满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

1.There are four____________(汉堡包)on the...


1.There are four____________(汉堡包)on the plate.

2.Do you like______________(沙拉)?

3.Jeff likes______________ (草莓)very much.

4.What do you have for___________(正餐)?

5.Children should eat lots of________________(蔬菜).


1.hamburgers 2.salad 3.strawberries 4.dinner 5.vegetables 【解析】 1.前有four修饰,名词应是复数。故答案为hamburgers。 2.沙拉是salad,是不可数名词。故答案为salad。 3.喜欢草莓是like strawberries。故答案为strawberries。 4.正餐是dinner。故答案为dinner。 5.Lots of后的可数名词用复数。故答案为vegetables。 点睛:此类题要首先明白命题意图,做到有的放矢;然后根据所给词组,并根据英语的表达习惯做出解答;最后通览全句,认真检查。如第5题,根据前面的修饰词可知,考查名词的复数。

A:I like apples. 1. you2.apples?

B:Yes, I3..

A:Do you like tomatoes?

B:No, I4..

A:5. your brother like ice-cream?

B:No, he doesn’t. He likes salad














My name is Joe and I am from London. But now I live in China. There are four people in my family. They are my parents, my brother and I. We like different foods and fruits.

For food, my father likes noodles, my mother likes rice, my brother likes hamburgers and I like fish. Hamburgers are not healthy food. My parents advise my brother not to eat them.

For fruit, my father likes oranges. My mother likes apples. My brother and I like pears. My mother advises us to eat fruit.

1.Joe is from___________.

A. England    B. China    C. Japan    D. the USA

2.How many people are there in Joe’s family?

A. Three.    B. Four.    C. Five.    D. Six.

3.For food,Joe’s mother likes             .

A.     B.     C.     D.

4.Who likes pears?

A. Joe’s father.    B. Joe’s mother.

C. Only Joe.    D. Joe and his brother.

5.Joe’s mother advises them                 .

A. not to eat fruit    B. not to eat apples

C. to eat fruit    D. to eat hamburgers



I   a brother, Ethan. I have five    2  and two oranges. He    3  four bananas and three   4   . I don’t like    5   , but she   6   . He doesn’t like salad,    7  I do. My father    8  broccoli, but my   9   doesn’t. I   10  my family.

1.A. am     B. have     C. like    D. has

2.A. banana    B. orange   C. bananas   D. salads

3.A. is       B. likes     C. has      D. have

4.A. oranges   B. hamburger   C. orange   D. hamburgeres

5.A. tomato    B. tomatos     C. tomatoes   D. a tomatoes

6.A. do       B. does       C. like      D. /

7.A. but      B. and      C. or      D. for

8.A. likes     B. have     C. like     D. does

9.A. friend   B. sister     C. mother   D. uncle

10.A. likes    B. am     C. do      D. like



A:Good morning, Dale.

B:Good morning, Tom.

A: 1.

B:I have some bread and milk for breakfast. 2.

A:Oh, I have two eggs and porridge(粥).

B:Does your brother like eggs?

A:3. He likes hamburgers.

B:What does your sister Cindy like?

A:She likes ice-cream.

B:Oh, I like it, too. 4.

A:You don’t want to be fat?

B:No. I think it’s not healthy food.

A:Yes, you are right.5.

B:OK. Let’s go to school.

A.But I don’t want to be fat.

B.No, he doesn’t.

C.What do you have for breakfast?

D.We must eat some healthy food.

E.What about you?



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