满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

五、单句辨错。 1.There are two Germen in our cl...


1.There are two Germen in our class.____________

A    B         C    D

2.He bought a couple of book for his son._____________

        A       B         C   D

3.Let’s  spending the day at the zoo.______________

   A         B          C   D

4.Look!Can you see the children to play in the park?_________________

        A        B        C         D

5.How about go to the art museum?_______________

   A     B   C     D


1.C Germans 2.C books 3.B spend 4.D playing 5.C going 【解析】 1.C Germans German德国人,有数词two修饰时用复数形式,其复数形式为Germans。故此处把Germen改为Germans。 2.C books a couple of“几个”,修饰名词时,名词用复数形式,因此把book改为books。 3.B spend Let sb do sth让某人做某事,故此处用动词原形作宾语补足语,应把spending改为spend。 4.D playing see sb doing sth看见某人正在做某事,因此把to play改为playing。 5.C going How about doing sth?做某事怎么样?故此处把go 改为going。

I have ___________ him since I was a child.



I saw her ____________ a storybook in the room at 7:00 last night.

A. read    B. to read    C. reads    D. reading



“How can I get there?” “You can ___________.”

A. take a ride boat    B. take a ride on the boat

C. take a boat on the ride    D. get a boat ride



---How long have they ____________ Shanghai?

---About a week.

A. been to    B. gone to    C. left    D. been in



I’ve never __________ him.Who is he?

A. heard    B. heard of     C. heard from    D. hear of



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