满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It's necessary to discover what you are ...

It's necessary to discover what you are good at or not and what you like or dislike.

Many students would be unhappy if they _______ in a very difficult physics course, but in fact they have known a lot about themselves. They realize that they will not become engineers or physica1 scientists  ______. So failure can help a student to live a _______ life if he or she draws something out of it. They may then decide on their aim and _______  the kind of work that they would be fit for and they would like to do.

You can't be sure ________ you like something until you have tried it. If you make a _____that you would like to play the violin, you need to take more music classes ______  you know if you are really interested in it.

It is not enough to hope to be a violinist. You also have to stand (忍受) the _______practice before you become one. If you would enjoy being a great violinist, but ______ the hard and boring work, just give it up.

It's a good plan to try as many ideas as possible when you are still _____ . And then you will be able to find out what your true interests are.

1.A. joined    B. failed    C. picked    D. operated

2.A. since then    B. after that    C. just now    D. in the futt

3.A. cleaner    B. further    C. happier    D. harder

4.A. choose    B. check    C. provide    D. catch

5.A. while    B. what    C. whether    D. when

6.A. advice    B. decision    C. tip    D. example

7.A. for    B. as    C. after    D. before

8.A. terrible    B. hard    C. easy    D. sudden

9.A. finish    B. hate    C. enjoy    D. keep

10.A. young    B. old    C. sad    D. happy


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.A 【解析】有必要去发现你所擅长或不擅长的,你的喜欢或不喜欢。你不能确定你是否喜欢某样东西除非您已经尝试它。趁着年轻努力找到你真正的兴趣所在。 1.考查动词及语境理解。很多学生会不高兴如果他们在非常难的物理课程中失败的话。joined加入;failed失败;picked捡;operated操作,根据上文学生不愉快,可知是学习失败,故选B 2.考查副词及语境理解。A. since then自从那时; B. after that那之后; C. just now 刚才; D. in the future在未来。他们意识到他们在未来不会成为工程师或者物理学家。根据该句为将来时,故选D。 3.考查形容词比较级及语境理解。A. cleaner更干净的; B. further更远; C. happier更高兴;D. harder更努力。所以如果学生从(失败)中汲取某些东西失败也能帮助他(她)过更快乐的生活。结合句意,故选C。 4.考查动词及语境理解。A. choose选择; B. check核查; C. provide提供; D. catch抓住。然后他们可能决定他们的目标选择他们适合并想做的工作。结合句意对比选项,故选A。 5.A. while 当; B. what什么; C. whether 是否; D. when当。直到你尝试了你才能确定是否你喜欢某事。根据句意,故选C。 6.A. advice 建议; B. decision决定; C. tip贴士; D. example例子。如果你作出决定你想拉小提琴,你需要在你明白是否你真的对它感兴趣之前上更多的音乐课。make a decision做决定,根据that you would like to play the violin 可知做决定,故选B。 7.根据上文You can't be sure ____5____ you like something until you have tried it.可知要在明白是否真的感兴趣之前上更多的音乐课,故选D。 8.A. terrible糟糕的; B. hard困难的,艰难的; C. easy简单的; D. sudden突然的。根据上文It is not enough to hope to be a violinist.可知在成为小提琴家之前不得不忍受艰难的练习,结合选项,故选B。 9.A. finish完成;B. hate 讨厌; C. enjoy 喜欢; D. keep保持。如果你愿意当一个伟大的小提琴家但是讨厌艰苦枯燥的工作,就放弃吧。根据转折词but,可知与上文内容相反,故选B。 10.A. young年轻的; B. old 老的; C. sad 悲伤的; D. happy高兴的。当你还年轻时尽可能多的尝试一些想法是很好的计划。根据后文then you will be able to find out what your true interests are.然后你将能发现你真正的兴趣是什么,故选A。

--What about going boating this afternoon?

--It sounds great. ________.

A. Either take the lead or fall behind.

B. I can’t agree with you more.

C. You can’t be too careful.

D. It’s better to be safe than sorry.



Neither the students nor the teacher ___________ the way to Nanjing Library.

A. know    B. knows    C. don't know    D. doesn't know



We bought Granny a present________ she didn't like it.

A. but    B. and    C. or    D. so



Scientists from different countries are trying to_______ a good way to solve the energy problem.

A. keep up with    B. come up with

C. catch up with    D. meet up with



--Did you enjoy the outdoor training yesterday?

--No, not at all! I was __________ dead after so much hard training.

A. as good as    B. as well as    C. so good as    D. so well as



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