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Medical experts say most Americans do no...

Medical experts say most Americans do not get enough sleep. They say more Americans need to take a nap—that is to rest for a short period in the middle of the day. They give people advice to sleep lightly before continuing with other activities. The experts say naps might improve health by reducing pressure.

Some European and Latin American companies have supported the idea of napping for many years. They ask people to leave work, go home and have a nap before returning. In the United States, some companies let workers rest simply in their offices. They believe this can help workers make fewer mistakes and also increase the amount of work that a person can do.

Sleep experts say it is likely that people make more mistakes at work than at other times. They say people should not carry out important tasks when they feel sleepy. And they say the best thing to do is to take a nap. About twenty minutes of rest is all you need. Experts say this provides extra energy and can increase your effects until the end of the day. But experts said that a nap should last no more than twenty to thirty minutes. A longer nap will put the body into deep sleep and waking up will be difficult.

1.What’s the best way to increase workers’ effects?

A. Talking with friends.

B. Doing relaxing exercises.

C. Laughing, smiling and crying.

D. Having a rest for twenty or thirty minutes.

2.What will happen to the workers if they keep out working without any rest?

A. They will get a lot of money.

B. They will fail in their jobs and even cause a lot of trouble.

C. They will live a happy life in the future.

D. They will feel better after finishing every day jobs.

3.The meaning of the underlined word “reducing” in the first paragraph is        .

A. 加大    B. 缓解    C. 产生    D. 制造

4.The passage mainly talks about         .

A. taking a nap during a day

B. the disadvantages of taking a nap

C. Americans who don’t have a nap during the weekends

D. the advantages of deep sleep


1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 【解析】文章大意:本文叙述了午睡的重要性,研究发现每天午睡几分钟减少心脏病的死亡几率。专家们对工作人员进行调查发现午睡能改善人们的健康,在欧洲和拉丁美洲一些行业很多年来支持午睡的想法,睡眠专家认为午睡会减少错误和事故。 1.推理判断题 根据And they say the best thing to do is to take a nap.About twenty minutes of rest is all you need.Experts say this provides extra energy and can increase your effects until the end of the day可知每天午休二十到三十分钟是提高工作效率的最好的办法,故选D。 2. 推理判断题 。根据文中句子“Sleep experts say it is likely that people make more mistakes at work than at other times. They say people should not carry out important tasks when they feel sleepy.”可推断工人们不休息持续工作的话,他们在工作中容易失败甚至造成很多麻烦,故答案选B。 3.词义猜测题。根据The experts say naps might improve health by reducing pressure.专家说午睡可以通过…压力来改善健康状况,根据压力和健康的关系,可知缓解压力能改善健康状况,故答案选B。 4.主旨大意题 。本文叙述了午睡的重要性。专家说午睡能通过缓解压力从而改善健康状况,睡眠专家认为午睡会减少错误和事故,提高工作效率等,建议大家每天要进行午睡,故选A。

Chicago is a famous city in the US. If you have a chance to go to the US, it is a good idea to pay a visit to Chicago.

Chicago is the third largest city in the US. It is home to people who have migrated from all over the world. People move to Chicago from different places to live with their families or friends who arrived here first. They come by train, plane and ship to live in this great city.

The center of Chicago is called The Loop. You can see many tall buildings here, even some of the tallest in the world. As you travel away from The Loop, you will find there are communities of different foreign cultures. But you can’t travel east of The Loop because of Lake Michigan.

When you travel south of The Loop, you will find areas like Chinatown. There, people from China celebrate many of the same festivals as people in their hometowns do, for example, the Chinese New Year. They also celebrate the holidays of the US.

Chicago is also called the Windy City, so don’t forget to take more clothes with you.

1.The underlined word “migrated” means “        ” in Chinese.

A. 生长    B. 移居    C. 逃离    D. 改变

2.Chinatown is in the        of The Loop.

A. south    B. north    C. east    D. west

3.After reading the passage, we can know          .

