满分5 > 初中英语试题 >





All types of shoes half price or less

Every shoe you're ever dreamed of!

Sports shoes,soccer boots,running shoes,

dance shoes,ballet shoes,hip-hop shoes,

Beach shoes boat shoes, fashion shoes,

high-heeled shoes,flat shoes…

All stock must go!


9:00 a.m - 3:30 p. m

Forget all the other sales.Come and see us!

You'll be sorry if you miss out!

1.The material above is a(an)      .

A. letter    B. advertisement    C. report    D. ticket

2.How many types of shoes are mentioned in the passage?

A. 9    B. 10    C. 11    D. 12

3.What are the prices of the shoes?

A. All types of shoes are the same as usual.

B. All types of shoes are half price or less.

C. Some shoes are 30% on sale.

D. Some shoes are 80% on sale.

4.You can buy the shoes on sale      .

A. at 10 a.m.on 6 July.    B. at 2 p.m.on 6 July.

C. at 10 a.m.on 8 July.    D. at 2 a.m.on 8July.


1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 【解析】这是一家鞋店的广告。 1.细节理解题。读全文可知,这是一则广告。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据文中介绍可知,这里介绍了11种鞋。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据All types of shoes half price or less可知。故选B。 4.细节理解题。根据9:00 a.m - 3:30 p. m 8 July可知。故选C。

Marco Polo,an Italian trader ,was the most famous European to visit China in ancient China.He traveled on the Silk Roads with his father and uncle,______China around 1275.

Polo had learned several Asian languages in his travels, and Kublai Khan(忽必烈)sent him to many Chinese cities on government missions,Polo______the Great Khan well for 17 years.In 1292,the Pols left China and made the long journey back to______.Later, during a war ,Polo was captured and______.In prison, he had time to tell the full story of his travels and_____ .To his listeners, he spoke of China's amazing cities,its______wealth,and the strange things he had seen there.Here is his  ____of trade in Beijing:“More precious and costly goods are imported into Khan balik [Beijing]than into any other city in the world.All the______that come from India are brought here…”

A fellow prisoner gathered Polo's stories into a book.It was a great success in Europe,______most readers did not believe a word of it. They thought Polo's description was a collection of all tales. It was clear to Marco Polo,however,that the country he had visited was ______in the world.

1.A. arriving in    B. hearing from    C. returning to

2.A. served    B. cared    C. played

3.A. Germany    B. Asia    C. Italy

4.A. killed    B. fooled    C. imprisoned

5.A. advertisements    B. adventures    C. experiments

6.A. terrible    B. fantastic    C. common

7.A. postcard    B. description    C. decision

8.A. treasures    B. clothes    C. foods

9.A. and    B. but    C. so

10.A. the worst    B. the poorest    C. the greatest



--You seem to be on a diet.You want to be a model?You will never make it.

--          .You should care more about your own life.

A. I feel ashamed of you.

B. Your mother drives me mad.

C. It's none of your business.



--Oh ,I forgot to turn off the tap.

--The water must run over the sink and onto the floor now.

A. run away    B. run out of    C. run into



--Last summer ,a lot of athletes went to Brazil to      the 2016 Rio Olympics.

--Yes,it's great Olympic game,I can still remember some exciting moments in the game.

A. join in    B. lead in    C. take in



--Do you need a hand?

-No,thanks It's a piece of cake.I can manage it      .

A. without difficulty    B. on business    C. by heart



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