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Welcome to Jessica's 6th Birthday Party ...

Welcome to Jessica's 6th Birthday Party

SaturdaySeptember 272015

1:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m.

2485 Roory Lane



Please reply to Susan at

345­3473 by September 20


Delicious food and drinks

Sweet candies

Fun games (small gifts for winners)

and beautiful stories

Come dressed in your night clothes!

1.It's an invitation for ________.

A. an opening    B. a birthday party

C. a concert    D. a meeting

2.The event will last for ________.

A. three hours    B. half a day

C. twenty hours    D. one day

3.Lisa is going to accept the invitationso she should reply by ________.

A. September 17    B. September 20

C. September 24    D. September 27

4.Lisa is going to accept the invitationbut she can't ________ there.

A. watch TV    B. get drinks

C. play games    D. have candies

5.Which of the following is TRUE if Lisa accepts the invitation?

A. Lisa is going to be six.

B. Lisa will get to the party before 5:00 p.m.

C. Lisa will call Jessica at 345­3473.

D. Lisa should wear her night clothes.


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.D 【解析】这是Jessica6岁生日的邀请函。介绍了生日派对的时间,以及在派对上所能参与的一些活动。 1.细节理解题。根据标题句子“Welcome to Jessica's 6th Birthday Party”这是为Jessica6岁的生日派对而发出的邀请,故答案选B。 2.数字计算题。根据“1:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m.”可知,派对将持续3个小时,答案选A。 3.细节理解题。根据文中句子“Please reply to Susan at 345­3473 by September 20”可知,回复时间截止到九月20日,答案选B。 4.细节理解题。根据文中句子“Delicious food and drinks Sweet candies Fun games (small gifts for winners)”可知,派对上不可以看电视,故答案先A。 5.细节判断题。根据最后的句子“Come dressed in your night clothes!”可知,如果丽莎接受邀请,她需要穿晚礼服参加派对,故D答案正确。

Dear Bob

I am going to climb the mountains next weekend.TimLilyMona and Peter will go with me.We will meet at the bus stop at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday.Will you go with us?Please reply in writing to this invitation by Thursday.Hope to see you then!



Dear Mike

Thank you for your invitation.I'd love to go to your climbingbut I am very busy next weekend.Next Saturday is my brother's birthday.So I have to go shopping in the morningclean the house and help my parents to cook.In the evening we'll have a birthday party for him.On SundayI am having the guitar lessons from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00.In the afternoonI am visiting my grandfather by bike.I hope that you can have fun climbing the mountains!



1.Who is making the invitation?

A. Bob.    B. Tim.    C. Peter.    D. Mike.

2.How many people are going to climb the mountains?

A. Four.    B. Five.    C. Six.    D. Seven.

3.What will Bob do on the evening of Saturday?

A. Have a party.    B. Go shopping.

C. Clean the house.    D. Help his parents to cook.

4.When will Bob go to visit his grandfather?

A. On Saturday morning.    B. On Saturday afternoon.

C. On Sunday afternoon.    D. On Sunday evening.

5.What can we learn from the passage?

A. Mike will climb the mountains alone next weekend.

B. Mike will meet his friends at the bus stop on Saturday.

C. Bob doesn't want to climb the mountains at all.

D. Bob has to take the piano lessons on Sunday.



Mrs.Black is in the supermarket.She is ______ some gifts for the Browns.The Browns moved into a new house.Yesterday Mrs.Black got their housewarming invitationand she ______ it.

Mrs.Black first gets some candles.She hopes the Browns' new house will ______ be filled with light.Different shapes of candles are ______ here.She puts some heart­shaped ones into her basket.Then Mrs.Black takes a broom (扫帚).______ the giftthe Browns will always have a healthy and happy life______ it can sweep (扫) both dirt and bad luck away.NextMrs.Black takes a bottle of ______.She wants the Browns' life to be as sweet as it.

FinallyMrs.Black decides to ______ some bread after she gets home.The delicious gift will be greatbecause it has a good ______too.The people living in the new ______ will never go hungry.

Mrs.Black believes that the Browns will love her gifts.

1.A. choosing    B. opening    C. hanging    D. catching

2.A. refused    B. threw    C. accepted    D. deleted

3.A. always    B. probably    C. already    D. mainly

4.A. traditional    B. available    C. simple    D. free

5.A. After    B. Under    C. About    D. With

6.A. though    B. but    C. because    D. if

7.A. yogurt    B. butter    C. salt    D. honey

8.A. make    B. buy    C. eat    D. cut

9.A. look    B. meaning    C. time    D. space

10.A. park    B. supermarket    C. hotel    D. house



—What about having a welcome party for our new friends?


A. Sounds great    B. Good luck

C. It doesn't matter    D. I can't stand that



—What will the weather be like ________?

—The radio says it's going to be rainy.

A. yesterday    B. now

C. last Sunday    D. the day after tomorrow



I ________ his invitation because I had to look after my sister.

A. turned on    B. turned down

C. turned off    D. turned up



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