseas Chinese in the face of conflicts and danger.

At the age of six.Wu Jing was sent to the Beijing Sports institute(学院)at Shichahai.Both his father and grandfather were also martial(武术)artists.Li before him,he competed as a member of the Beijing Wushu Team.He won first places in several national level wushu competitions at the junior level and continued to compete as an adult,despite his increasing height.

“It was like crossing a river while feeling for stones with your feet,”Wu said ,explaining that he bad no similar Chinese films for references.They had to figure out all the problems themselves during shooting the film.

1.Where has Wolf Warrior 2received much attention from ,according to the passage?

A. Only in China.    B. In Asian markets.

C. In Australia and the U.S.    D. Both at home and abroad.

2.What does the underlined word“evacuating”mean?

A. stopping people from leaving.

B. sending people to a place of safety

C. raising people's spirits

D. driving people mad

3.Which of the following statement is TRUE ,according to the passage?

A. Leng Feng was a handsome young man who served for Chinese Special Force.

B. Wu Jing didn't win any prizes when he was in Beijing Wushu Team.

C. Wu Jing was born in a martial family.

D. It was not difficult for Wu Jing to film Wolf Warrlor2

4.What is the best title for this article?

A. Wu Jing and WolfWarrlor2

B. Wu Jing and Wushu

C. A Chinese action movie.

D. An amazing martial artist



Sugar is the generic name for sweet, soluble carbohydrates(碳水化合物),many of which are used in food.There are many types of sugar that come from different sources.Many people believe that sugar is not healthy for us. Others say that sugar is best source of energy.Some people eat meat while others are vegetarians.Who is right and what is your opinion?

It is clear that we need to have a variety of foods in our diet.A balanced diet includes food from each of the groups:grains ,vegetables, fruit,milk products and meat.Scientists warn us that a lack of certain kinds of food is dangerous,especially for children.Children have to receive a balanced diet in order to grow properly.On the other hand,it is equally dangerous to have too much of anything,including one is favourite food.They say for example,children who eat lots of cheeseburgers and milkshakes will increase their risk of hear attack.

Therefore,we cannot decide what to eat without learning about the human body and food.Scientific information about the body's needs for fats,proteins,minerals and vitamins can help us decide the fight choice and the right amount.And it can also help us separate fact from mistaken opinions.

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Sugar is the genetic name for protein.

B. Sugar is from grains only.

C. People have different opinions about sugar.

D. Vegetarians are people who only eat meat.

2.What does the underlined phrase“a variety of ”mean?

A. all kinds of    B. a bit of    C. .the same kind of    D. too many

3.According to this passage,we can infer(推断)that          .

A. fat is bad for our bodies.

B. we should eat plenty of protein.

C. we must stay away from sugar if we want to keep healthy.

D. if children eat too much ice cream,they may more easily food.






All types of shoes half price or less

Every shoe you're ever dreamed of!

Sports shoes,soccer boots,running shoes,

dance shoes,ballet shoes,hip-hop shoes,

Beach shoes boat shoes, fashion shoes,

high-heeled shoes,flat shoes…

All stock must go!


9:00 a.m - 3:30 p. m

Forget all the other sales.Come and see us!

You'll be sorry if you miss out!

1.The material above is a(an)      .

A. letter    B. advertisement    C. report    D. ticket

2.How many types of shoes are mentioned in the passage?

A. 9    B. 10    C. 11    D. 12

3.What are the prices of the shoes?

A. All types of shoes are the same as usual.

B. All types of shoes are half price or less.

C. Some shoes are 30% on sale.

D. Some shoes are 80% on sale.

4.You can buy the shoes on sale      .

A. at 10 a.m.on 6 July.    B. at 2 p.m.on 6 July.

C. at 10 a.m.on 8 July.    D. at 2 a.m.on 8July.



Marco Polo,an Italian trader ,was the most famous European to visit China in ancient China.He traveled on the Silk Roads with his father and uncle,______China around 1275.

Polo had learned several Asian languages in his travels, and Kublai Khan(忽必烈)sent him to many Chinese cities on government missions,Polo______the Great Khan well for 17 years.In 1292,the Pols left China and made the long journey back to______.Later, during a war ,Polo was captured and______.In prison, he had time to tell the full story of his travels and_____ .To his listeners, he spoke of China's amazing cities,its______wealth,and the strange things he had seen there.Here is his  ____of trade in Beijing:“More precious and costly goods are imported into Khan balik [Beijing]than into any other city in the world.All the______that come from India are brought here…”

A fellow prisoner gathered Polo's stories into a book.It was a great success in Europe,______most readers did not believe a word of it. They thought Polo's description was a collection of all tales. It was clear to Marco Polo,however,that the country he had visited was ______in the world.

1.A. arriving in    B. hearing from    C. returning to

2.A. served    B. cared    C. played

3.A. Germany    B. Asia    C. Italy

4.A. killed    B. fooled    C. imprisoned

5.A. advertisements    B. adventures    C. experiments

6.A. terrible    B. fantastic    C. common

7.A. postcard    B. description    C. decision

8.A. treasures    B. clothes    C. foods

9.A. and    B. but    C. so

10.A. the worst    B. the poorest    C. the greatest



--You seem to be on a diet.You want to be a model?You will never make it.

--          .You should care more about your own life.

A. I feel ashamed of you.

B. Your mother drives me mad.

C. It's none of your business.



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