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Anna used to wake you up on Sunday morni...

Anna used to wake you up on Sunday morning when you wanted to stay in bed,but now you feel strange if she gets up before lunch.She used to be very quiet,but now she talks all the time—but not to you.She used to hold your hand when you went to visit your friends.Now she doesn't even want to be seen with you when you go to visit your friends.Your Anna might spend hours on the phone or in the bathroom now.At the same time Nick next door has become quiet and dirty.He used to be very polite.Now a simple conversation with Nick becomes very difficult.You've gone from a hero to the most embarrassing adult in the world.Your child has become a teenager!

What makes adolescence(青春期) so difficult?Physical(身体上的) and emotional changes are the reasons that make them change so much.When they are young,children live in a safe and simple land called “childhood”.Parents organize their lives.Parents choose children's clothes,take them to places,and spend time with them.They're there with the children when there is a problem.As children get older,however,they learn about another land—an exciting land,called “adulthood”.Sooner or later their hormones(荷尔蒙) push them into the open sea—away from the safe land or childhood.Adolescence,then,is the journey from childhood to adulthood.Some find the journey quite easy.For others,it's very difficult.

1.The article is probably written about ________.

A. teachers    B. teenagers    C. parents    D. students

2.When Anna was a child,she used to do the follo­wing things EXCEPT ________.

A. speaking little    B. getting up early

C. staying with her parents in public    D. spending hours on the phone

3.When children get older and older,________.

A. they don't go to visit friends with their parents

B. they stay away from their parents

C. they change physically and emotionally

D. all of the above

4.Why are Anna's teenage years so different from her childhood?________

A. Because her appearance(外表) has changed.

B. Because the hormone in her body changes her.

C. Because parents look at Anna differently.

D. Because teachers look at Anna differently.

5.What is the best title for the article?________.

A. The changes from childhood to adolescence

B. A teenager's life

C. Parents' attitudes towards teenagers

D. Difficult adolescence


1.B 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.A 【解析】这篇短文给我们介绍的是孩子们从童年时期成长到青春期,身体和心理上回发生很大的变化,短文作者用举例的手法展示了孩子们身上发生的一些变化,然后分析了这些变化发生的原因。 1.推理判断题。根据短文第一段的最后和第二段的开头Your child has become a teenager! What makes adolescence(青春期) so difficult?可知,这篇短文介绍的是如何对待处于青春期的孩子。因此这篇文章写的是青少年们,故应选B。 2.细节理解题。短文第一段的前半部分写了Anna的变化,根据Your Anna might spend hours on the phone or in the bathroom now可知,她现在花费很多时间讲电话,而过去不是这个样子的,故D不是Anna过去的样子,选D。根据She used to be very quiet、 Anna used to wake you up on Sunday morning when you wanted to stay in bed,but now you feel strange if she gets up before lunch.、She used to hold your hand when you went to visit your friends.可知,A、B和C都是Anna过去的样子。 3.细节理解题。根据短文第一段的内容She used to hold your hand when you went to visit your friends. Now she doesn't even want to be seen with you when you go to visit your friends…Now a simple conversation with Nick becomes very difficult.可知,孩子在长大的时候,他们不愿意和父母在一起,身体、情感上都发生了变化。因此A、B和C三个选项都是对的,选D。 4.推理判断题。根据短文第二段内容中Sooner or later their hormones(荷尔蒙) push them into the open sea—away from the safe land or childhood.可知,孩子们从童年时期到青春期,会发生很大的变化,这是荷尔蒙促使他们发生了变化。故应选B。 5.主旨大意题。这篇短文给我们介绍的是孩子们从童年时期成长到青春期,身体和心理上回发生很大的变化,文章开头用举例的手法展示了孩子们身上发生的一些变化,然后分析了这些变化发生的原因。因此A选项:从童年时期到青春期的变化这个题目最符合文意。 点睛:这是一篇科普说明文,但是于一般的科普文章不同,这篇短文开头用了具体的事例引出话题,使学生们比较容易理解和把握文章的主题。后面的题目设置包括细节理解、推理判断和主旨大意题,考查比较全面,也有一定难度,题目的答案都不是直接能从原文找到,但是可以找到一些做题的依据。例如第2小题,这个题目问的是Anna过去不是什么样子的,答案都集中在短文的开头,介绍时对比了Anna过去和现在的样子,D选项说的是现在的Anna,她过去不是这样的,故应选D。

I used to have a friend called Matilda. We were together at secondary school. When we were 16, she moved because of her father's job, but we kept in touch. We used to write long letters to each other. I went to stay with her a couple of times too. We lost contact (联系) after university. I'd love to see her again because we used to be really good friends.

I used to hate a couple of teachers at school, but I think the one I hated the most was my French teacher. He was really terrible. I don't think he liked children or even teaching. He used to be impatient with us and he didn't explain things well. I failed French — it was the only subject I ever failed at school.

I used to play a lot of squash (壁球), but I recently started playing tennis and now I like it better. The problem with squash is that it's pretty hard and maybe I'm just not strong enough to play it. Also the friend I used to play with always beat me. The great thing about tennis is that it's outdoors so I can enjoy the fresh air. It's less competitive and more fun. The only problem is that you can't play when it rains.


1.What does the underlined phrase “kept in touch” mean in Chinese?

A. 失去联系

B. 保持联系

C. 总是争吵

D. 从不争吵

2.When did the writer and her friend Matilda lose contact?

A. At secondary school.

B. During high school.

C. During college.

D. After university.

3.The writer's French teacher was ______.

A. very strict with his students

B. good at playing tennis

C. bad at teaching

D. very humorous

4.In the writer's opinion, squash is ______.

A. relaxing

B. interesting

C. easy to learn

D. hard to play well

5.According to the passage, the writer ______.

A. hated learning French

B. has more friends than before

C. thinks tennis is more fun than squash

D. has never lost a game in playing tennis



A man and his friend were walking through the desert(沙漠). During the trip, they had a _______, and the man hit his friend in the face. His friend was hurt, but without saying _______, he wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend hit me in the face.”

They ________on walking until they found a lake, where they decided to take a bath. The man’s friend fell into the lake and was in danger, but the man saved him. After he came back to life, he wrote on a ________: “Today my best friend saved my life.”

The man who had hit and _______ his best friend asked, “________ I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you wrote on a stone. Why?” His friend ________, “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where wind can _______ it away. _______, when someone does something good for us, we must write it down in stone _______ it can last(保留) for ever.”

1.A. talk    B. joke    C. fight    D. picnic

2.A. something    B. nothing    C. anything    D. everything

3.A. kept    B. continued    C. turned    D. tried

4.A. sand    B. stone    C. tree    D. wall

5.A. killed    B. hurt    C. saved    D. made

6.A. Before    B. While    C. Until    D. After

7.A. replied    B. asked    C. questioned    D. required

8.A. blow    B. send    C. fly    D. put

9.A. Although    B. But    C. However    D. If

10.A. because    B. so    C. why    D. that



—How about going for a drive now?

—______. I have been at home the whole day.

A. I'm sure    B. I see    C. I think so    D. I agree



________ we felt tired,________ we felt happy.

A. Though;but    B. If;but    C. Though;/



—Many students don’t know how to        difficulties and become worried.

—I think they should ask the teacher for help.

A. play with    B. deal with    C. talk with    D. come up with



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