满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Good morning,everyone.I'm Flyki and my p...

Good morning,everyone.I'm Flyki and my partner is Michelle.Today,we two want to introduce a new invention designed______us to you here.It's called “flying car”.

Nowadays,the number of______is increasing,and it leads to a bad influence.People living in the cities have found that it's getting more and more______to move around in the streets.Traffic jams turn out to be a big problem.That's______we have the idea.

The car not only looks like a car but also looks like a plane.It has______rires(轮胎)and “foldable wings”.It also has the advantages of small volume(体积)and light weight.When it transforms into a plane,it can fly______a speed of 110 miles per hour.It's a “roadable aircraft”.All you need is just a driving license.Then,you can drive it just like driving a car.

The car will make our life more convenient,______it can switch between a car and a plane.To begin with,it can drive on any surfaces and thanks to its foldable wings,it can transform into a personal plane.When the roads are ______,it can help you easily reach the destination.Much time can be______

This kind of car makes our lives______and more comfortable.If you have such a car,you will feel very good!

That's all.Thanks for listening.

1.A. with    B. to    C. by    D. for

2.A. cars    B. planes    C. taxis    D. buses

3.A. expensive    B. interesting    C. convenient    D. difficult

4.A. what    B. why    C. that    D. which

5.A. three    B. four    C. five    D. six

6.A. in    B. on    C. for    D. at

7.A. so    B. though    C. if    D. because

8.A. crowded    B. free    C. wide    D. short

9.A. wasted    B. cost    C. saved    D. lasted

10.A. easier    B. richer    C. heavier    D. worse


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.A 【解析】短文大意:Flyki和Michelle向大家介绍了他们自己的新发明,一种会飞的小汽车。 这种小汽车不仅看起来像汽车,而且看起来像一架飞机。它有四个轮胎和“能折叠的翅膀”,可以在汽车和飞机之间切换,极大地解决了交通拥挤问题,节省了大量的时间,使我们的生活更方便更舒适。 1.C 句意:今天,我们两个想向你们介绍一下我们设计的新发明。A. with与……在一起; B. to 到,向;C. by 被;D. for为了。designed为过去分词,作invention的后置定语,与所修饰的词是被动的关系,动作的执行者就是we,by后跟宾格形式,故答案为C。 2.A 句意:现在,汽车的数量在不断的增加。A. cars 小汽车;B. planes 飞机; C. taxis出租车;D. buses公交车。根据上文中的句子It's called “flying car”,发明会飞的汽车的原因就是当今汽车的数量越来越多,故答案为A。 3.D 句意:住在城市的人们发现在街上走动越来越困难了。A. expensive昂贵的;B. interesting有趣的;C. convenient方便的;D. difficult困难的。根据下文中的句子“Traffic jams turn out to be a big problem.”(交通堵塞成了一个大问题)可知,答案为D。 4.B 句意:这就是我们有这个想法的原因。A. what什么;B. why 为什么;C. that那个; D. which哪一个。此处解释了发明这种会飞的小汽车的原因,故答案为B。 5.B 句意:它有四个轮胎和“折叠的翅膀”。A. three3 ;B. four 4;C. five 5 ;D. six 6。结合上句“The car not only looks like a car but also looks like a plane.”,汽车有4个轮子,故答案为B。 6.D 句意:它能以每小时110英里的速度飞行。at a speed of是固定词组,意思是“以……的速度行驶”,结合句意可知,答案为D。 7.D 句意:这种汽车可以使我们的生活更方便,因为它可以在汽车和飞机之间切换。A. so所以,B. though 尽管;C. if如果;D. because因为。后一句解释了这种汽车可以使我们的生活更方便的原因,故答案为D。 8.A 句意:当道路拥挤时,它可以帮助你轻松到达目的地。A. crowded 拥挤的;B. free 空闲的;C. wide宽广的;D. short短的,矮的。结合上下语境理解,当交通拥挤时,它可以像飞机一样飞起来,故答案为A。 9.C 句意:可以节省很多时间。A. wasted 浪费;B. cost 花费;C. saved节约;D. lasted持续。在交通拥挤时,它可以像飞机一样飞起来,自然可以节省时间,故答案为C。 10.A 句意:这种汽车使我们的生活更方便更舒适。A. easier更容易;B. richer 更富裕;C. heavier更重;D. worse更糟。这种发明方便人们的生活,故答案为A。

—What a strange machine! ________ ?

—I'm not sure.Maybe people make bread with it.

A. Who was it invented by    B. When was it invented

C. What is it used for    D. Where was it bought



—Why is the photo of Mo Yan always hung on the wall in your bedroom?

—Because I ________ him and want to be a great writer like him.

A. hold on to    B. look up to

C. pay attention to    D. look forward to



The students ________ two groups to play the game yesterday afternoon.

A. are divided among    B. are divided into

C. were divided among    D. were divided into



The number of teachers in our school ________ 60 and a number of them ________ men teachers.

A. is;is    B. is;are    C. are;is    D. are;are



—What kind of drink is the most popular in China?

—Tea is ________ doubt the most popular.It ________ by many people.

A. with;drinks    B. with;is drunk

C. without;drinks    D. without;is drunk



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