满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--What about going boating this afternoo...

--What about going boating this afternoon?

--It sounds great. ________.

A. Either take the lead or fall behind.

B. I can’t agree with you more.

C. You can’t be too careful.

D. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


B 【解析】试题分析:Either take the lead or fall behind.要么领先,要么落后;I can’t agree with you more.我完全赞同你的看法;You can’t be too careful.你越小心越好;It’s better to be safe than sorry.安全第一。句意:今天下午去划船怎么样?根据前文,听起来很不错。可知选B最符合语境。 考点:考查交际用语  

Neither the students nor the teacher ___________ the way to Nanjing Library.

A. know    B. knows    C. don't know    D. doesn't know



We bought Granny a present________ she didn't like it.

A. but    B. and    C. or    D. so



Scientists from different countries are trying to_______ a good way to solve the energy problem.

A. keep up with    B. come up with

C. catch up with    D. meet up with



--Did you enjoy the outdoor training yesterday?

--No, not at all! I was __________ dead after so much hard training.

A. as good as    B. as well as    C. so good as    D. so well as



His mother kept telling him to mind his manners at the party. So he became _______ _

A. impatient    B. improper    C. impractical    D. impolite



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