满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Shlander is a man from space. He thinks ...

Shlander is a man from space. He thinks the people and things on the earth are very strange. He is now writing a letter to his friend at home. Here is part of his letter. Read it and answer the questions.

Now I am in a strange world. It is very nice. There are many new things here. There are many earth monsters here, too. The earth monsters look very funny. They have just one head, two arms and two legs. They have thin black strings on their heads. Some earth monsters have brown or yellow strings. The earth monsters have a hole in their face. Every day, they put nice things and balls from the trees into the hole. They put water into the hole, too. The earth monsters do not walk very fast. They move from place to pace in tin boxes.

At night, the earth monsters like to look at a square window box. This box has very small earth monsters in it.

1.Shlander thinks the people and things on the earth are very ________.

A. strange    B. nice    C. different    D. beautiful

2.Shlander thinks man on the earth is ________.

A. a monkey    B. an earth monster    C. a tin box    D. a strange world

3.The earth monster doesn’t have ________.

A. heads, arms and legs    B. brown or yellow strings on its head

C. a hole on its face    D. a swing on its body

4.The earth monsters don’t put ________ on their holes.

A. nice things    B. balls    C. fire    D. water


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 【解析】本文是一个太空的人介绍地球上的人。他认为地球上的人是怪物,描述了地球上人的长相和饮食以及睡眠。 1.A 细节理解题。根据He thinks the people and things on the earth are very strange.可知Shlander认为地球上的人们非常奇怪,故选A。 2.B 细节理解题。根据There are many earth monsters here, too.可知Shlander认为地球上的人是怪物,故选B。 3.D 细节理解题。根据They have just one head, two arms and two legs. They have thin black strings on their heads. Some earth monsters have brown or yellow strings. The earth monsters have a hole in their face.可知地球上的怪物有头、胳膊、腿,头上有棕色或黄色的细绳,脸上有一个洞,但是他们身上没有翅膀,故选D。 4.C 细节理解题。根据Every day, they put nice things and balls from the trees into the hole. They put water into the hole, too.可知地球上的怪物往脸上的动力放了一些漂亮的东西,一些树上的球和一些水,故选C。 点睛:根据题干要求,在文中寻找答案所在的语句或段落,进行分析理解,词义猜测,概括归纳和推理判断,选出正确的选项。例如小题2,根据There are many earth monsters here, too.可知Shlander认为地球上的人是怪物,故选B。

One Saturday afternoon, Sarah went to buy something for her sister and herself. As Sarah was coming out of a __, a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green — a good friend of Sarah’s sister’s. Sarah __ her. Then she called a taxi to send Sarah home. She told the driver where he should go. Sarah was __ that it was not in the direction of her home.“Why?” Sarah asked. The lady smiled.

When they came to a quiet road, a big rough man __ on the road. He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him down, tied him and threw him out of the taxi. At the same time, Miss Green took out a knife and __ Sarah. She asked Sarah to keep __. The man then started the taxi. “Oh, God! I’m being kidnapped (绑架),” Sarah said to herself.

She tried to escape, but not succeeded. Suddenly an __ came to her. She took out a lipstick (口红) from her pocket, wrote “SOS” on the window, and covered the word with her __. A few minutes later, a police car passed and the policemen saw the __. When the kidnappers saw the policemen, they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass, and ran away.

The policemen then picked up Sarah and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened, they were greatly surprised. But they were also __ because their daughter had finally come back safely.

1.A. school    B. taxi    C. shop

2.A. knew    B. believed    C. thanked

3.A. pleased    B. excited    C. surprised

4.A. drove    B. climbed    C. appeared

5.A. frightened    B. played    C. helped

6.A. healthy    B. alive    C. quiet

7.A. idea    B. answer    C. interest

8.A. fingers    B. back    C. dress

9.A. picture    B. map    C. sign

10.A. worried    B. happy    C. afraid



—Could you please ________ some information about the students’ health?

—Of course, it’s my pleasure.

A. pollute    B. provide    C. catch



—Hurry up, we must be the first to ________ the pop star.


A. interview    B. attend    C. complete



A/An ________ means ability to to do something well.

A. skill    B. advantage    C. machine



—Why are you walking to school?

—Because the bus didn’t ________ on the way.

A. complete    B. catch    C. work



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