满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

One Saturday afternoon, Sarah went to bu...

One Saturday afternoon, Sarah went to buy something for her sister and herself. As Sarah was coming out of a __, a young lady walked towards her. She said she was Miss Green — a good friend of Sarah’s sister’s. Sarah __ her. Then she called a taxi to send Sarah home. She told the driver where he should go. Sarah was __ that it was not in the direction of her home.“Why?” Sarah asked. The lady smiled.

When they came to a quiet road, a big rough man __ on the road. He stopped the taxi driver, knocked him down, tied him and threw him out of the taxi. At the same time, Miss Green took out a knife and __ Sarah. She asked Sarah to keep __. The man then started the taxi. “Oh, God! I’m being kidnapped (绑架),” Sarah said to herself.

She tried to escape, but not succeeded. Suddenly an __ came to her. She took out a lipstick (口红) from her pocket, wrote “SOS” on the window, and covered the word with her __. A few minutes later, a police car passed and the policemen saw the __. When the kidnappers saw the policemen, they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass, and ran away.

The policemen then picked up Sarah and sent her home. When her parents knew what had happened, they were greatly surprised. But they were also __ because their daughter had finally come back safely.

1.A. school    B. taxi    C. shop

2.A. knew    B. believed    C. thanked

3.A. pleased    B. excited    C. surprised

4.A. drove    B. climbed    C. appeared

5.A. frightened    B. played    C. helped

6.A. healthy    B. alive    C. quiet

7.A. idea    B. answer    C. interest

8.A. fingers    B. back    C. dress

9.A. picture    B. map    C. sign

10.A. worried    B. happy    C. afraid


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.B 【解析】本文介绍了Sarah被绑架了,她如何发出求救信号,最后被警察救回来的。 1.C 考查名词及语境的理解。A. school 学校; B. taxi 出租车; C. shop商店;句意:当萨拉正要走出商店,一位年轻的女士朝着她走过来。根据前文的Sarah went to buy something for her sister and herself.可知萨拉去了商店,故选C。 2.B 考查动词及语境的理解。A. knew知道; B. believed 相信; C. thanked感谢;句意:萨拉相信了她。根据She said she was Miss Green — a good friend of Sarah’s sister’s. 和Then she called a taxi to send Sarah home.可知那个人说是萨拉妹妹的朋友,萨拉应是相信她的话,才同意让他打电话给出租出让她送回家,故选B。 3.C 考查形容词及语境的理解。A. pleased 满意的; B. excited 激动的; C. surprised惊讶的;句意:萨拉感到惊讶,这不是去她家的方向。根据后文的“Why?” Sarah asked.可知萨拉不明白原因,因此感到惊讶,故选C。 4.C 考查动词及语境的理解。A. drove驾驶,及物动词; B. climbed 爬,及物动词; C. appeared出现,不及物动词;句意:当他们来到了一条安静的路上,一个高大的壮汉出现在路上。此处没有宾语,因此用不及物动词,故选C。 5.A 考查动词及语境的理解。A. frightened 使害怕; B. played 玩; C. helped帮助;句意:同时,格林小姐拿出一把刀,吓唬萨拉。根据后文的“Oh, God! I’m being kidnapped (绑架),” Sarah said to herself.可知萨拉被绑架了,因此她被吓唬,故选A。 6.C 考查形容词及语境的理解。A. healthy 健康的; B. alive 活着的; C. quiet安静的;句意:她让萨拉保持安静。根据前文的At the same time, Miss Green took out a knife and ___5___ Sarah.可知格林小姐拿刀吓唬萨拉,应是让她保持安静,故选C。 7.A 考查名词及语境的理解。A. idea 主意; B. answer答案; C. interest兴趣;句意:突然她想到了一个主意。根据后文的She took out a lipstick (口红) from her pocket, wrote “SOS” on the window,可知她用口红写求救信号,这是她想出的一个主意,故选A。 8.B 考查名词及语境的理解。A. fingers 手指; B. back 后背; C. dress裙子;句意:她从兜里拿出一支口红,在窗户上写了“SOS”,然后用她的后背盖住了那个单词。此处表示能盖住窗户上的“sos”求救信号,应是用她的背,故选B。 9.C 考查名词及语境的理解。A. picture 图画; B. map 地图; C. sign符号,记号;句意:几分钟后,一辆警车经过,警察看见了那个信号。根据When the kidnappers saw the policemen, they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass, and ran away.可知警察看见了“SOS”,这是求救信号,故选C。 10.B 考查形容词及语境的理解。A. worried 担心的; B. happy 高兴的; C. afraid害怕的;句意:但是他们也很高兴,因为他们的女儿终于安全地回来了。根据because their daughter had finally come back safely.可知她的父母知道女儿被绑架,并且安全地回来了,应感到高兴,故选B。 点睛:根据前后文的语境,结合词性,短语,句型,时态,语态,词义辨析和主谓一致,选出正确的选项。例如小题3,句意:萨拉感到惊讶,这不是去她家的方向。根据后文的“Why?” Sarah asked.可知萨拉不明白原因,因此感到惊讶,故选C。

—Could you please ________ some information about the students’ health?

—Of course, it’s my pleasure.

A. pollute    B. provide    C. catch



—Hurry up, we must be the first to ________ the pop star.


A. interview    B. attend    C. complete



A/An ________ means ability to to do something well.

A. skill    B. advantage    C. machine



—Why are you walking to school?

—Because the bus didn’t ________ on the way.

A. complete    B. catch    C. work



—What are you going to do this weekend?

—I want to go to the countryside to ________ the fresh air.

A. take    B. breathe    C. provide



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