满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mrs.Black is in the supermarket.She is _...

Mrs.Black is in the supermarket.She is ______ some gifts for the Browns.The Browns moved into a new house.Yesterday Mrs.Black got their housewarming invitationand she ______ it.

Mrs.Black first gets some candles.She hopes the Browns' new house will ______ be filled with light.Different shapes of candles are ______ here.She puts some heart­shaped ones into her basket.Then Mrs.Black takes a broom (扫帚).______ the giftthe Browns will always have a healthy and happy life______ it can sweep (扫) both dirt and bad luck away.NextMrs.Black takes a bottle of ______.She wants the Browns' life to be as sweet as it.

FinallyMrs.Black decides to ______ some bread after she gets home.The delicious gift will be greatbecause it has a good ______too.The people living in the new ______ will never go hungry.

Mrs.Black believes that the Browns will love her gifts.

1.A. choosing    B. opening    C. hanging    D. catching

2.A. refused    B. threw    C. accepted    D. deleted

3.A. always    B. probably    C. already    D. mainly

4.A. traditional    B. available    C. simple    D. free

5.A. After    B. Under    C. About    D. With

6.A. though    B. but    C. because    D. if

7.A. yogurt    B. butter    C. salt    D. honey

8.A. make    B. buy    C. eat    D. cut

9.A. look    B. meaning    C. time    D. space

10.A. park    B. supermarket    C. hotel    D. house


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.D 【解析】短文大意:布朗夫妇乔迁新居,邀请布莱克夫人参加。于是布莱克夫人为他们准备了一些礼物:许多心形的蜡烛,一把扫帚。一瓶蜂蜜,以及自己做的一些面包,它们都各有寓意。布莱克太太相信布朗一家会喜欢她的礼物。 1.句意:她正在为布朗夫妇挑选一些礼物。A. choosing挑选;B. opening打开;C. hanging悬挂;D. catching抓住。从下文中的内容可知,布朗夫妇乔迁新居,布莱克夫人打算给他们购买一些礼物,故答案为A。 2.句意:布莱克夫人得到了他们乔迁的邀请,她接受了邀请。A. refused拒绝;B. threw扔;C. accepted接受;D. deleted删除。从购买礼物可以看出,布莱克夫人接受了邀请,答案为C。 3.句意:她希望布朗家的新房子始终要充满灯光。A. always总是;B. probably或许;C. already已经;D. mainly主要地。结合句意可知,此处填写频率副词always,答案为A。 4.句意:这儿各种形状的蜡烛都可以买到。A. traditional传统的;B. available可购买的;C. simple简单的;D. free有空的。结合句意可知,答案为B。 5.句意:有了这个礼物,布朗夫妇将始终过上一种健康快乐的生活。A. After在……之后;B. Under在……下面;C. About大约;D. With拥有,伴有。结合句意可知,此处表示“拥有”的意思,答案为D。 6.句意:因为它能清除灰尘和厄运。A. though尽管;B. but但是;C. because因为;D. if如果。 7.句意:接下来,布莱克夫人拿了一瓶蜂蜜。A. yogurt奶酪;B. butter黄油;C. salt盐;D. honey蜂蜜。根据下文中的句子“She wants the Browns' life to be as sweet as it.”判断,具有甜味的只有蜂蜜,故答案为D。 8.句意:最后,布莱克太太决定她回家后做一些面包。A. make制作;B. buy购买;C. eat吃; D. cut切。结合语境可知,在家里只能制作面包作为礼物,故答案选A。 9.句意:因为它也有很好的寓意。A. look相貌;B. meaning意义;C. time时间;D. space空间。根据下文的句子“The people living in the new ___10___ will never go hungry.”判断,这里是指家有面包的寓意,故答案为B。 10.句意:住在新房子里的人永远不会挨饿。A. park公园;B. supermarket 超市;C. hotel旅馆; D. house房子。前文提到布朗夫妇乔迁新居,故答案为D。

—What about having a welcome party for our new friends?


A. Sounds great    B. Good luck

C. It doesn't matter    D. I can't stand that



—What will the weather be like ________?

—The radio says it's going to be rainy.

A. yesterday    B. now

C. last Sunday    D. the day after tomorrow



I ________ his invitation because I had to look after my sister.

A. turned on    B. turned down

C. turned off    D. turned up




—It's Saturday the 2nd.

A. What's today    B. What is it

C. What's it like    D. What's the day



The little boy gave me a ________ answer after I asked him the question.

A. surprise    B. surprises    C. surprised    D. surprising



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