满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Jane:Hey, Jill. Who’s this big boy in th...

Jane:Hey, Jill. Who’s this big boy in the photo?

Jill:He’s my uncle Leo.

Jane:What’s that in his hand (手)?

Jill:It’s a soccer.

Jane:Does he like soccer?

Jill:Yes, he does. And he plays soccer well.

Jane:Is he a soccer player?

Jill:No, he isn’t. He is a sports host (主持人). And he works in a TV station.

Jane:What time is his TV show?

Jill:From ten to eleven in the evening.

Jane:Oh, it’s too late. I can’t see his show. I usually go to bed at half past nine.

1.Leo is Jill’s _______.

A. friend    B. brother    C. cousin    D. uncle

2.Leo can play ______ well.

A. tennis    B. soccer    C. basketball    D. ping-pong

3.Leo works in a _______.

A. sports club    B. middle school    C. TV station    D. clothes store

4.Jane usually goes to bed at _____ p.m.

A. 8:30    B. 9:00    C. 9:30    D. 10:00

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Leo works in the evening.    B. Leo doesn’t like his work.

C. Leo is always late for work.    D. Leo’s work finishes at twelve o’clock.


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 【解析】 1.细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“Jill: He’s my uncle.”可知, Leo是Jill的叔叔,答案为D。 2.细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“Jill: Yes, he does. And he plays soccer well.”可知,Leo足球踢得很好,答案为B。 3.细节理解题。根据短文中的句子“He is a sports host (主持人). And he works in a TV station.”可知,Leo在电视台工作,答案为C。 4.细节理解题。根据对话的最后一句“I usually go to bed at half past nine.”可知,Jane通常在晚上九点半睡觉,答案为C。 5.细节判断题。根据对话的倒数第二句“From ten to eleven in the evening.”可知,Leo在晚上工作,故答案A正确。

Betty is an English girl. She studies in a middle school. On weekdays(非休息日) she gets up at 6:30. She has breakfast at seven. Then she goes to school on her bike(自行车). The school is near her home. She gets to school at around seven-thirty.

Classes start at eight o’clock. She has four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. Her favorite subject is history. She has lunch at 12:00 at school. Classes end(结束) at three-thirty. After school she usually goes to the history club and then goes home. She gets home at 5:00.

1.How does Betty go to school?

A. She takes a bus.

B. She goes on her bike.

C. She runs to school.

2.What time does she get to school?

A. At around eight.

B. At around seven-thirty.

C. At around eight-thirty.

3.How many classes does she have every day?

A. Four.    B. Two.    C. Six.

4.Where does she have lunch?

A. At school.

B. In a restaurant(饭店).

C. At home.

5.What does she do after school?

A. She plays sports.

B. She does homework.

C. She goes to the history club.



My name is Jim and I live in Canada. My mother is from Korea and my father is from France, so we speak three languages(语言) at home. I think languages are very interesting and I want to learn Portuguese and Chinese. But my favorite subject isn’t language. It’s math. I really like history, too.

I like sports, especially(尤其) soccer and basketball, because they’re relaxing. But I don’t have much time to play. I go to the music club after school on Mondays. I have guitar lessons on Wednesdays, and I go to the library(图书馆) on Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays are great, because I can play sports, play computer games and watch TV.

1.Jim and his parents live in ______.

A. Korea    B. France    C. Canada

2.Jim can speak ______ very well at home.

A. French    B. Chinese    C. Portuguese

3.Jim’s favorite subject is ______.

A. language    B. math    C. history

4.Jim can play soccer on _______.

A. Saturdays and Sundays

B. Tuesdays and Sundays

C. Thursdays and Saturdays

5.Jim thinks sports are ______.

A. interesting    B. great    C. relaxing



Dear students

This Sunday we want to help the old people at Sun Old People’s Home. If you’re freeplease join us.

Students Wanted for Sun Old People’s Home

Place: Sun Old People’s Home

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on Sunday

The number of students in every group: Twelve

Work to do:

Group 1: Clean their rooms and wash () their clothes.

Group 2: Play Chinese chess with the old people.

Group 3: Sing and dance to make the old people happy.

Group 4: Tell them stories and take a walk with them.


1.The students need to work for ___hours at Sun Old People’s Home on Sunday.

A. two    B. three    C. four    D. five

2.They need _____ students to work at Sun Old People’s Home in all (总共).

A. 12    B. 24    C. 36    D. 48

3.If you play Chinese chess wellyou can join ________.

A. Group 1    B. Group 2    C. Group 3    D. Group 4

4.What do the students in Group 1 need to do?

A. To clean the rooms for the old people.

B. To play Chinese chess with the old people.

C. To take a walk with the old people.

D. To sing and dance for the old people.

5.What don’t the students need to do for the old people?

A. Wash clothes for them.

B. Make dinner for them.

C. Tell them stories.

D. Take a walk with them.




Look! Here is a photo of my _________. The tall man is my father. He_____in a radio station. He likes his job. Every morning he gets up earlybecause he doesn’t want to be____for work. The radio station is far from our_____so my father always drives to work. It usually_____him about forty minutes. The woman____white is my mother. She is a teacher. She_____music in my school. She usually goes to school_________. She likes walking and she says it’s good_____Can you see the girl in black? It’s_____My name is Lisa. I walk to school with my mother every day.

1.A. room    B. school    C. friends    D. family

2.A. works    B. lives    C. plays    D. thinks

3.A. easy    B. late    C. busy    D. fat

4.A. school    B. club    C. home    D. store

5.A. gets    B. takes    C. makes    D. wants

6.A. at    B. on    C. in    D. of

7.A. teaches    B. has    C. sells    D. shows

8.A. by bike    B. by bus    C. by car    D. on foot

9.A. number    B. dream    C. exercise    D. subject

10.A. her    B. you    C. his    D. me










Dear Linda,

How are you? You want to know about my school day. Now let me tell you something about it.____________________________________________________________________________



This is my day. It’s interesting. How about yours? Please write to me soon.





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