A. Chicago is the second largest city in the US

B. people can’t take ships to Chicago

C. in Chicago we can see all the tallest buildings of the world

D. some people in Chicago celebrate the Chinese New Year

4.If we can read the passage in the magazine, the name of the magazine may be “        ”.

A. Famous Cities    B. Public Holiday

C. Beautiful Counties    D. Holidays and Celebrations



Can a soft-looking girl be tough(坚韧的) inside? Taiwan’s pop singer Evonne Xu is like this. If she thinks something is right, she goes out of her way to do it.

“If anyone around me gets treated unfairly,” she said, “I can’t pretend not to see. I feel it’s my duty to speak out and protect their rights.” Her friends sometimes advise her not to invite trouble, but she isn’t afraid.

She was born in a hospital in Texas, America, where she was the only Asia baby. A lot of people came to look at her. She was so pretty that she was called “Snow White”.

Xu grew up with Western kids, doing the same things together. But she said her Chinese parents were much stricter than American parents. Even so, Xu did not want to lie to her parents like many kids did. “I could have told them I was going to the library to study, when in fact I was going to a party,” she said, “But it would have made me feel very bad. I would rather argue with them for my rights.”

“And it did work,” she said, “It helped them know me better and trust me, and now we get on very well.”

1.The underlined phrases in the first paragraph means         .

A. to get off    B. To get in the way

C. to go away    D. to try one’s best

2.What does Xu think of Chinese parents and American parents?

A. Chinese parents are better than American parents.

B. Chinese parents are not as good as American parents.

C. American parents are not as strict with their kids as Chinese parents.

D. American parents are more worried about their kids than Chinese parents.

3.What can we know about Evonne Xu according to the passage?

A. She is always ready to say and do what she thinks right.

B. Her parents are both Americans.

C. She often argues with her parents, so they don’t get on well.

D. She prefers dancing to singing.



Sometimes, children want to grow up quickly. That’s because adults have ______ school rules to follow at all and they are allowed to do many things such as driving cars and moving out. But there’s one place in Japan where children want to stay _______ forever.

Adults are not allowed to visit Japan’s Future Sweets Factory. Only students in Grade Six and those who are younger are allowed. They are asked to visit it ______, leaving their parents in the waiting hall.

Future Sweets Factory is in Hyogo Prefecture, ______. After kids pass through the gate, they will be in a waiting hall. There they must say _______ to their parents. Then they _______ a special kid-sized door to the magical place. In it, kids can taste sweets and learn how they are cooked.

After kids get out, they are encouraged to _______ their exciting adventures(奇遇) to their parents. In fact, this communication between parents and children was Cook Susumu Koyama’s motivation(动机) for starting the factory. “Nowadays, parents are busy _______ they don’t spend much time listening to what their children are saying.” He said. “I hope parents will be more _______ about communicating with their kids.”

Future Sweets Factory is a wonderful idea. It teaches kids to express _______ bravely and offers children an exciting experience.

1.A. any    B. many    C. some    D. no

2.A. old    B. young    C. tall    D. beautiful

3.A. alone    B. still    C. anyway    D. aloud

4.A. France    B. America    C. Japan    D. Britain

5.A. hello    B. sorry    C. yes    D. goodbye

6.A. lay out    B. give up    C. go through    D. give away

7.A. sell    B. describe    C. lend    D. give

8.A. until    B. if    C. so    D. because

9.A. serious    B. worried    C. nervous    D. angry

10.A. himself    B. ourselves    C. herself    D. themselves









Hi, Steven!

In your last e-mail, you asked me about my summer vacation plans. Now let me tell you.



What about your plans? I’m looking forward to your e-mail soon!


Li Hua




1.young man / a / brave/ what


2.fish/ their eyes /with/ open/ sleep


3.me/ you/ let/ please/ go with


4.your computer/ with/ is/ there/ anything wrong


5.the hole/ was/ go through/ small / too/ to




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